I'm trying to figure out my hair type


The Credit Countess
I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

I think that I am a 3 but I'm not 100% sure. Pleawe help!!! You can see my new growth in my album in the folder Bantu Knot. This is something that I have been trying to figure out for the longest.

Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

I'm not an expert at hair types, but my guess would be 3c/4a as well.

Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

Not an expert either but I'm agreeing with Sithembile. 3c/4a
Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

Your hair is sooooo shiny.
I also think maybe a 4A. I'm a 4A also. (I think)
Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

I agree with Kitchen_tician. I think it's 4A.
Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

It looks like a 4a/b judging from the pics of your bantu knonts and side of your hair.
Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

Well I guess I was close ladies, thanks for your input.

And thanks Kitchen for the comment on the shine. I am always so negative about my hair I don't see the good. Thanks for reminding me.
Re: I\'m trying to figure out my hair type

It's jard to tell with the amount of new growth you have but I would say 4a/b