Im thinking of just chopping it off


New Member
I wrote a thread earlier about my nape and crown area needing some tlc.Well Im just looking at my hair and thinking I should just chop it off.It has grown a little bit since I bc wo transition back in 07 but its not like some of you ladies who bc last year and your hair is already flowly and full.It like I can't have nice hair relaxed nor natural.I guess I will be bound to wigs for life..I don't know what to do.My hair isn't shedding horrible I do my best to deep condition it and I have gone in debt with buying natural products ie oils and other items and again my hair seems to just drinking it up and gives me the middle finger.I don't know what else to do.Those scissors are calling me..
Before you make any rash decisions, ask yourself some questions. Is it possible that you could just be expecting too much of your hair at once? Maybe the products you've been using aren't compatible with your hair type. If you don't like your hair natural or relaxed, could it be you have an overall dislike of your hair and that's distorting your perception of it? Can you think of anything that you like about your hair? These are just sample questions. Just sit back and think. It's important when making any major decisions about your hair (such as relaxing or going natural) that you examine your motives and make sure it's what you really want and you have a realistic expectation of it.

Both relaxed heads and naturals have problems with their hair. Lord knows my hair gives me a run for my money, but I still love it. When it acts up (which it does) I try to figure out why it's doing so. I'm relaxed, and when my hair is bugging me I sometimes think "I wouldn't have any of these problems if I was a natural!" and that's probably true. But realistically I know that naturals have their own set of problems. So, you see, it's not really our hair or even some of the difficulties it gives us that is the problem, it's us and how we view it. Sometimes we just have to learn to leave our hair alone and let it do it's thing until we can find out what's causing the problem. I wish you all the best and I want you to love and appreciate your hair. Happy growing :).
Don't cut it. DON'T make an emotional decision to cut your hair. Accepting our hair is an emotional process, especially if like me, you felt you had "bad hair". Please find some hair twins on this board, so they can be a support system for you. I am a 4b with fine thin hair. I hated my fine thin hair, then I joined the fine hair support thread, and I have found things that work for me. Now my goal is shoulder length, and later on APL. I also look at a lot of videos on Youtube of people with my hair type. One of my favorites is don't speak defeat. She's natural and has cool videos on "how to's". If you haven't seen her before, here's one of her links.
Don't cut it. DON'T make an emotional decision to cut your hair. Accepting our hair is an emotional process, especially if like me, you felt you had "bad hair". Please find some hair twins on this board, so they can be a support system for you. I am a 4b with fine thin hair. I hated my fine thin hair, then I joined the fine hair support thread, and I have found things that work for me. Now my goal is shoulder length, and later on APL. I also look at a lot of videos on Youtube of people with my hair type. One of my favorites is don't speak defeat. She's natural and has cool videos on "how to's". If you haven't seen her before, here's one of her links.

I love the four ponytail tension method she used to elongate her new growth. I tried it yesterday and it worked great. Makes it so much easier to stretch relaxers.
Before you make any rash decisions, ask yourself some questions. Is it possible that you could just be expecting too much of your hair at once? Maybe the products you've been using aren't compatible with your hair type. If you don't like your hair natural or relaxed, could it be you have an overall dislike of your hair and that's distorting your perception of it? Can you think of anything that you like about your hair? These are just sample questions. Just sit back and think. It's important when making any major decisions about your hair (such as relaxing or going natural) that you examine your motives and make sure it's what you really want and you have a realistic expectation of it.

Both relaxed heads and naturals have problems with their hair. Lord knows my hair gives me a run for my money, but I still love it. When it acts up (which it does) I try to figure out why it's doing so. I'm relaxed, and when my hair is bugging me I sometimes think "I wouldn't have any of these problems if I was a natural!" and that's probably true. But realistically I know that naturals have their own set of problems. So, you see, it's not really our hair or even some of the difficulties it gives us that is the problem, it's us and how we view it. Sometimes we just have to learn to leave our hair alone and let it do it's thing until we can find out what's causing the problem. I wish you all the best and I want you to love and appreciate your hair. Happy growing :).

Muffin I love you.:yep:Your right I think I have perception problems.I thought my hair would be this full body hair.Not the case I do like that my hair is soft.But its called spongy by beauticans.I need to learn to be ok with wearing my hair out.Since I have failed on wearing natural styles the braidout doesnt ever look uniformed,I can't ever seem to get a nice rollerset,it doesnt even look like its curled.I couldn't ever do the kinky twist natual or with extensions so I just gave up on it.

I will go look in the mirror and make a game plan to get my hair where it can be...
Don't cut it. DON'T make an emotional decision to cut your hair. Accepting our hair is an emotional process, especially if like me, you felt you had "bad hair". Please find some hair twins on this board, so they can be a support system for you. I am a 4b with fine thin hair. I hated my fine thin hair, then I joined the fine hair support thread, and I have found things that work for me. Now my goal is shoulder length, and later on APL. I also look at a lot of videos on Youtube of people with my hair type. One of my favorites is don't speak defeat. She's natural and has cool videos on "how to's". If you haven't seen her before, here's one of her links.

Your right.I have fine hair that is 4a/4b i think.I don't have a distinct hair pattern like some ladies who can tell right off the back what hair type they are.I feel like bc Im have a fluffy body that I look weird with my hair out.I was some what strong when I chopped my hair off without transition but now when I wear it out people say oh wow we are all its looks weird..i dont know.I know I can't be ashamed anymore of my hair and I cant live off of others compliments.Its been 2 years on the 29th I have been natural and I may have worn my hair out maybe 10 times in the 2 years.

Muffin I love you.:yep:Your right I think I have perception problems.I thought my hair would be this full body hair.Not the case I do like that my hair is soft.But its called spongy by beauticans.I need to learn to be ok with wearing my hair out.Since I have failed on wearing natural styles the braidout doesnt ever look uniformed,I can't ever seem to get a nice rollerset,it doesnt even look like its curled.I couldn't ever do the kinky twist natual or with extensions so I just gave up on it.

I will go look in the mirror and make a game plan to get my hair where it can be...

:) I love you too. Forget about those beauticians. No one knows your hair like you. If you say it's beautiful, it's beautiful. People spends loads and loads of money trying to get soft hair, but here you have it naturally. That's something to celebrate :yep:.

In psychology there's a term called self-fulfilling prophecy. It means that if we or people around us tell us something about ourselves (whether true or untrue) we subconsciously strive to live up to what they say. For example, if someone tells us we have beautiful hair, we are more inclined to do things to make it even more beautiful and care more about it. But if someone tells us we have ugly hair, we may get discouraged and want to give up. The same applies to what we tell ourselves. Think about it: we get enough criticism and harshness from people in general, so why should we have to tolerate it from ourselves? So go ahead and figure out your game plan and what works for you. Rejoice in your hair and the fact that you are able to grow nice, soft hair. Try to work with your hair and not against it ;).
if you feel like your hair is too damaged then i say chop it off. you dont have to go natural. you can cut it all off to start over with a head full of undamaged hair. you can get your moisture right and then if you want to relax you will know how to take care of it.
May I add....look at the dates on people's fotki's. It takes YEARS to grow hair to BSL! I'm going to get to APL and BSL but I know it'll take several years. My challenge is to enjoy the journey.
May I add....look at the dates on people's fotki's. It takes YEARS to grow hair to BSL! I'm going to get to APL and BSL but I know it'll take several years. My challenge is to enjoy the journey.

Very true..Its only been 2 years and I have cut some away bc of knots..i guess I will give it a little while longer..