I'm trying to forgive...


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who did something horrible to me. For the past year or so, I've been trying to forgive this friend and nothing seems to be working. I pray and cry and then I think I have forgiven the friend and later on when I think of that person I get soooo upset about it, and at that point I know I never forgave my "friend" in the first place. Its gotten so bad that I have had numerous dreams about this person, and I really don't know what to do. I know this unforgiveness harboring is not helping me, and while I'm stuck with this unforgiveness the "friend" is going on about with life.

I thought about making contact, but the person has such a bad, conniving and malicious spirit that I'm sure that it would start something bad.

I just don't know what to do and I feel like the dreams are coming from guilt of not forgiving the person...But I've tried....and I thought I had forgiven when I didn't. I know you just don't wake up in the morning knowing that you have forgiven someone, but man, when will it happen? When will I finally let go of this thing so I can go on with my life? Its only hurting me, and not the other person and I hate it!:wallbash:
Yes girl, forgiveness is hard! I just recently, like within the last week decided to forgive someone for wronging me, hurting me, and just totally betraying my trust. It was very hard and I know most women would probably never forgive in my circumstance but this person expressed to me how they hurt me and asked for forgiveness.

Does your friend know how deeply hurt you are by his/her actions? Did they acknowledge that they hurt you? Did they ask for forgiveness? If so you should forgive them, it'll only allow you to heal faster instead of having it weighing down on your heart. Also Matthew 18:21-22 says
(v.21)"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?'
(v.22) Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seveny-seven times".
You can also continue reading from there because Jesus tells a parable.
Your friend shows no remorse Mathew 6:14-15 says
(v.14)"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
(v.15) But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins".
And Lord knows we ALL need forgiveness!

Girl, I had to read these day and night and now when I think about how I was betrayed I no longer feel like killing :grin: so try it!

TriniT gave the scriptures. (Yay! :yep: ) here's my 2c:

I've done various things over the years. Generally speaking, I've been able to forgive without prayer, scripture, etc. even before I knew the exact passages in the bible.

What came naturally for me is not so for others, nor was it always there for me when I needed to forgive.

I think the worst I've ever been in "trying" to forgive I had to let my anger run its course. We are taught not to sin in our anger. So, give yourself time to be angry and to grieve your loss. That is one of the things that has happened. You've lost a friend and a relationship that meant a lot to you.

  • Get a pillow and beat your bed or another pillow with it.
  • Scream as loud as you can in a pile of pillows.
  • Exercise vigorously and with each rep or each step let a little anger out on the exhale and on the inhale let love and forgiveness in.
  • Pretend that your friend is in the same room with you and say/yell everything that you want to say at him/her then when you are done let it go.
  • Write a letter with everything you want to say, read it then burn it. As it burns let your anger and unforgiveness burn with it and dissipate with the smoke. Pretend that the smoke is carrying your cares to the Lord. [Actually, if you think about it, when the priests did the offering, there were burnt offerings and incense was burned and the bible talks about sweet smells coming to the Lord. I'll see if I can find the scripture references for you.]
Sometimes when we have to forgive, we don't want to because it sometimes feels like there is power in holding on to unforgiveness. You must give yourself permission to let go and permission to forgive. Ask God to expose and reveal what it is that is holding you back.

It may simply be that you are still angry and not that you haven't forgiven but only God can reveal that to you or help you see if that is the case.

I've done some of the things that I listed and they did help when I was really hurt or angry or had a hard time forgiving. They may not work for you. But you must allow yourself to go through the anger, resentment, hurt and loss. Those are valid, non-sinful feelings and emotions. Jesus got angry, he was betrayed (=hurt) He also showed us how to deal with that.

Believe me, you will be fine in your own time. There is so much freedom out there for you in forgiving your friend through Christ. Even if your friend never acknowledges what s/he did or asks for forgiveness, remember that forgiveness is as much for you as them if not more so.

Hope I've helped even a little.

