I'm so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)


New Member
I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

I have been really avoiding the hair threads because I know I have to do something about my hair.

I relaxed it about a week ago but I kept quiet because I knew I was going to have to face the truth once I posted my progress pics.

The truth is that my hair was cut into layers long ago by my ex-stylist. When I started my challenge I trimmed a lot and it looked even but as it has grown out I can see the layers and they are hideous. Also the ends of the botton layer need a trim and are a bit thin despite the fact that I have used minimal heat and have followed a good hair regimine religoulsy for the last 6 months. I don't think they are thin because of anything I have done recently, I think it's just the ends of the old hair growing out, it's just less healthy than my new growth because of bad styling in the past.

Once I cut all the layers out my hair will be back to the top of my shoulders. This is killing me!

I don't feel good about wearing my hair out so I am always tucking it into a bun. I also notice that the ends are a bit thin.

I feel like I am taking a huge step back but I know it needs to be done.

This is so depressing.

I added photos in the I need a haircut album. /images/graemlins/nono.gif
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Your hair doesn't look like it needs a hair cut to me.If you want to grow out the layers, and do not wish to lose length, IMO let it grow out and do mini trims other that, your hair looks fine to me, plus it has grow a lot, what's your regime? /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Hey Falon.

You said it - "I don't think they are thin because of anything I have done recently, I think it's just the ends of the old hair growing out, it's just less healthy than my new growth because of bad styling in the past." Now that you know how to take proper care of your hair this should be the last cut.

Many of us have setbacks of this type, whether it's from layers, bad styling choices, lazy stylists, or our own silly decisions. Getting rid of thin ends means you can proudly wear the rest of your thick lovely hair down.

Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Ditto what DahomeyAhosi said. It is much nicer to have hair that you aren't ashamed to wear out than longer hair that you feel you must put up.

I think once you do it, you'll be happier with your hair and can be on to a better hair journey. Good luck!
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

just let it grow out girl!

once you let your hair reach the length that u want it, then trim your ends for a nice even cut /images/graemlins/wink.gif

HTH! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Your hair doesn't look like it needs a hair cut to me.If you want to grow out the layers, and do not wish to lose length, IMO let it grow out and do mini trims other that, your hair looks fine to me, plus it has grow a lot, what's your regime? /images/graemlins/smile.gif.

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Ditto. I think your hair looks great! I think mini-trims is a good suggestion. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

If you just trim what is damaged and get over with---then all it can do is grow! It's better than holding on to damaged ends and then in another 6 months not wanting to cut it off even more because it's gotten a little longer, all the while the ends are still damaged. I got my hair trimmed back in April and I really didn't want to do it, but I knew my hair needed it. It seems like my hair "performed" better after the trim and looked better--even though it was slightly shorter... /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Your hair doesn't look like it needs a hair cut to me.If you want to grow out the layers, and do not wish to lose length, IMO let it grow out and do mini trims other that, your hair looks fine to me, plus it has grow a lot, what's your regime? /images/graemlins/smile.gif.

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Ditto. I think your hair looks great! I think mini-trims is a good suggestion. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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i agree!
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

I really think your hair looks fine too. a compromise would be to cut about 1/2 inch and see how it looks...then maybe next touchup cut another 1/2 inch off the ends. IMO that would do the trick. and by then u will probably only be at the same length or maybe 1/2 inch shorter if u factor in the growth between now and then. u are making great progress!
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Unless your ends are damaged, it really is a matter of preference. My hair was also in layers, due to some damage at the crown a while back. I had planned to get to bra strap length and then gradually trim the layers, but the ends were so thin - just because the top layer of hair wasn't as long as the bottom. I got a touch up this week and a big trim, and while I hated to lose the length, my hair looks sooooo much better. /images/graemlins/love.gif For the first time in a long time it's thick from root to tip. It'll take me a little longer to get to brapstrap but I'll enjoy wearing my hair down a lot more as I make the journey.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Well, I'll say this...I had a trim earlier this month after not trimming for nearly a year. My hair looks and feels MUCH better, but I'm not going to pretend I wanted to do it. I didn't, but looking back, I'm glad I did, because I feel like I have a new start. Like, BAM, from here on out, it's just straight growth with no raggedy ends. HOWEVER, I was grappled with my decision for awhile before I did it, and the only reason I was able to do it, is because the perfect opportunity presented itself (I went back to my old stylist). Before that, I'd planned to never get a trim. I figured if Wanakee and Cathy Howse can go years without trims, why should I let go of my little raggedy ends /images/graemlins/grin.gif? That said, Falon, I agree with Mariaat, it's all about preference. If you want the ends to look better, then trim as planned. If your hair goal is strictly about length, then don't. I think you'll be happier having trimmed, but on the bright side, at least not trimming is forcing you to wear protective styles /images/graemlins/look.gif. Good luck /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

I agree wholeheartedly with Dreamssold. I also just trimmed - over Labor day weekend, - and cut off several inches of hair. My hair is about 3 inches shorter than it was, but it's SO much easier to deal with and it's not coming out at every turn like it was before.

