I'm throwin' in the towel...


New Member
I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

I've decided to go for the BIG chop tomorrow. Although my hair has been growing nicely, thanks to the supplements, the processed hair is beyond repair. Even my new growth is trippin...I have little hairs splitting off of it

Anyway, I don't know if it's the relaxer (affirm) or what but my hair just is not getting it together
So, I am gonna start fresh. Even though I got my hair cut over a month ago there is still color in it and it's not gonna recupirate from the double processing I did months ago, regardless of the protein conditioners, moisture and deep conditioning. Anyway, wish me luck, cuz I am only working with 3/4-1" of new growth
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Good luck, Neen. I think that all will go better than you expect. I just cut my hair back down from 8-10" of length to 1/4" about two to three weeks ago due to color damage. I've gotten a ton of compliments, even from people who don't usually like short hair.

The good thing about hair is that if you take care of it, it WILL grow back.

Let us know how it goes.
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Good luck, Neen. You'll be beautiful with your new hair. Dealing with thwo textures will be a thing of the past!Are you doing it yourself or have you found someone to do it for you?
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

I am going to the salon to have it done. I am actually pretty excited to finally see my true hair. This will be quite an experience. I went natural before but quickly gave in to chemicals and got a texturizer. But this time around, I want to be au naturel
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Color treatments can be harsh. My older sister got highlites in her relaxed hair and didn't like the extreme dryness that resulted. My little sister is natural and got a reddish color put in. Her hair became dry and brittle too. SO much more conditioning is required by color treated hair, they've told me.

Neen, I hope you'll be happy with your new style. Salon visits can be very exciting when you haven't been pampered for a while!
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Had to chime in...I expected the worse when I did the BC...but my hair has thanked me everyday since. If you keep doing what you're doing...your growth will be amazing!!!!

Your hair will thank you!!!
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Good luck on your BC. I'm not sure wether I want to do it myself or go to a natural salon or a barber...who knows?
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

I think that this will be an interesting experience for you. I hope all goes well. You will have fun getting a fresh start.
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

HotCoCoGurl130 said:

[/ QUOTE ]

What she said.
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

HEy there! I'm sure all will go well too! BUT........DON'T GO TO A BARBER!!! Please! They have a tendency to cut too much because they are too used to doing the fella's hair! I no a lady I used to work with who did this and she was horrified and left crying! When I chopped off shoulder length hair to a TWA to start natural, I did it myself along with help from a lifelong, trusted friend who I knew wouldn't jack me up! But your hair will grow like you're on steroids! Natural hair grows super fast - almost too fast sometimes, I say this because if you're trying to maintain a certain cut, it will surely grow out of it quickly! But then again , that's a nice problem to have!
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Well, I did it!
I'm all natural (almost). It was too hard to tell upfront where the relaxer ended and the new growth began. The front grows in strainghter than the back...go figure
It feels so liberating for all that damaged hair to be gone. Thanks for all your support ladies. As soon as i get a scanner I will post some pics up here.

Happy to be nappy
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...

Good luck Neen! I'm sure you will love your hair. I think there will be challenges ahead, but just come to the naturals on the board for advice. You might want to also set a time limit on yourself in case you think of going back to relaxing, i.e., "I promise myself that no matter what, I will stay natural for a least a year."
Again, good luck and we look forward to your progress.
Re: I\'m throwin\' in the towel...


About the straighter hair in the front...let whoever cuts your hair KNOW about that! I got my BC done and didn't know...well let's say the hair in the front is still a bit shorter after almost a year!

You know your hair better than anyone else!