It took years for me to finally forgive a former friend and I still don't like her:grin:. Forgiveness and liking are to completely different things. You have to stop worrying about forgiving the friend and pray to God to teach you what He wants you to learn from this situation.You sincerely want to forgive him and it will come in time. You're obviously not healed from that relationship and you have to be patient and let Jesus do it.
I think you're expecting to have loving, ooey, gooey feelings for you friend to be a sign that you've forgiven him. That may not happen ever. Some people are just not likeable. God never told us to like everyone but He told us to love everyone. To love is not an emotion. To love is to treat someone as you would want Jesus to treat you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you actually means treat others who do wrong as you would want Jesus treat you when you sin against Him.
I know it sounds weird but you can't take what your friend did personally. It has nothing to do with you, something is wrong on the inside of him, with his heart. You just happen to be unfortunate enough to be the one standing in his path at the time he decided to be destructive. If it wasn't you it would have been someone else eventually, honestly. Imagine if you were like that. Can you imagine how messed up in the head he had to be to have done what he did? Would you want to have to live with that kind of mind? Imagine how hard it must be to be him. It's sad and frightening isn't it. Can you have compassion on him and forgive him, not restore him but forgive him? Can you release him in your heart from what he did and no longer hold it against him. Jesus prayed for us on the cross, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Your friend really has know idea of what he's done to himself or to you by doing what he did. He'll never be able to understand the full extent of it until he stands before the Lord.
I know this unforgiveness harboring is not helping me, and while I'm stuck with this unforgiveness the "friend" is going on about with life.

I so identify with you.. Please be gentle with yourself..your heart is pure and God knows the struggle and why and what was done and divine justice will be served

Forgiveness ..I believe somehow we think that word means everything is magically healed with the decision to forgive.However, the very nature and the paradox of this act would contradict...forgiveness after all is forgiving the absolute UNFORGIVABLE otherwise it would be easy..you stepped on my toe..okay I forgive you

Be easy on yourself...start dear friend.... by forgiving yourself..sounds like you are also angry at yourself...own your anger at the person and you pray to God to help. Forgive where you are at..as much as you can and let it go...
Dear God I can only do/forgive this much today I am still hurt this much today ..you take the rest ..this is what Jesus is urges us to do.As humans we do not have the spirit power to always grant absolution to one who hurt us but Jesus does ..Give this to Him and you begin doing active loving things for YOU! When the memory comes give it to God...

Sometimes I had to forgive myself for NOT hating the person's behavior or the act when it was appropriate..
Forgivenss I think has stages......there is the acknowldegment of the need to do it

of the why to do it
of the try to do it
of being able to forgive the person while not condoning the behavior
of needing to repeat the process with same person
Turning it all over to God

I thought about making contact, but the person has such a bad, conniving and malicious spirit that I'm sure that it would start something bad.
Forgivenss does NOT mean re-involving with abuse.Give your self permisssion to let go of this idea
It took years for me to finally forgive a former friend and I still don't like her:grin:. Forgiveness and liking are to completely different things. You have to stop worrying about forgiving the friend and pray to God to teach you what He wants you to learn from this situation.You sincerely want to forgive him and it will come in time. You're obviously not healed from that relationship and you have to be patient and let Jesus do it.
I think you're expecting to have loving, ooey, gooey feelings for you friend to be a sign that you've forgiven him. That may not happen ever. Some people are just not likeable. God never told us to like everyone but He told us to love everyone. To love is not an emotion. To love is to treat someone as you would want Jesus to treat you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you actually means treat others who do wrong as you would want Jesus treat you when you sin against Him.
I know it sounds weird but you can't take what your friend did personally. It has nothing to do with you, something is wrong on the inside of him, with his heart. You just happen to be unfortunate enough to be the one standing in his path at the time he decided to be destructive. If it wasn't you it would have been someone else eventually, honestly. Imagine if you were like that. Can you imagine how messed up in the head he had to be to have done what he did? Would you want to have to live with that kind of mind? Imagine how hard it must be to be him. It's sad and frightening isn't it. Can you have compassion on him and forgive him, not restore him but forgive him? Can you release him in your heart from what he did and no longer hold it against him. Jesus prayed for us on the cross, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Your friend really has know idea of what he's done to himself or to you by doing what he did. He'll never be able to understand the full extent of it until he stands before the Lord.

