I'm thinking about cutting the stylist out all together...

You ladies are so right, I started self relaxing in college because the area I went to school in had few ethnic salons there. When I graduated I moved to a larger city searching for a stylist only to find out that the prices they charge are ridiculus, some even charge a la carte services. One price for a relaxer, then extra for a trim, deep conditioner, steam service etc. Don't even get me started on trims. If they say you need a trim and you insist you don't or you recently have had one, they will argue with you tooth and nail about how "sistas" love to hold on to some damaged ends and then proceed to try and wear you down by telling you how "damaged" your ends look.

The bottom line is we all want bouncey shiney hair and no one knows your hair better than you do. I say if you want something done right, do it yourself.

I agree with everything you have said. I say cut her! All I know is 6wks from now I'm relaxing my own hair come helz or high water to try and straighten out this mess from last weekend. I know I can do better than what she did. And I will be starting in crown where most of the ng is there from where she left it. Good stylist are few and far in between.
I relaxed my hair tonight all by myself!

I used Hawaiian Silky and basically parted my hair into four sections, based my scalp, started at the back most course section and went from there. It was ALOT easier than I thought. I had worn my hair up all week so I had a lot of shedding which freaked me out and I almost had a panic attack in the shower until I realized it wasn't from the perm but from the bunning.:spinning: I used Motions Neutralizer and poo'd about 4 times and let it sit on my head the last time for about ten minutes. I am sitting under the dryer now with my L'anza Healing Moisture and will rinse and let it airdry.

The convenience is undeniable. I am in the comfort of my own home, taking my time, at 11 something at night and I don't have to worry about setting appts. waiting all day, etc. I am going to try this for the rest of the year and see how it goes.

I will not relax again until probably the end of May because my hair is super duper straight right now and I can probably go that long with no issues.

Thanks everyone for your replies and words of encouragement. I think I can do this!

if you have the precision to do your own relaxers and trims, more power to you. i am confident in doing my own roller sets and stuff but when it comes to chemicals and trimming, i know i have to go to a trusted stylist.

you should not have to continually tell a stylist how you want your hair to be done after you've been going to them for a while. a good stylist should listen to your needs and strive to keep your hair in a healthy state. maybe i'd seek out a few recommendations from friends or doing online research first before cutting them out entirely.

...but on the other hand, imagine the money you'll save! going to the salon really adds up.
I relaxed my hair tonight all by myself!

I used Hawaiian Silky and basically parted my hair into four sections, based my scalp, started at the back most course section and went from there. It was ALOT easier than I thought. I had worn my hair up all week so I had a lot of shedding which freaked me out and I almost had a panic attack in the shower until I realized it wasn't from the perm but from the bunning.:spinning: I used Motions Neutralizer and poo'd about 4 times and let it sit on my head the last time for about ten minutes. I am sitting under the dryer now with my L'anza Healing Moisture and will rinse and let it airdry.

The convenience is undeniable. I am in the comfort of my own home, taking my time, at 11 something at night and I don't have to worry about setting appts. waiting all day, etc. I am going to try this for the rest of the year and see how it goes.

I will not relax again until probably the end of May because my hair is super duper straight right now and I can probably go that long with no issues.

Thanks everyone for your replies and words of encouragement. I think I can do this!


silly me for not reading the final posts. congrats to you on relaxing your own hair! glad that you are happy with your results!
I relaxed my hair tonight all by myself!

I used Hawaiian Silky and basically parted my hair into four sections, based my scalp, started at the back most course section and went from there. It was ALOT easier than I thought. I had worn my hair up all week so I had a lot of shedding which freaked me out and I almost had a panic attack in the shower until I realized it wasn't from the perm but from the bunning.:spinning: I used Motions Neutralizer and poo'd about 4 times and let it sit on my head the last time for about ten minutes. I am sitting under the dryer now with my L'anza Healing Moisture and will rinse and let it airdry.

The convenience is undeniable. I am in the comfort of my own home, taking my time, at 11 something at night and I don't have to worry about setting appts. waiting all day, etc. I am going to try this for the rest of the year and see how it goes.

I will not relax again until probably the end of May because my hair is super duper straight right now and I can probably go that long with no issues.

Thanks everyone for your replies and words of encouragement. I think I can do this!


This is awesome ShiShiPoo! I am glad it worked out for you. Which HS did you use?
This is awesome ShiShiPoo! I am glad it worked out for you. Which HS did you use?

Hey Girl! I was going to PM you.

