In Case of Emergency Hair Case


Well-Known Member
What would you put in a hair emergency case?

I'm hiding my hair until the spring and I'm natural. I don't plan on wearing my hair natural b/c the TWA really doesn't look right on me. I plan on wearing my hair straight most of the time and was thinking about what I will need to have handy in case of an emergency like the humidity level rises, I get pushed into a pool, sudden downpour, etc. I have 4a w/ a little 4d. Its defined well when wet, but really frizzy when dry.

What should I put in my ICE hair case? I think I want to call it my Just in Case. I want to keep one in every purse. (Is this anal?) I'm serious though. It'll be a little make-up bag for my emergency hair care products.

I haven't worn my hair out in a little over a year, so I don't know what will work for me yet in terms of taming the frizzies. Here's what I'm thinking though:

A small bottle of IC Fantasia Gel
A cute scarf
A little brush

What do y'all think?
i think thats good. also if you have sample sized bottles of conditioner, oils or the timy 2oz spray bottles thats nice too because you could touch up in a bathroom.
i don't think that is anal. i do stuff like that sometimes. my hair is in twists right now, and i plan on wearing my hair like this until the spring/summer, so i won't really need much in my purse/bag to carry around with just in case of an emergency.
I'd carry what you have on your list, plus a small travel size amount of coconut oil. A little shine and moisture retention can usually help a hairstyle going bad. :)