Very good post, MsHoney!
I so identify with you.. Please be gentle with yourself..your heart is pure and God knows the struggle and why and what was done and divine justice will be served

Forgiveness ..I believe somehow we think that word means everything is magically healed with the decision to forgive.However, the very nature and the paradox of this act would contradict...forgiveness after all is forgiving the absolute UNFORGIVABLE otherwise it would be easy..you stepped on my toe..okay I forgive you

Be easy on yourself...start dear friend.... by forgiving yourself..sounds like you are also angry at yourself...own your anger at the person and you pray to God to help. Forgive where you are at..as much as you can and let it go...
Dear God I can only do/forgive this much today I am still hurt this much today ..you take the rest ..this is what Jesus is urges us to do.As humans we do not have the spirit power to always grant absolution to one who hurt us but Jesus does ..Give this to Him and you begin doing active loving things for YOU! When the memory comes give it to God...

Sometimes I had to forgive myself for NOT hating the person's behavior or the act when it was appropriate..
Forgivenss I think has stages......there is the acknowldegment of the need to do it

of the why to do it
of the try to do it
of being able to forgive the person while not condoning the behavior
of needing to repeat the process with same person
Turning it all over to God

Forgivenss does NOT mean re-involving with abuse.Give your self permisssion to let go of this idea

You are a blessing...wow, this is a great post!
Edited quote
You sincerely want to forgive him and it will come in time. You're obviously not healed from that relationship and you have to be patient and let Jesus do it.
I think you're expecting to have loving, ooey, gooey feelings for you friend to be a sign that you've forgiven him. That may not happen ever. ...God never told us to like everyone but He told us to love everyone. To love is not an emotion.
... you can't take what your friend did personally. It has nothing to do with you, something is wrong on the inside of him, with his heart. ...Can you imagine how messed up in the head he had to be to have done what he did? Would you want to have to live with that kind of mind? ...Can you have compassion on him and forgive him, not restore him but forgive him? Can you release him in your heart from what he did and no longer hold it against him. Jesus prayed for us on the cross, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Your friend really has know idea of what he has done to himself or to you... He'll never be able to understand the full extent of it until he stands before the Lord.

MsHoney, I love the things that you said. My pastor's wife taught on forgiveness and she made it very clear that you must love others and forgive but you do not have to become friends again or like the person. One is not obligated to restore the previous relationship.
Thanks, these are some really great posts! I think I know the reason why I'm holding on to this unforgiving spirit. Its because it gives me something, someone to blame for the bad series of events that have occured to me after I was betrayed. I know that it is going to be a long journey, and I know that the person will NEVER say they are sorry, they are glad that they did what they did and have no remorse (I just know). I don't know how much of an effect the person thinks they had, but I'm sure they are going on about their life, not giving it a second thought. Its just going to be hard, but thanks for the advice. Yall came out the woodworks...I've never seem most of you posters before!:grin:
You just shared one of the BIGGEST lessons in forgiveness it's rarely for the OTHER person..

that's in the movies when they come begging on their knees soaked in tears beseeching our forgiveness

no it's to have divine serenity accepting life on life's/God terms w/peacefullness within so that we are not tossed about like children to and fro....but have openess to love and fully receive God's abundant blessings. Refusing to even look at forgivenesss can block that.

Yes, It's usually FOR (and more beneficial) the one who DECIDED to forgive more than one that has done the act that has caused the issue of forgiveness in the first place.

You are quite right... in most cases they are going on their merry way.
while those trying to forgive have the stomchaches until one does as you doing ..being courageous to look at one's own part in the whole and take responsibilty and release.Thanks for posting....

I clearly have my own issues with this :drunk:
(This is a little long. Come back when you have some extra time to spare.)

