In Deep Need of Prayer for my Friend...


New Member
Hello Ladies,

My roommate lost her second son today. She is a friend of my mother's who moved in about 5 years ago and when my mom moved out of state a couple of years ago she stayed there with her son, Justin.

On June 15, 2008, her son Darnell,19 at the time, was killed while taking his cousins home at around midnight. He was a very good kid. No gang activity whatsoever. Just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I had to be super strong and help her that night along with other people. But I made it my responsibility to be right there for everything. THANK GOD my mom flew in from Atlanta to San Diego to help. I was just so emotionally wrecked I couldn't believe it. But, we got through it and she was starting to get her life back on track.

Well... at my mother calls me frantic saying "I think Justin is dead!" My whole body went into a panic. I could not believe it. At the time I didn't know how he passed. She told me that She had called my mother screaming "he's gone, he's gone". And she wanted me to call her. Well... I couldn't at first. I kept saying to my sister I can't do this again... I don't even know what to say. But, she told me to call her. So when I called her she was a wreck I could just tell and my inner strength (God) kicked in and I was just like Where are you? I'm coming... But then I kept crying when I was speaking to everyone else. But, then my best friend (who really surprised me because she is usually so unemotional) called and was like do you want me to come with you?? And I was like yeah. So I drove up there with her sister and her and they were cracking me up so I felt so much better. Better equipped to handle the situation.

Turns out he passed away in his sleep. He was 18. He came home from a party saying he was tipsy and when he fell asleep he passed. They think someone might have slipped him something because his friends said he wasn't drunk and that he didn't do any drugs.

So anyways... She is doing surprisingly OK compared to the first time. I think because the circumstances were so different. But, I just know that she is so mad and probably at God. She was upset the first time and she was just starting to be able to even go to church without crying and this happens. She has always kind of had struggles. First child at 18, second at 19 and then third at 23. Also, she has basically taken care of them herself. And then also having emotional struggles. SO I just really don't know what to say to her.

So I just ask that you please pray for her and really pray that she will be able to get some type of comfort and be able to love and trust God one day. And one day soon. Also that she will not try to harm herself in anyway. She is not feeble minded or anything but she, of course, is in a different state of mind.
I will keep you and your friend in my deepest is precious for those who are living it..God won't give either of you more than you can bare so please know God must be making you bullet proof for a reason.Lord I ask nothing for me but to keep both of their minds while going through these tiredsome times..I know the devil loves a mind that is frantic so please just continue to be their strength in this weary land..Lord I ask for peace and serenity and justice..God I thank you that you allowed both your angels to grace this world for this time and you wanted them back with you..Jesus name Amen..
I am praying for you and your friend. I pray that you and your friend put your trust in the Lord and that you leave all your burdens with Him.
Praying Lord that you touch her heart and begin supernatural inner healing, comfort, and strength. She is in my prayers.
Praying that God provides the comfort and divine peace that your Friend needs now to pass through this storm, for I believe he will not give us more than we can bear. In Jesus' name. :Rose:
I just want to give an update:

All your prayers have definintely been felt. Even though of course she is still grief stricken, she is soooooo much more different than last time. Much stronger. I think because, unfortunately, everyone including her knows what to expect and also I know God is strongly involved. Her best friend that she hasn't spoken to in years as called her. I mean, if that is not God I don't know what is... and just everyone is running to her aid. God is so present. I ask that you please continue to pray for her. But I just wanted to thank you so much. :-)
God's hand in this situation. Through you and your friends who helped you help her and through the prayers you're receiving here. Keeping your friend and you in my prayers.