Im so scuuuurrrddd!

ms jadu

Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

My mother is constantly experimenting with hair products that ppl recommend, but this time Im scared for her. Someone told her to use Copa, and I think it will tear out her hair. My friend has told told me that Copa was a scam, and that alot of people had reported hair shedding. My mother plans to use it as soon as it comes, which is any day now. Anyhow, she will not listen to me. What should I do?
Im trying so hard. i have my lil sister watching for the mail man. I told her to hide it when it comes. IM so dirty
but extremely concerned
Lawd have mercy are they still running that commercial? Snatch that stuff up as soon as u see the package gurl. My mother used that stuff and although her hair didn't fall out it was very dry and frizzy looking and the product did nothing like it said it would....another RIO in disguise i say
My mom used too, it dried her hair out and she left alone. Not only that she had problems with returning the product and getting her money back. If she does use it, she won't use it long.

Thanks for the links. Maybe I should look for a picture of a bald-headed woman and show it to my mother. I know thats wrong, but my mom had waist length hair, and get this let a stylist put a jheri curl in. Anyhow, lets just say my mother's hair is shoulder length. This is why Im not too happy with her trying products.