We all weather the storms differently. For me, a cyclone blew in and I went through a VERY difficult time. Everything caved in at once. Over the course of about 5 years, it seemed like everyone I was involved with betrayed me. There were three women who REALLY were wrong. Two were supposed to be eh- friends. And the other was a co-worker. Long story short- I was in church one day and the pastor gave a message about forgiving and people went to the front of the church and were prayed for. I didn't go forth but I knew it was time to forgive.

It didn't happen like magic that's for sure. I thought about all of the people who betrayed me. I thought about each one. And I forgave each one of them. That didn't mean that I forgot what they did to me or didn't learn the lesson. But in order for my walk to be strengthen with the LORD, I had to forgive. Those people went on with their lives. It was time for me to carry on with mine.

Kayte said that forgiving is a process. That is so true. There were two who betrayed me and to be completely honest, I would tell GOD that it wasn't right what they did to me and they should be punished. But see I really had not forgiven those two women. But in time it did happen and I honestly hope that things are going well in their lives.

As a matter of fact, one of these eh-"ex-friends" contacted me a couple of months ago and sent me her business card and everything. I thought about it. After much thought, I decided that people come in your life for a reason, a season, or forever. Her season had passed but I do hope that she is doing well. When we were friends, she didn't work but now she has a promising career in real estate. I am happy for her. But I don't want her in my life again--ever.

I found a message about forgiving that might be helpful:

The Poison of Unforgiveness
by Robert Ricciardelli

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Bitterness, wrath, and anger are the fruits of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is like a poison that begins on the inside and like cancer, spreads and consumes an individual’s life. They are only one step away from healing, but for some that is one step that is difficult to take. I have a friend who is going through tremendous difficulty in his marriage. His wife wants out of the marriage. She is one of the most amazing and gifted woman you would ever want to meet and they have 3 beautiful children. But she has an illness and the illness is killing her, killing her marriage and withholding the beauty that she has deep inside. The illness is called unforgiveness and yet it is curable by the choice of forgiveness.

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hope that the offender will get sick from it. The reality is it is making you sick and begins a slow death to those who will not release it. When explaining to my friends wife about the need for her to forgive, her response was, “I cannot and do not know how, and therefore incapable of doing so.” “I keep score and the total score has reached my limit, and so I am moving on.” It is a sad thing to keep score and not forgive others that may have willingly, or in many cases, unwillingly hurt or offended you. The Word is very clear about forgiveness, or the lack of forgiveness….

Matthew 6:14-15
14 "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

John 20:22-23

22 Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said. 23 "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good. If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?"

Colossians 3:12-14

12 Since God chose you to be the people whom he loves; you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Hardened hearts grow cold

When unforgiveness has had time to take root, it begins to grow into bitterness and hatred, to the point that even love that had once warmed the heart, has become cold and distant. Words that were once tender and loving now have become filled with negativity & curses. This poison can affect believers and non believers alike. We need to realize that our own insensitivity or choice to not forgive can keep the healing work of the Holy Spirit from impacting our lives. We need to realize that the license we've given ourselves to judge others can weaken us all.

The Cure

There is only one cure for unforgiveness and the cure is to forgive. For those who are Christians it is commanded of us, for those that are not followers of Jesus Christ, it is highly recommended. Many ask the question, “What if I do not feel like it?” The Word does not ask us to feel like it, the Word asks us to make a choice to do it. Many times you will not feel like forgiveness can happen until you make the choice in obedience to forgive.

Many unknowingly hold on to their pain from the past. They have chosen to forget rather than to forgive, and there is a difference. Forgetting does not take the poison away, forgiving does. You can forgive and not forget, and that is okay, as long as forgiveness remains. We are a people called and led of the Holy Spirit to remove any obstacles in the way of obedience and intimacy with the Lord. Unforgiveness is a huge obstacle that keeps us from obedience and intimacy with the Lord.

The strength is within us

The power of the Holy Spirit within every sensitive and seeking heart in Christ will reveal the need, and empower us to forgive.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

We must first of all repent for not responding to forgiveness of those who have hurt us. We must repent for harboring ill thoughts and actions that have taken root in our lives from unforgiveness. We must release the person and the pain to Jesus Christ, the Burden Bearer, who continuously desires to carry what we must not.

