I'm so upset


New Member
I\'m so upset

I had my hair in cornrows for 3 weeks. I recently took my cornrows out and washed my hair. When doing this my dead hair got tangled up with my relaxed ends and cause complete disaster.
I tried every product I had to get the knoted dead hair out of my relaxed ends but there was no use. I couldn't save it.
So I had to cut it out. Now I have different hair lengths throughout my hair. I can't believe this. I'm so upset.
Re: I\'m so upset

oh my im sorry that happened...when i was transitioning and got my first set of braids i had to rip out lots of hair due to build up, cause i didnt know what i was doin yet to take care of the braids...it will be ok...its just a matter of time.

i dont know what you mean by dead hair though...you mean the shedded hair? you should try to detangle before washing if thats what happened ...alot of times when i took braids out i conditioned first....thats how i happened upon conditioner washes ten years ago....before i knew they had a name lol...also oils oils oils...that should help the tangling too
Re: I\'m so upset

That has happened to me when I've worn sew-in weaves and wore them too long. I can't believe that happened in just 3 weeks, though!
Re: I\'m so upset

Sorry this happened to you. Did you comb through each braid as you took them down? Also have you tried Take Down? A lot of people use this for removing locs.
Re: I\'m so upset

Ditto, joyous on the comb out BEFORE washing. This is MANDATORY when taking out braids.

Sugawooga, I'm sorry this happened to you
I had to learn the same lesson 4 years ago the hard way. I took out my braids and washed my hair without detangling - the worst mistake ever. I also had to cut some sections and I ended up just getting braids again so those parts could grow out. Just baby your hair for a while and everything will be ok.
Re: I\'m so upset

Well, next time I get cornrows I will comb out each braid when removing. I definitly learned my lesson. I'll be okay, thanks everyone for your advice.
Re: I\'m so upset

The same thing happened to me a few years ago, I thought I would detangle afterwards to save myself all that hair, the total opposite occured, my hair was matted together and my mum had to cut clumps out, she was calling my MRS Samson (Samson and Delila-not meant to cut your hair), i didnt take too kingly to that joke!! Anyway I am living proof that hair is a growing organ, be patient, it will grow back.