im xstatic because...


Active Member
i washed and combed my hair sunday and it was a breezzzze to detangle!
(HERE THIS I HADENT COMBED IT SINCE LAST TUESDAY ID ONLY BEEN CO-WASHING DALIY!!!) its so wierd I imagened that my hair would be tuff like a rock to detangle because it has been soo long but it felt soft and the comb just glided! im really happy at the mo (as im sure you can tell lol:grin: :grin: ) oh and every day it seems my curls are popin even more.

i would love to show pics but im on the 'grow hair like weed' challange so i dont think im allowed but when christmas time comes you can all see. im gunna continue daily washes and combing every 5 days.:lol: yay iv found my routine!
Congratulations! :D

I have discovered that by daily CW, I don't need to detangle as often either. I usually try to detangle once a week, but I'm now at week 4, no detangle. :eek: I did feel a knot at the end of one strand, so I guess I'll detangle tomorrow.
aww cool wev got like minded heads of hair hehe.
i luvin mornin washes it really gets you ready for the day all freash and clean!
yep- and today i felt my hair and the curls were even more defined but not hard or dry! iv been using a cheap superdrug conditioner and my own gel mix.