I urge you to regain the tender heart you once had. Remove the callousness within you by repentance & forgiveness, by a commitment to live the law of love, by a renewed devotion to the Word, and by fellowship with your Father.

Don't allow the condition of your heart to hold back the Spirit of God. Become sensitive again! Do the things necessary in obedience to His Word that release your heart for the Kingdom.
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forgiving is a hard thing to do for some people. thru out my life i didnt find it hard to forgive. i also didnt find it hard to move on either. some things and people you just HAVE to let go! release it! you can give it to God, move on and wish them well in their life.
Oh my God...when I ask for the heart to forgive, something just got revealed to me, someone did something sooo horrible to me and betrayed my trust, my GOD I don't know what I'm going to do, its one thing after another.:cry::cry::cry::cry:
(This is a little long. Come back when you have some extra time to spare.)

We all weather the storms differently. For me, a cyclone blew in and I went through a VERY difficult time. Everything caved in at once. Over the course of about 5 years, it seemed like everyone I was involved with betrayed me. There were three women who REALLY were wrong. Two were supposed to be eh- friends. And the other was a co-worker. Long story short- I was in church one day and the pastor gave a message about forgiving and people went to the front of the church and were prayed for. I didn't go forth but I knew it was time to forgive.

It didn't happen like magic that's for sure. I thought about all of the people who betrayed me. I thought about each one. And I forgave each one of them. That didn't mean that I forgot what they did to me or didn't learn the lesson. But in order for my walk to be strengthen with the LORD, I had to forgive. Those people went on with their lives. It was time for me to carry on with mine.

Kayte said that forgiving is a process. That is so true. There were two who betrayed me and to be completely honest, I would tell GOD that it wasn't right what they did to me and they should be punished. But see I really had not forgiven those two women. But in time it did happen and I honestly hope that things are going well in their lives.

As a matter of fact, one of these eh-"ex-friends" contacted me a couple of months ago and sent me her business card and everything. I thought about it. After much thought, I decided that people come in your life for a reason, a season, or forever. Her season had passed but I do hope that she is doing well. When we were friends, she didn't work but now she has a promising career in real estate. I am happy for her. But I don't want her in my life again--ever.

I found a message about forgiving that might be helpful:

The Poison of Unforgiveness
by Robert Ricciardelli

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Bitterness, wrath, and anger are the fruits of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is like a poison that begins on the inside and like cancer, spreads and consumes an individual’s life. They are only one step away from healing, but for some that is one step that is difficult to take. I have a friend who is going through tremendous difficulty in his marriage. His wife wants out of the marriage. She is one of the most amazing and gifted woman you would ever want to meet and they have 3 beautiful children. But she has an illness and the illness is killing her, killing her marriage and withholding the beauty that she has deep inside. The illness is called unforgiveness and yet it is curable by the choice of forgiveness.

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hope that the offender will get sick from it. The reality is it is making you sick and begins a slow death to those who will not release it. When explaining to my friends wife about the need for her to forgive, her response was, “I cannot and do not know how, and therefore incapable of doing so.” “I keep score and the total score has reached my limit, and so I am moving on.” It is a sad thing to keep score and not forgive others that may have willingly, or in many cases, unwillingly hurt or offended you. The Word is very clear about forgiveness, or the lack of forgiveness….

Matthew 6:14-15
14 "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

John 20:22-23

22 Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said. 23 "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good. If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?"

Colossians 3:12-14

12 Since God chose you to be the people whom he loves; you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Hardened hearts grow cold

When unforgiveness has had time to take root, it begins to grow into bitterness and hatred, to the point that even love that had once warmed the heart, has become cold and distant. Words that were once tender and loving now have become filled with negativity & curses. This poison can affect believers and non believers alike. We need to realize that our own insensitivity or choice to not forgive can keep the healing work of the Holy Spirit from impacting our lives. We need to realize that the license we've given ourselves to judge others can weaken us all.

