I'm so excited


New Member
In september I decided that I was gonna start my hair journey all over again. I gave myself a huge trim, I probably trimmed off an inch or more in some areas. My hair was cut in layers anyway so it didn't have to be even to begin with, I just cut off whatever seemed damaged. I decided to stick to rollersets and did so for the the last 4-6 wks, with some flat ironing in between but definately not as often as before. Sometimes my rollerset came out decent other time it was like :blush:, but I stayed persistent. The only part I used heat on regulary was my bangs to straighten it after rollersetting and to bump them in the morning. I stretched for 15wks and finally got to the point where I could not stand my hair another day and got myself a retouch.

I'm glad to say my efforts have paid off, my hair is so healthy and full. I asked the stylist for a trim and she said my ends were healthy, no split ends or dryness. She snip some areas just to even it out and shape it up but I wouldn't even call what she did a trim.

I'm even more encouraged now cause I maintained my length and was able to see the benefits. I'm gonna stick with my rollersets and megatek.

I did purchase a flat iron (Herstyler) that promises no damage even with daily use, not saying that I buy into that but I did use it regulary for about 3 wks before I restarted my journey. Even though I continued to use it almost every day on my bangs she did not trim my bangs at all. Not to say that daily heat is not damaging but maybe this iron is less damaging than most, just a thought.
Congrats i'm happy for you!

I think I need to take a page out of your book, I just relaxed today its looks ok, but is kinda underprocessed and my ends dont look too good. I think I will be booking an appointment for a trim to give myself a nice, fresh start.

I think the reason why I haven't really progressed much on my haircare journey is because I was always afraid of the new start and would never give into a trim even when I've REALLY needed one :spinning:
I personally think trims make a difference in the overall thickness and appearance and health of the hair. The key is to find someone who's not scissor happy and will only trim as necessary. After that you have to protect the hair so that it won't need to be trimmed as often. Can I also add that I did a rollerset and I didn't have to use my smallest rollers on any part of my head. Yay.