I'm so discouraged......:(

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Guys I THINK im gonna quit this whole hair care thing,:sad: my stylist gave me a blotchy relaxer and i HAVE TO wait till march to get a corrective one, I'm so discouraged, im NL and the little broken pieces, the shedding, I just can't take it anymore.:wallbash:
PLEASE help me with some words of encouragement until my relaxer, I'll be switching to lye with a new stylist....
Guys I THINK im gonna quit this whole hair care thing,:sad: my stylist gave me a blotchy relaxer and i HAVE TO wait till march to get a corrective one, I'm so discouraged, im NL and the little broken pieces, the shedding, I just can't take it anymore.:wallbash:
PLEASE help me with some words of encouragement until my relaxer, I'll be switching to lye with a new stylist....

You don't need to quit the hair care thing, you need to quit that stylist!!!

In the meantime, give yourself a protein treatment followed by a deep conditioner to see if you can minimize the breakage. Then follow that up with a deep conditioner at least once a week until you can get your corrective. By all means, find someone competent to do your next relaxer!

I am sorry to hear your stylist jacked up your relaxer. All the more reason for you to give your hair TLC. I have had so many uhmm trimmings(hair cuta) by stylist unbeknownst to me while in chair. My hair grew back fast.
Don't threw in towel, we are all here to help:grin:
Just hang in there. Most ladies on the board have been working for years on improving their haircare with many setbacks in between. The more time you put in the more you'll get out. One thing is for sure the damaged parts will grow out. Eventually you will have a new head of hair. Now you have the knowledge to recognize a poorly done relaxer. I didn't even know that for years...... Hang in there and keep learning. It will pay off in the end.
Guys I THINK im gonna quit this whole hair care thing,:sad: my stylist gave me a blotchy relaxer and i HAVE TO wait till march to get a corrective one, I'm so discouraged, im NL and the little broken pieces, the shedding, I just can't take it anymore.:wallbash:
PLEASE help me with some words of encouragement until my relaxer, I'll be switching to lye with a new stylist....

awwww so sorry to hear that! Please don't give up!! Protein will definitely help with the shedding. Good Luck!
You poor thing. I would keep the ends moisturised and wear a fake pony tail in a bun with some flat twists at the front secured with some diamante her pins - find a hairstyle you like in the meantime and you'll most likely get the compliments from people admiring your new look, the time will pass quickly until u get your next relaxer.

While you're waiting you need to be looking for a good stylist!
You don't need to quit the hair care thing, you need to quit that stylist!!!

In the meantime, give yourself a protein treatment followed by a deep conditioner to see if you can minimize the breakage. Then follow that up with a deep conditioner at least once a week until you can get your corrective. By all means, find someone competent to do your next relaxer!


I am sorry to hear your stylist jacked up your relaxer. All the more reason for you to give your hair TLC. I have had so many uhmm trimmings(hair cuta) by stylist unbeknownst to me while in chair. My hair grew back fast.
Don't threw in towel, we are all here to help:grin:

What SmartyPants and BlackMaven said. :hug2:
I've been with the board since October 2006 and my hair finally started behaving in 2008.

Don't give up. You'll see. :yep:
Sorry you're discouraged.
We all have set backs. It's just a new starting point.
You need to get a new stylist asap, first off!
Our best stylist is always ourself...no one will care as much about our hair as we do.
Give yourself a nice Deep Condition and read a lot on the boards for inspiration and ideas. March will be here quick for your corrective relaxer.

Feel better!!!
Guys I THINK im gonna quit this whole hair care thing,:sad: my stylist gave me a blotchy relaxer and i HAVE TO wait till march to get a corrective one, I'm so discouraged, im NL and the little broken pieces, the shedding, I just can't take it anymore.:wallbash:
PLEASE help me with some words of encouragement until my relaxer, I'll be switching to lye with a new stylist....