The Cure

There is only one cure for unforgiveness and the cure is to forgive. For those who are Christians it is commanded of us, for those that are not followers of Jesus Christ, it is highly recommended. Many ask the question, “What if I do not feel like it?” The Word does not ask us to feel like it, the Word asks us to make a choice to do it. Many times you will not feel like forgiveness can happen until you make the choice in obedience to forgive.

Many unknowingly hold on to their pain from the past. They have chosen to forget rather than to forgive, and there is a difference. Forgetting does not take the poison away, forgiving does. You can forgive and not forget, and that is okay, as long as forgiveness remains. We are a people called and led of the Holy Spirit to remove any obstacles in the way of obedience and intimacy with the Lord. Unforgiveness is a huge obstacle that keeps us from obedience and intimacy with the Lord.

The strength is within us

The power of the Holy Spirit within every sensitive and seeking heart in Christ will reveal the need, and empower us to forgive.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

We must first of all repent for not responding to forgiveness of those who have hurt us. We must repent for harboring ill thoughts and actions that have taken root in our lives from unforgiveness. We must release the person and the pain to Jesus Christ, the Burden Bearer, who continuously desires to carry what we must not.

I urge you to regain the tender heart you once had. Remove the callousness within you by repentance & forgiveness, by a commitment to live the law of love, by a renewed devotion to the Word, and by fellowship with your Father.

Don't allow the condition of your heart to hold back the Spirit of God. Become sensitive again! Do the things necessary in obedience to His Word that release your heart for the Kingdom.

Wonderful and uplifting post!
Here's what I've learned about forgiving. A lot of time we think that if we forgive that person we are saying "it's okay that that person did us wrong". Nope that's not it. When you forgive someone you're releasing your anger towards that person and accepting what they did to you.

Here's my example: My stepdad molested me for years when I was a child. I had been harboring unforgiviness for YEARS which in turn led to depression.:nono: I've forgiven him...now knowing that I've accepted my past. Yep it was awful for him to do those terrible things to me but it happened.:ohwell:

Praying for you sweetie.:kiss:
Got this in my email today and it is fitting for the topic

Today we are fasting from the thought that forgiveness is not that big of a deal.

I know we don’t come out and say it, but in our minds, I believe many people allow unresolved conflict and bitter feelings to reman in them, without realizing how much it robs us of the life God wants us to enjoy.

Forgiveness is the gateway to so much of God’s blessing in our lives, just as unforgiveness is a gateway into so much negative in our lives.

An unforgiving heart is poison to your spirit, soul and body. Hebrews 12:15 says that a root of bitterness springs up and defiles many. It doesn’t just defile many other people, but it defiles MANY OTHER AREAS OF OUR LIFE.

The thought that forgiveness is optional or that we can get around to it when we get a chance has to be eliminated from our mindsets.

Let’s do so today!

[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']1. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']Faith works through forgiveness-- One of the most important verses about faith is in Mark 11:24 which says, “All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted.” But notice what it says next… [/FONT]
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']2. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']Mark 11:25 says, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him...” So you see, forgiveness is the gateway to answered prayer. [/FONT]
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']3. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']Deal with it today. Ephesians 4:29 says, “don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” There’s a reason that we need to forgive and be forgiven BEFORE the sun goes down. Our hearts are not designed to carry grudges longer than a day. This is why so many people are weighed down with stress, anger and depression. A relationship is unresolved. A heart is hardened. A bitter feeling is being carried into our tomorrow. [/FONT]
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']4. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']Accept the fact that you were forgiven BECAUSE of the blood of Jesus. Therefore, forgive others for the same reason—not because they deserved it. Forgiveness is a gift. [/FONT]
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']5. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']Forgiveness is the gateway to our inheritance. (Acts 26:17) As we realize we are forgiven, we experience His blessing and inheritance in our lives. As we forgive others, we empower them to experience it too. [/FONT]
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']6. [/FONT][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']YOU HAVE THE POWER TO FORGIVE. God gave us the Holy Spirit, so that we could forgive as He did. In John 20:22-23 it says, “He breathed on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit. Whoever sins you forgive are forgiven, and whoever sins you retain are retained.” This is as much a part of the great commission as preaching the gospel—it’s the very act of forgiving people. When you forgive, cancel, someone's sins, then you shine light of God’s grace upon their darkened heart, enabling them to see that God really IS good; that He loves them; that He wants to share His life with them.[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']

