I was on the Christmas stretch but my new growth was one inch but my hair was breaking off at the demarcation mark. I tried aphoghee and moisturizing but it still kept shedding and breaking. I have been using mtg for about 5 weeks of the 6 weeks. I really really tried to hold out. I was trying to hold out to 12 weeks( I had held out for 16 weeks and even 8 months before with the help of braids and a weave) but I was trying to hold out without using braids since I had some breakage from the braids. I am so pissed since I have never relaxed this soon. My hair is growing but does anyone have any suggestions? Do you guys think it is because of the mtg? My hairdresser also commented about my hair growth and how I should touchup since my hair was starting to break. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Sorry for the long thread..