I'm so glad..........


Well-Known Member
that Jesus lifted me. I woke up this morning singing that song.

We all know that song. And I know we all have stories of how he lifted us from some awful times in our life. I thought it would be great to share and give someone who might me going through a hard time some hope.

I'll start

He has brought me from the depths of despair and depression. The feeling of hopelessness and anger. He has shown me love and happiness. And He has let me know that I was always loved by him. He has shown me what a true friend is and given me the prefect example of a marriage.

I'm so glad.:)
He has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light!! Glory to God!! I'm no longer bound to my past of sexual and domestic abuse, but I can now use my experiences to minister to other women seeking to be healed. I no longer look to man for love, but to my Daddy who embraces me with His love!

I'm so glad!:grin:
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"I'm so glad. I go to JSU. I'm so glad. I go to JSU. Singing glory hallelujah. Whew! I'm sooo glad." :lachen: Wow! It's obviousy time for me to get to a homecoming game because that was the song that came to mind when I saw your post. Ok, I digress.

I'm so glad that God has blessed me with a loving, kind, patient, and understanding husband. God is teaching me how to finally welcome a man into my life. I'm so glad that he has blessed me with beautiful healthy children who are coming to know Him and love Him. I'm so glad that He has healed me of unforgiveness. I'm so glad that His mercy and grace are sufficient and that He loves me even though I'm still a work in progress. :grin:
klb120475 said:
He has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light!! Glory to God!! I'm no longer bound to my past of sexual and domestic abuse, but I can now use my experiences to minister to other women seeking to be healed. I know longer look to man for love, but to my Daddy who embraces me with His love!

I'm so glad!:grin:

You go girl! He is an AWESOME God!
I'm so glad that He has:

Given me new life
Reveals Himself to me everyday
Allows me to make mistakes and then picks me up so that I can start anew
Forgives me for my shortcomings
Loves me with an everlasting love (agape)
A wonderful, down to earth, giving, handsome, sweet Man of God that I adore!
A beautiful home that's filled with love, peace and joy!
I'm not in debt, sick in my body or my mind...He has given me the mind of Christ and I hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart!
Wonderful friends who I can rely and depend upon.

So many things I can say...but, it would be a book by the time I'm finished. He has done so many wonderful things for me...I can't wait to see what He does with me next!!!

BTW: This is a wonderful thread, dlewis...thank you!
klb120475 said:
He has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light!! Glory to God!! I'm no longer bound to my past of sexual and domestic abuse, but I can now use my experiences to minister to other women seeking to be healed. I no longer look to man for love, but to my Daddy who embraces me with His love!

I'm so glad!:grin:

Yes, LORD...thank you JESUS!

As much as I hate to say it...this has been my past also. I agree with your whole post.
Come on ladies...I'm bumping this up for dlewis!

I know there are more of you who are thankful and glad for something today!!!
He is my friend. He has never left me. He comforts me when I am lonely. He has provided for me when I didn't know where or how I was going to make it by myself. He listens to my cry and catches every tear and holds them dear to his heart. He walks with me when I feel ugly and insecure and reminds me that I am made in His image and he never makes anything ugly. He knows me by name. He recognizes my voice when I call. When I am scared and worried about my future, he reminds me that he has a plan of hope for my life. He forgave me.
Kenedie said:
He is my friend. He has never left me. He comforts me when I am lonely. He has provided for me when I didn't know where or how I was going to make it by myself. He listens to my cry and catches every tear and holds them dear to his heart. He walks with me when I feel ugly and insecure and reminds me that I am made in His image and he never makes anything ugly. He knows me by name. He recognizes my voice when I call. When I am scared and worried about my future, he reminds me that he has a plan of hope for my life. He forgave me.

Wow! That was poetic!!! I'm 'bout to copy that and put it on my 'frigerator! :grin:
Kenedie said:
He is my friend. He has never left me. He comforts me when I am lonely. He has provided for me when I didn't know where or how I was going to make it by myself. He listens to my cry and catches every tear and holds them dear to his heart. He walks with me when I feel ugly and insecure and reminds me that I am made in His image and he never makes anything ugly. He knows me by name. He recognizes my voice when I call. When I am scared and worried about my future, he reminds me that he has a plan of hope for my life. He forgave me.

Yes, yes yes....yes!
That he knocked the scales off of my eyes and allowed me to see myself as an individual who was in desperate need of His grace and mercy, not as the perfect got it all together chick that I thought I was.

That He provides for me in small ways and in amazing ways.

That I live in a country where I can praise His name without fear of persecution.

That my name is written in the book of life.

That DLewis started this thread....It is allowing us to realize how thankful and blessed we are.
I am so glad that He closed doors that I opened and is working to open doors that I cannot yet see. He healed my heart and helped me to forgive and not fill my heart up with jealous, anger, envy or resentment. He helps me to control my thoughts and focus on Him. For keeping my family and stretching my faith. He surrounded me with people that are not my blood family but love me as if I am. He created this thread and helped me to remember him in every facet of my life. :)
Wow so I really am just grateful for EVERYTHING right now. I took a very big leap of faith life-wise and there was no way to know the outcome. And now everything's better than ever. I feel great, and I appreciate life so much more.

I have a lot of big questions to answer and ask, but I'm relying on God to lead the path.
He lead me to this thread. He has prepared me for the life I now have. He has blessed me with the most loving, accepting, and caring family and friends. He loves me and forgives me. He is preparing me for so much more. I can go on and on...
He has blessed me even more abundantly.
I felt like I was broke this past week, prayed, sowed and within the last week, I've received random money totaling close to $500 with even more opportunity of more on the way.
My credit score is shooting up all the way, things are getting erased from my report.
He has given me a wonderful man who strives to keep God #1 in His life and to keep us away from sin.
He has shown me His spiritual wisdom to see the vision for my life.
I feel a peace and comfort that I have never felt before in my life.
I am so glad for you ladies for realizing the power you have within you and your full inheritance as a child of God to all of His blessings, which He said to Abraham: spiritual, financial and physical.
I am anointed with His seal, everywhere I walk, His glory shines upon all I meet. God is too good to me!
God is my Father and takes great care of me. He has met all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He healed my body, mind, and spirit. I thank Him for allowing me to really get to know Him and His precious Son. It is a privilege to dine and commune with Him at the table that is already spread. This is one table where you never get too full or go hungry. It has peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, blessings, blessings, and more blessings! What a Mighty God we serve!
God has done so much for me!!!! But today, I am so thankful for His Faithfulness!!! God never lets me down, He doesn't always work things out the way I want Him to, but when He works them out they're always for my good and better than I could have ever imagined them to be!!!

He continues to keep me and keep my two sons protected everyday.

There is no greater love than the love of Jesus!!!

ETA: On Monday, I sent a check off in the mail that was a final payment for one debt. I thank God for giving me the ability and the resources to pay off one of my debts. Thank You Jesus!!!
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