[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']
[FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif'][FONT='Century Gothic', 'sans-serif']My faith works because I refuse to hold anything against anyone. When I pray, I choose to forgive because forgiveness is the gateway to answered prayer.

I refuse to let the poison of unforgiveness defile me and others around me. I will not let a day go by where I hold bitter feelings in my heart toward anyone.

God loves me, and wants me to pour out my heart toward Him. I can confess it all to Him, and be cleansed from unforgiveness and resentment.

I accept the blood of Jesus as the only way to be forgiven, and I extend forgiveness to others through that same blood. I have the power to forgive and cancel someone’s sin, through the Holy Spirit in me. I release, this day, every person who I have ever held anything against. I am free and so are they! In Jesus’ Name.


I meant to post this yesterday but I did not get a chance, I read this during my lunch yesterday and at the same time was listening to a sermon about forgiveness. There is someone specific that I have not been able to forgive, and as time goes by its has gotten harder. I think especially because they see what they did as no big deal, so I hurt you so what there is nothing you can do about it. Which made me angry and the perso and at God because this person is not a believer and I just did not understand how/why a non believer could violate a child of God and just go on scott free skipping down the street whistling a happy tune. It seemed unfair but then again life is unfair and the only fairness is in the love of God. So I had to repent for my unforgiving spirit and forgive them, and leave it in God's hand. What he wants to go with that person and their heart is his business and going on with my life and destiny is mine.

I just happened to trip up on this thread.
This is right on time. I have been struggling with forgiveness for a little over a week now. Two people (my mother-in-law and stepdaughter) hurt me. They really hurt me. I know that they don’t care and I know that it is a waste of my time to keep thinking about it when I know that they aren’t thinking about it, but I’m hurt and God is the only one that can remove the hurt. I’ve been praying for a solid week now that God help me to forgive them. I’ve asked HIM to heal my broken heart and soul. I’ve asked HIM to help me get over it and move on. It’s hard for me, but I know I will get there. This thread has been really helpful.
Again, I'll post this. I hope it will bless you like it did me. I got this in my email today.

1. Forgiveness is not a feeling. It is a decision. Whatever grudge, whatever bitterness, or resentment that you have toward someone will not go away without a decision; a choice.
2. Forgive by faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says we live by faith, we forgive by faith. That means that when you forgive someone out loud, from your heart, you must believe that it is done. Never let your faith follow your feelings. Your feelings will catch up with your faith.
3. Don’t be fooled by the feelings of resentment or anger when they try to come back. You’ll be tempted to think, “I don’t feel anything, so nothing must be different. I guess I must not have forgiven.” This is a lie! This is the thought you must fast from.
4.Maintain an attitude of thankfulness that you have been set free from the pain and consequence of unforgiveness. Thank God that you are free and healed. As you do this EVERY TIME that you feel those feelings, you will feel less and less of the pain, until it vanishes forever.
5. Understand the meaning of the word: FOR—GIVE. It simply means to GIVE, BEFORE. We need to “give” forgiveness, BEFORE the person apologizes; BEFORE they change; and most importantly BEFORE you feel anything. Just as faith works by believing God’s promises BEFORE they show up, (Mark 11:24-25), forgiveness works BEFORE you feel it. When you forgive BEFORE you feel good feelings about that person, you are living in the highest level of faith. And this is pleasing to God. God is pleased by our faith, not our feelings. (Hebrews 11:6)
6.Meditate on what God has done FOR you, rather than what people have done TO you. Psalm 103:2-4 says, “Bless the Lord O my soul and forget none of his benefits—He pardons all your iniquities, heals all your diseases, redeems your life from destruction, crowns you with loving-kindness and compassion.”
Again, I'll post this. I hope it will bless you like it did me. I got this in my email today.

