I'm transitioning & my hair is shedding. YIKES!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My last perm was 10 weeks ago. I moisturize my scalp with the Jane Carter scalp serum 3x a week & I moisturize my hair with the Jane Carter nourish & shine & also the hair serum. I use the nexxus protein deep conditioner when I wash my hair weekly & my ends are trimmed. I also take futurebiotics hair, skin, & nails vitamins. My hair seems to be shedding more than normal which is making me nervous.

To all my transitioners:
What helped you combat any shedding?
Is this normal?
Should I just chop it all off? (I'm seriuosly considering this)

I don't know what else to do. Please help me.
Going through the exact same time but I will be chopping it all off. My hair is weak and damaged and obviously can't handle the stretching.
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I am 10 months post relaxer and during the beginning of transitiong I kept my hair in micros, kinky twists and sew-ins due to all the shedding so I wouldnt be tempted to get a perm. For the last couple of months Ive been wearing press and curls I now rotate deep conditioning with Bambu silicon mix and Miss Keys 10 en 1. I also oil my scalp with various oils.
Nali1987, I'm thinking about chopping it off also. I really wanted to stretch It out but, I'm getting a lil' nervous.
2inspireU, I think i'll get some garlic supplements tomorrow.

I'm willing to try anything @ this point.
Yes it did I now have the basic shedding. I think I just had to get over those first months of transitiong I think you shed so much because your hair isnt use to going so long without a perm, at least thats my assumption.
Are you sure it is not breakage?

Also, I am a long term stretcher too and I detangle only once a week, in which it seems like alot of hair, but it is really average considering you shed in excess of hundreds of hairs daily anyway.
I am currently 10 1/2 weeks post and by week 7 my shedding was ridiculous, normally I dont shed alot. I read in the Qhemet thread that a young lady said the Amla and Olive saved her head. So that next week on wash day I put some on my NG and I am back to my normal shedding. Oh what a happy day it was.

I think it has to do with keeping your scalp and NG happy. I am still on the hunt as to why we have to shed so much when we are past a certain week in our stretch. It is really puzzling.

My weekly process is:
wash and condition 1x a week
I only detangle I apply my wheat protein conditioner on towel dried hair and I smooth my hair down on my head. This helps with stretching the NG for when it is detangle. I comb(in sections)when my hair is 90% dry, this is also when I apply my leave-ins and oils plus the Qhemets Amla and Olive on my NG). If I do it when my hair is very wet then I apply to much and my hair ends up heavy and greasy. I hold my hair in in a semi ponytail close to my head to help prevent any unnecessary breakage.
I comb my hair 1x a day at most 2x once in the morning once at night when I seal.
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I am 8 months post, and I have been taking garlic ever since I got my hair put in Senegalese twists in November because I heard it helped with shedding and I was afraid of taking them down and having like no hair... lol. Well anyway, I have been taking the Nature's Bounty Odorless Garlic 1000 mg ever since then and I have had MINIMAL to NO shedding. You're supposed to take 1 - 3 a day but I only take 1 since I'm not a huge fan of pills. It works wonders. I have absolutely NO plans of chopping until my set date of January 22, 2011.
My last perm was 10 weeks ago. I moisturize my scalp with the Jane Carter scalp serum 3x a week & I moisturize my hair with the Jane Carter nourish & shine & also the hair serum. I use the nexxus protein deep conditioner when I wash my hair weekly & my ends are trimmed. I also take futurebiotics hair, skin, & nails vitamins. My hair seems to be shedding more than normal which is making me nervous.

To all my transitioners:
What helped you combat any shedding?
Is this normal?
Should I just chop it all off? (I'm seriuosly considering this)

I don't know what else to do. Please help me.

Going through the exact same time but I will be chopping it all off. My hair is weak and damaged and obviously can't handle the stretching.

Feeling the same way. I've tried everything- Ayurvedic oils, pre conditioning, co-washes, DC, and henna. I'm at a loss, there's so much breakage. So after 13 weeks, I'm ready to throw the towel in and go for the BC.
what i noticed that my new growth was so difficult to comb through after my six weeks post relaxer,so i tried doing the aphogee 2 step protein on my 5th week.and it helps me stretch my relaxer.might not work for you but i have no shedding after i do the 2 step protein.and until i relax my hair i do more deep conditioners every week and also i use the aphogee balancing moisturiser every week till i get my relaxer.i have just finished a 12 wk relaxer stretch.and i just relaxed this week and my hair was so nice and thick.and i had no shedding at all.i find when i do the 2 step protein, i don't shed no more,thats what works for me.i always moisturise daily with the s curl i put just 1 pump in my hand on the new growth and its so moisturised and soft till the next day.these are the things i do everybody is different you just have to try different products and see what your hair likes hope this helps.
How far along in your transition are you?
I experienced shedding, or what I think/thought was shedding when I was about 3/4 months post.

Looking back I think it might have been a combination of regular shedding and breakage at the line of demarcation. I think this was the stadium where caring for relaxed hair turned into caring for transitioning hair. More cowashing, a little more protein (not too much, but overmoisturizing your relaxed hair happens to a lot of transitioners) and carefully detangling in sections, aware that you're dealing with 2 different textures.

Also remember that curly roots are look more voluminous. You might be losing the same amount of hair, it just looks thicker.
At 18 months post, I now gather big fluffy balls of shed hair, but my hair is thicker than ever.
nestlequick, I want to chop mine off too. I'm just scared for some reason that I'll shock myself.
luxurious_lengths, I didn't think transitioning would be so hard. I'm ready for it though.
I thought my hair was shedding alot during my transition but it turned out to be breakage due to moisture issues. I couldn't retain moisture for the life of me and I BC'd, not knowing transitioning was not the issue. I couldn't even run my hands over my hands without hair coming out everywhere!

Finally I learned what the issue was when I lightened the color of my hair. The cuticles were raised or whatever its called and the breakage stopped.

Just tellin' my story, I'm not sure if it helped or not :)