i'm starting to hate fake hair


but i kind of feel like i need it. i think thats what i hate
i'm just venting but my hair wont hold a press and i have
used heat like 4 times this month and it is still a poof
i want a comparison shot and my hair will not allow it
on top of that my itchy scalp is back full force and i
have parts that i have scratched raw. damage control
needs to be initiated but i dont really want fake hair
i cant find my wavy wig besides i need to throw it away
and i want cornrows but the idea of having my edges pulled
and the idea of my hair with/without extensions in braids
its just getting to be too much i'm at an akward stage longer
than ever but not long enough to do what i want healthy
but i'm luvin the heat right now actually i'm on a quest for
the prerfect press. the idea of twisting for hours makes me
sick and the idea of paying someone else to twist makes me
sicker, and lets not even talk about the resulting tangles from
a twistout. maybe i should just invest in some silk scarves and
call it a day.

ok i just need a hug from a strong sexy man and a scalp massage

this was just a vent feel free to not respond.
Hey Ms.P. don't fret, you have the healthyest head of hair that I've ever seen. I get that way sometimes too about weaves and extensions, but I have learned to just use them as an aide. When my hair does not act right I sport a funky hat, or a banging headwrap or I'll wear an airdryed look with hair bands.

Vent when you need to but just know that I look to your album when I need inspiration and encouragement for my hairs well being. :)
msportugal don't feel bad. I got a perm and only wore it out for one week and i was back in a bun, then braids, now back to buns again. I feel your pain sister. And it is not like I don't have a good head of hair, but all this fake hair....when I let it down people don't believe me when I say it is my real hair. Not to mention the money spent to buy the hair. Because G** knows I get tried of looking at the same thing all the time. You know. But don't feel bad to vent....vent, because you are not alone....
i can relate to ur pain...next week ur hair will be back to respond to ur threats and all will be well again lol...
thanks daisy, you have a nice head of hair going on how did i miss your album? thanks
for letting me know you visit my album

hot topic glad you see where i comming from

deedabug it needs to respond to my threats not now but RIGHT NOW!!!!