1. Forgiveness is not a feeling. It is a decision. Whatever grudge, whatever bitterness, or resentment that you have toward someone will not go away without a decision; a choice.
2. Forgive by faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says we live by faith, we forgive by faith. That means that when you forgive someone out loud, from your heart, you must believe that it is done. Never let your faith follow your feelings. Your feelings will catch up with your faith.
3. Don’t be fooled by the feelings of resentment or anger when they try to come back. You’ll be tempted to think, “I don’t feel anything, so nothing must be different. I guess I must not have forgiven.” This is a lie! This is the thought you must fast from.
4.Maintain an attitude of thankfulness that you have been set free from the pain and consequence of unforgiveness. Thank God that you are free and healed. As you do this EVERY TIME that you feel those feelings, you will feel less and less of the pain, until it vanishes forever.
5. Understand the meaning of the word: FOR—GIVE. It simply means to GIVE, BEFORE. We need to “give” forgiveness, BEFORE the person apologizes; BEFORE they change; and most importantly BEFORE you feel anything. Just as faith works by believing God’s promises BEFORE they show up, (Mark 11:24-25), forgiveness works BEFORE you feel it. When you forgive BEFORE you feel good feelings about that person, you are living in the highest level of faith. And this is pleasing to God. God is pleased by our faith, not our feelings. (Hebrews 11:6)
6.Meditate on what God has done FOR you, rather than what people have done TO you. Psalm 103:2-4 says, “Bless the Lord O my soul and forget none of his benefits—He pardons all your iniquities, heals all your diseases, redeems your life from destruction, crowns you with loving-kindness and compassion.”

Thanks Nova, I am going to tape this to my journal and one to my bible #4 is exactly what I am going through the enemy keeps using those old memories and saying see you have not forgiven if you did you would not think about this and that etc....I will be thanking God for my renewed mind, and healing.
I just got on here for the first time in a while, and saw my dug up thread. Update: God has really worked on me with this situation...I thought I would never get past that feeling but slowly but surely over two years things have dissipated with the feelings of guilt and disgust and anger. I even had the opportunity to let the person know that I had let the grudge go, and it was taken well. Although this does not happen all the time, I can see clearly why the situation happened and it was really for my good!

Since that time, I have had many other times where I have been EXTREMELY hurt and had the opportunity to use this lesson time and time again to forgive someone immediately even when my flesh was screaming out, wanting to act up, hold grudges and take revenge (as recent as 2 weeks ago). Even though I don't feel the forgiveness immediately, I know its a choice I have to make if I want to live according to God's Word...I feel that this is one of the hardest things that has to be done in the Christian life (for me at least)...but I'm working on it!

ETA: I love the song, "A Heart that Forgives" by Kevin LeVar...the lyrics are great, but it usually makes me cry!
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I am so glad that you have forgiven that person. Because God has said that if we hold unforgiveness he will not hear our prayers and that he will use that same measure against us and I know I NEED God to forgive me immediately when I sin lol.

My youth pastor put it like this...Sometimes someone has hurt you so bad and so deep that you feel crushed in your soul. They have sinned against you and technically "owe" you a debt. But the debt is so big that this person could not possible repay...and oftentimes dont care to repay it. But OUR job is to bless those that curse us...so we GIVE them forgiveness as a gift. Much like we owed a sin debt that we could never repay and so Jesus GAVE us salvation as a gift...already knowing how we would tragically sin against Him.
I recently had to do this with someone who had hurt me tremendously. I was holding them to the debt they owed...not forgiving...but I had to release them. I was sacrificing my own communication with God and my own forgiveness by holding on to their debt. We're reading this book called, "The Bait of Satan" in my womens bible study and it referenced the story of the unforgiving servant MAttew 18:21-35.

I am so happy that you are practicing one of the most prolific signs of a loving heart that refelcts our father in heaven...forgiveness

Be blessed sis!