Important relaxing question!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have straightened my hair about two months ago with Schwartzkopf Glatt-0 relaxer and it did straightened my hair but it left it very dry and frizzy. I have heard about a relaxer called Photospecific Index 2, I wanted to know if is it that good like all the reviews say? and can I use it on my hair (not regrowth!)event though I relaxed it in the past?

Thank you
I see that you have posted twice concerning these two relaxers. You may want to PM Supergirl, Allandra, Tracy, Lindy or some of the moderators (other than Allandra). They seem to be the relaxer gurus around here and may have some info on them for you.

Also, regardless of which relaxer you choose, be sure that you do a good deep condition after your neutralizing shampoo...or rather, after following the relaxer instructions.