im tired


Well-Known Member
im so sick and tired of people telling me my hair will fall out.
i have been going to the same stylist for 7 years. during that time every 2 weeks faithfully she would wash my hair, run a conditioner through it(never a deep conditioner or protein treatment) and then blow dry my hair on hot, then press it hard and then curl it with an iron.
now i wash my hair with a conditioning shampoo, always deep condition my hair and give protein when i need it, use a leave in everytime and then rollerset. thats no direct heat unless i flat iron the roots. and when i detaingle i get NO HAIRS in the comb.
i feel like im being good to my hair. and i co wash once a week.
but i am so sick of people saying that im doing too much and my hair will fall out unless i stop. they say im washing my hair too much because everyone i know follws that Black myth that every two weeks to a month is enough time to wash. im sorry but i did that for 7 years and dirty hair does not grow.
why cant people see that if my hair looks just as good when i do it than when she does and im not doing so much damage then obviously my way is better?
i cant wait until i finally reach mbl so i can rub it in their faces. im apl now and am going crazy because i have been that way for SEVEN years. wth.
keep ya head up. You are right to stick to your reggie. ignore the negativity. You are the one who will get the rewards. remember the story about the chicken (or was it a hen?} and the bread. everybody that she asked to help her or join her said "Not I". Well in the end, they got what they deserved--nothing. They watched her enjoy the fruits of her hard work. Girl, you that chicken or that hen. You will eventually show them the rewards of your hair reg to their faces. and they will look stupid, not you :grin:
girl, ignore it! ignorance is bliss, keep doing what you are doing if it works for you. if i had a dollar for every time i heard my hair was going to fall out i would be rich and think you would be too lol!
yea... people will do that. its hard but u have to ignore them. my mom says i wash my hair too much.. i ignore her and still do it.... it hurt at first .. but shoot i do what i want.. thats why a lot or people learn how to do everything from relaxing to rollersetting to blow drying roots themselves...
thanx yall. yea im gonna stick to my reg. because its working for me and i know its gonna pay off
I understand what you mean. I've always washed frequently and when ppl ask what I do to my hair they are surprised that I wash so often.

I mean some black folks been preaching and performing the same methods for years and these same ppl can't get past the neck.
Obviously whatever these black folks are doing ain't working.
I understand what you mean. I've always washed frequently and when ppl ask what I do to my hair they are surprised that I wash so often.

I mean some black folks been preaching and performing the same methods for years and these same ppl can't get past the neck.
Obviously whatever these black folks are doing ain't working.
thats what im saying lol. everyone that tries to give me advice has short chewed up hair. my hair is apl (not very long) but it has never been noticably damaged. so how can they shake their heads at me.
I get the same comment everytime I open my big mouth and tell people I wash every day and I'm sure dozens of ladies here can co-sign.
Just do what you are doing and ignore the comments. People are so stuck in their ways and for some strange reason, they think that blowdrying, flat iron, relaxing, and NOT washing your hair is better than giving it moisture..doean't make much sense, but you'll show them, just wait.

I'm the meantime, do like Obama and brush it off.:yep:
^^^^^^i know right. they have it in their mind that keeping the hair relaxed but not using the right products is what everyone does. im relaxed(transitioning) and i used to use whatever was around. one year ago on my dresser were like 30 something body products and one big jar of grease and a bottle of oil that i thought was moisturizer:nono:. no one told me any differently. but thanx to you guys now i know
I feel you...ignore the naysayers and keep doing your thing. People, namely family members, tell me the same thing, but my hair is growing and theirs is a hot ignore the haters:grin:
I definitely say ignore them! I had a girl today say my hair wasn't real. Love the haters, they're the best motivation.
Block out the negativity, because when they see the growth they will be coming back with pen and paper to ask you your regiment step by step.
I definitely say ignore them! I had a girl today say my hair wasn't real. Love the haters, they're the best motivation.
I certainly hoped you made her feel stupid! :lachen:

OP, keep doing what you are doing. If it is working for you? AWESOME. Why should they expect you to go back to that which wasn't working? :/ WHY are the nay sayers who practice what they want you to go back to the ones with jacked up hair?? UGH! HHG. We'll get there.:lachen: