I'm sorry but, have y'all ever just thought out the blue

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
That your hair is nappy is hell? :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I was sitting here stroking my new growth and fondling that rare piece of scalp that you feel when you part your hair and out the blue it kind of hit me like "your hair is nappy as HELL". Every time i think it or type it I just crack up :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Please tell me i'm not the only one who has had this thought pop in their mind from time to time. Or if not that, have you had any other funny realizations lately?

Ok, back to rubbing my new growth :look:
Yes!!! every time it gets past 10 weeks post I get these thoughts
Glad to know I'm not the only one....
:lol: @ this thread though...
umm yeah when I am attempting to dry my hair... the thought does pass my mind... but its like a good "nappy as hell".. if that makes sense
Yes!!! every time it gets past 10 weeks post I get these thoughts
Glad to know I'm not the only one....
:lol: @ this thread though...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just tickled by the thought, i mean seriously cracking up/chuckling to myself. :look:

Seriously, right now i can't even rake my fingers more than 1/2 an inch without hitting a snag. Good googa mooga! I love thick kinky hair though sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming.
No...not me I'm always struck by how uber-thick my hair is.
But I just wanted to say that nappy or not...your hair looks fabulous in that siggy pic.
Yes. My mother one day put her hands in my newgrowth and was like whooo child :lachen: I just patted her fro back and said the same thing. Sometimes I spend hours just playing in my naps while chillin out. I have this patch in the back that is silky and extra thick that I love to dabble in the most.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just tickled by the thought, i mean seriously cracking up/chuckling to myself. :look:

Seriously, right now i can't even rake my fingers more than 1/2 an inch without hitting a snag. Good googa mooga! I love thick kinky hair though sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming.


It is very pretty funny! My sis is transitioning and she was telling me how she broke a couple of clips when she washed yesterday...I was telling her that's a normal occurrence for our hair... :lachen::lachen:
Yes, today I touched the middle of my head and was like, dang, either this section of my head ain't no joke, or it grew really fast. LOL.
naw....cause i got them good silky baby hurrs. :lachen:

i'm just playin, of course.
LMAO @ the title!!
Girl I'm :lachen: over here..... no, I never thought that but thanks for the laugh this morning! Your hair is very pretty!:grin:
Yes, I have that same thought when that new growth starts kicking my tale.
My comb told me so this morning. I tried to quickly comb my sides so i could throw it in a bun and it got suck at the roots, i only flat ironed my hair a week ago.
Yesterday after I cowashed, I pinned my hair up into a bun since I was rushing. Last night while trying to braid my hair for the night, as I felt my fingers dig through my new growth and heard that crackling, I was dang I got some nappy hair!
All the damn time, especially when I bust headbands and hair times. I remember about a year ago before I cut all my hair off, I washed my hair and was brushing it into a bun, everytime I grabbed a goody elastic to wrap around it the sucker popped, I ended up having to use one of those elastic headbands as a hair tie :lol:
Nope. My hair is only nappy when it's not moisturized. When it's really dry I'm more likely to call reference it being a nappy carpet.
Um, yeah, when I hit 20 weeks post. All I could do was hum,"Father, I stretch my hand to thee...."
OP you arent all natural?! had me fooled..i love your hair!

i call my hair nappy when i dont feel like detangling it..but its begging me too
Omg, yes.
There is this one section on the side of my head that I love to touch. It's like...10z. Whenever I touch it, I think to myself, "Damn this ish is nappy" and start laughing. It's so nappy!! It laughs at relaxer, flat irons, combs, moisturizer...everything.
When I was 14 weeks post, I was rollersetting and the section broke some teeth off my fine tooth comb. I yelled at it, "WHY YOU SO NAPPY FOR?!" :rofl:
yes! when i'm wearin a braidout or somethin, and i get a good look at these edges...lawd hammercy!
I'm on my bb so can't respond to everything said but please believe some your responses cracked me up :lol:

Also for anyone struggling with their kinks you may want to try wen and herbal essence ltr leave in. Its an excellent combo for me :)
I just looked at myself in the bathroom and was like "why my hair so frizzy? I'm use to my "nappy as hell" hair.

OP can Wen be used with BKT?
Yes!! LOL!!

I haven't texlaxed/relaxed since October 2008.
I'm not transitioning, I just call it a very long stretch!! LOL!! My goal was to challenge myself to a year without relaxing and I met that goal.

Since I discovered half wigs I've been verrrrry 'hair lazy'.

My new growth ain't no joke, it's definitely a jungle in there, especially during the detangling process---but I can't keep my hands out of my hair!!

I've been tempted to relax lately because of the unrulyness, however there's just something about the feel of my new growth/natural hair that I just LOVE!!!!! :love: