iMegaSale...too good to be true?


Active Member
iMegaSale...BSS - the rip off!!

Hi lovely people! Happy New Year!

I did a search before starting this thread so I appologize if this has already been brought up. :blush:

It's a new year and I need to stock up on items, buying in large quantities all at once curbs my potential PJism. I was looking for a cheap 5lb tub of LeKair when I ran across iMegaSale. Has anyone shopped there before? They sell in packs of 3 and the price per item is significantly cheaper than Sally discount prices at times.

Your minimum order needs to equal $200 (maybe some of you buy your products once every few months *shrug*). $20 handling charges apply if you buy less than $200 worth. I considered buying with my mum and aunt so that we could hit that minimum and get a great deal on our items :grin: plus they take Paypal :drunk:

Anyone bought from them before? They have all your BSS goods...minus the rip off. :nono: I'm yet to encounter a reasonable BSS, online or otherwise.


TIA! And hope your 2010 is filled with phenomenal growth (inward and outward).
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Me too, i'd love to make this my go to shopping place once every 4-6 months :grin:...imagine...i could get a hooded dryer, cholesterol, shampoo, conditioner, some wig caps, hair wraps, clips, brushes, terry turban...basically all the things i want to get but use the overpricing of items as an excuse not to buy :lachen:
I'm semi impressed with this site. Nexxus products are at a good price, but if its $20 shipping for under $200, I'd loose the $1.50 savings per bottle.

Thanks for the heads up, this will be great for someone who has a consistent regimen.