I used HS no base regular. It didn't burn AT ALL and it processed slow enough for me to really smooth and take my time. The straightness is exactly how I like it.:yep:
Congrats ShiShiPooPoo! Welcome over to the dark side. Well, it isn't really the dark side, it's more like the well-lit side where we save money and become increasingly empowered. :grin: My turning point was went I went for a sew in (I was natural at the time), and she braided my hair so tight that my scalp was on fire! I kept trying to get her to loosen it up and she told me "your braids won't feel so tight in a day or so" :rolleyes::rolleyes: I spent $150 for her to do it, and I ended up taking it down about 3 days later to save my edges. Good thing I took them down because I would have been bald! I remember taking Tylenol to ease the headaches I had. And get this: she obviously did the braids so tight because she thought natural hair needed to be braided/treated more roughly :wallbash:

I've been a DIY'er ever since and have NOT looked back. I feel anything a stylist can do, I can do. I save money, and my hair looks just as good and is done in a more healthy manner. (I had a stylist actually rip my wet hair from the ROOT with a rattail comb in an effort to detangle). When we know better, we do better! And I'm doing it all by myself! :lachen:
Congrats ShiShiPooPoo! Welcome over to the dark side. Well, it isn't really the dark side, it's more like the well-lit side where we save money and become increasingly empowered. :grin: My turning point was went I went for a sew in (I was natural at the time), and she braided my hair so tight that my scalp was on fire! I kept trying to get her to loosen it up and she told me "your braids won't feel so tight in a day or so" :rolleyes::rolleyes: I spent $150 for her to do it, and I ended up taking it down about 3 days later to save my edges. Good thing I took them down because I would have been bald! I remember taking Tylenol to ease the headaches I had. And get this: she obviously did the braids so tight because she thought natural hair needed to be braided/treated more roughly :wallbash:

I've been a DIY'er ever since and have NOT looked back. I feel anything a stylist can do, I can do. I save money, and my hair looks just as good and is done in a more healthy manner. (I had a stylist actually rip my wet hair from the ROOT with a rattail comb in an effort to detangle). When we know better, we do better! And I'm doing it all by myself! :lachen:


I feel so very empowered right now. Last night I told my DH "I just saved at least 80 bucks tonight". It made me feel good because I literally felt like I threw away 70 bucks the last time I went.

Right now all systems go...I am about to purchase a steamer or find a way to hook up my Caruso one (bootleg version). I have all the products I need already and it was just the relaxer piece holding me back. Well, not anymore.
I remember going to a salon for a relaxer, and when I told the lady I didn't want a trim, she argued that my ends were going to split all the way up. But I replied that I had a trim only 8 weeks ago, it's excessive. Don't do it. This chicken got to blow drying my hair after the relaxer and proceeded to purposely stab me in the head with the comb attachment repeatedly as she was drying.

WTH?????? :boxing:

Then in 08, I decided to go to another stylist, and she can't even get it right half the time. How hard is a sew-in, I mean really? I had to go back to her to redo the top part because it was looking like a $10 wig! Sometimes you have to go in with guns blazing to get stuff done right, it seems :nono:. Most stylists only know how to make the hair look good (temporarily) and they don't care about the health of the hair, or that you might be trying to grow your hair out. They have no idea that regular use of heat at a high temp is bad, or that deep conditioning after a relaxer is needed. I figure, why pay someone to overlap and dry my hair out when I can do it for free at home :lachen:

Absolutely right :yep:

After a recent hair cut disaster, I decided I don't want stylists in my hair AT ALL any more :nono:- I am skilled at doing my touchups and everything else BUT-
I cannot cut my own hair into a style :wallbash:. That's why I went for the "unsuccessful" haircut and unfortunately, I still need the style. So it looks Like I will have to try again...:ohwell:
i do my own trims & relaxers (everything)... my mom taught me how to relax my hair when i was about 13 or 14... been doing it myself since then.. never had a problem and with lhcf i'm just about bsl... hair never been better or thicker or healthier or lusher... i could go on & on
the last time I went to my stylist she used some cheap crap in my hair and my hair felt HORRIBLE...I haven't been back since then (This was some time in December)...I have decided to learn how to take care of my own hair and I will only go to her for sew-ins (Which will be next week) and trims (which I don't get too often)
OP, I totally feel you.

Like everyone else I was VERY scared to do my own touchup. But after getting several broken patches from stylists not neutralizing well. I said it's either I go natural or relax it myself cause I sure wasnt gonna keep paying someone to keep damaging my hair. I started a thread last year with pics of the damage at my nape, which was GONE. I said never again. I can damage my hair for free.

I do go for wash and sets because mine dont come out as well as theirs. But let them relax my hair-Helllllllllllll NO!!!!!

I still have a spot I'm trying to grow back from the last stylist:rolleyes:

Everytime I think about letting a stylist relax my hair again, I remember everyone that would come up to me and asked what happened to my hair.:nono: For people to continuously ask you what's wrong with your hair (out the blue) is very hurtful.

Thats why I havent reach any of my hair goals because I have to keep waiting for broken parts to grow back.

Sorry I wrote a book but me and my hair been through some thangs :lol:

The bolded is my sentiment exactly. The last stylist experience I had was 2006 and my hair was literally stuck to my scalp in one spot. I said, "never again.":nono:

I wore DH down with my requests and now he does my relaxers. :yep:
The bolded is my sentiment exactly. The last stylist experience I had was 2006 and my hair was literally stuck to my scalp in one spot. I said, "never again.":nono:

I wore DH down with my requests and now he does my relaxers. :yep:

As soon as I told DH how much money I could save by him doing my relaxers, he was okay with it (you have to speak their language). At first he was a little concerned that I was trying to take his manhood.