There is a Big Trim challenge - for people like us who need a trim, but don't really want to get one, and do anyway. /images/graemlins/grin.gif If you decide to trim, you're more than welcome to join us.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Thanks for the advice. I have decided to trim the ends. I won't do anything radical but it is time for about half an inch to be taken off. That will make the ends a bit more blunt though I will still have some layers left. I am not ready to even it all out if I did my hair would be ear length and I can't go back that far.

It has been six months since I have had a trim so I shouldn't be such a cry baby about it. I just figured if I took really good care of my hair I could avoid trimming at all.

Well I will do it soon and post some follow up pictures maybe tomorrow.

My regimine right now is to wash every two to three days and deep condition once a week. I was doing daily con washes but it is getting to cold for that now. I used heat for the first time in a month today so that I could see my length but I normally air dry my hair overnight and tuck the ends under a headband or wear a bun. I use a little cocounut oil, serum and leave in like ubh or ntm silk touch leave in and that's it. I stopped using Surge a few weeks ago cuz it's to much of a hassle and I only take my vitamins when I remember to.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Falon, please don't be distressed. I was EXACTLY where you are a couple of years ago. I was so stressed out over a plug of hair that a stylist pulled out, I cut off about 10 inches, and just kept cutting from there.

My advice is to get a decent trim or better...get frequent dustings (I find that white women with long hair give much better dustings, as they don't really like to cut hair short). You've got decent progress, just be patient.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

If you just trim what is damaged and get over with---then all it can do is grow! It's better than holding on to damaged ends and then in another 6 months not wanting to cut it off even more because it's gotten a little longer, all the while the ends are still damaged. I got my hair trimmed back in April and I really didn't want to do it, but I knew my hair needed it. It seems like my hair "performed" better after the trim and looked better--even though it was slightly shorter... /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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Ditto what model_chick said. Very well stated.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

I agree with Kitchen, just keep conditioning and trim a little at a time.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

maybe it's just me, but i don't see anything wrong with your hair! maybe i'd have to see it in person, but i'm not seeing it in the pics you took.

if you think you need to trim, don't go crazy with the scissors! it's easy to cut more if you need to, but impossible to put some back once it's gone!! /images/graemlins/nono.gif
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

Thanks again. I went to see my mom and she said my ends don't look that bad. I did take the pic with the camera phone so I am going to take some over with my sister's digi cam when I get a chance.

I will trim the ends because it has been almost 6 full months. So I can stand to trim at least twice a year.

I guess I should be happy that is all that I have to trim after 6 months right? That's like an inch maybe two max for the year...if I get at least 6 in a year (and I suspect I might get more) then I will be all right.

But I am going to leave my layers alone there isn't anything I can do to eliminate them completely without geting a super short do... /images/graemlins/nono.gif I won't do it.

They will just have to grow out.
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

that's great that your hair looks that good after not cutting for 6 months. i would start with 1/2", not 1". i'm telling you it's not that bad!! i cut almost 2" about a month ago. as soon as it was done, i coulda kicked myself. i thought i needed a good trim. well, i got one... /images/graemlins/look.gif in hindsight, i know i would have been just as happy had she cut less.

i have layers as well, and i kind of like them. as your hair gets longer, you will notice that they are what gives your hair body and shape. girl, don't knock the layers!!
Re: I\'m so sad....I need a haircut! (Pics included)

that's great that your hair looks that good after not cutting for 6 months. i would start with 1/2", not 1". i'm telling you it's not that bad!! i cut almost 2" about a month ago. as soon as it was done, i coulda kicked myself. i thought i needed a good trim. well, i got one... /images/graemlins/look.gif in hindsight, i know i would have been just as happy had she cut less.

i have layers as well, and i kind of like them. as your hair gets longer, you will notice that they are what gives your hair body and shape. girl, don't knock the layers!!

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Thanks again..you are encouraging me to snip even less. I will follow your advice. I also found a thread by Supergirl and I realize that I don't wear my hair straight that often so it doesn't need to be perfectly blunt.

I do a lot of flex-rod sets and buns so that will hid the layers. It's only when I want to wear my hair straight that it's noticeable.

I will trim the half inch first and then we will see what needs to be done next.

I'm glad I consulted with you guys first before I went ahead and did something drastic.