Don't give up..give up that stylist and in the mean time add protein to help the breakage...don't be afraid of it.:look: and protect your hair until your corrective relaxer.

stay positive
Just keep at it! I mean if you give up then where is your hair going to be? When you get over this hurdle, after all that TLC you give to your hair it will make it all the more sweeter
Why would you quit caring for your hair when your hair is damaged? Fire that stylist. I hope you didn't pay her for what she did to your hair!
THANK YOU ALL!!! All these comments have really made me feel better...
DON'T GIVE UP......YOU CAN DO IT!!!! It just takes time and patience.....just baby your hair.....i've had MANY setbacks.....why don't you try an ayurveda regimen or something to make the time pass......I would really do a protein treatment and deep condition.....Girl if you give up then you have let the stylist win.....kick her to the curve and just pamper yourself......I hope you feel better and please don't give up......
We have all been there, by all means don't give up, cause your hair is you, you give up on your hair, then you hair will fall out. Like others have mention, give TLC. Do what you learn from here at home and find another beautician for your relaxers. Start doing your own DC, protein treatment and maybe you can do your own Relaxers. THere are plenty of long hair females that do their own thing even better than beautician, their pics are the proof.

By all means don't give up.
Hang in there! I see that you just joined the forum in October. Please don't give up now. Just give up on your stylist. Find a stylist with long hair or someone that is passionate about what they do. You can do this!
One more thing... LHCF sisters will tell you the truth about stylists. Go into the Salon forum and ask for recs on a competent stylist in your area. They'll help you out.
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Girl please do not give up!!! I had a MAJOR set back from having a friend of mines give me a botched up touch up!!! Major OVERPROCESS happened.

What I decided to do was just give myself weekly DCs, Steam my hair as well and just leave it alone. I currently wear a bun. I am doing this for a year. My hair is growing but I stiil have a LOT of damaged ends. I had a lot of my hair cut off. But I decided not to cut anymore (Thanks Irresistible!!!) and just let it grow out. When it gets a certain length I will start to trim little by little. Oh and I found a good stylist too. Plus I learned how to do my own perms.

Hang in there girl. This too shall pass.
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Do give up stick with it. It was not easy for me at first however, I just remained consistent and now all of my work and research for and about my hair is paying off.
Sorry to hear that. This is not the time to give up though, if anything, it's the time to use all the knowledge you've gained from here so far.

For the breakage - I know most have suggested protein but maybe it's better to do the "Wet assesment" to see what your hair needs. I don't know if you've read SistaSlick's article, which gives a good run down on this. The Fine Art of Protein and Moisture Balancing for Black Hair Care and there's a regimen for breakage here: Hair Care: Shedding or Breakage? Understanding the Difference

For shedding - I think I saw protein being suggested for shedding aswell. But protein will NOT do anything for shedding. Breakage yes, but not shedding. Maybe try garlic supplements? I've read several posts where people say that garlic pills stopped shedding in its tracks. I've never used them myself, so I don't know that they work, but it's worth a try?

HTH. I hope more suggestions come in for you... :yep:
I just started my hair journey a year and 4 months ago and I've had about 3 setbacks so far. All of us go through a little trial and error stage before finally getting it right. Don't, don't, don't give up honey! That's what we, your lhcf sistas are here for - to help you along the way to beautiful healthy hair. You did the right thing in asking for help and encouragement when you need it. Hang in there pretty lady - you can do this. Don't give up on YOUR hair baby. Your hair is your crowning glory that God gave you, take care of it and watch it flourish. You fire the stylist and hire us, okay?

~Hugs and Kisses~

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Girl...hang in there, I've had a few botched relaxers in the past. Now isn't the time to give up, now is the time to get on your game and care for your hair with more fervor then ever before. You can do this. Hair is very resilient and it will bounce back.
i felt like that a year ago....and there are times i just get tired....but it will be ok....PROMISE!!!!!

just let it go for now (a day, week, fornight)....dont think about your hair and before you know you will be back here with enthusiasm....

anxiously waiting for march is like watching water boil....:yep:
I feel you :nono:. My last botched relaxer (2eyars ago) was the reason why I vowed never to relax again and go natural (BUUUUURNNNNN CITY!). Just baby your hair and use this time to FIND A NEW STYLIST! Go to the Salon Forum and see if there are any good salons in your area that specialize in healthy hair care.. Did she overlap? Burn you? Lightly base your own scalp and protect your own ends with oil and/or conditioner before you go to the stylist. I wish you the best... and DON'T GIVE UP or you're gonna regret it! We all had our setbacks! That's what brought us here remember???
Don't give up! I started going to a hair dresser when I switched to lye relaxers and the first time she gave me a corrective relaxer for years and years of only using no-lye and this was cool, my hair responded great to it, felt strong, moisturized and healthy. The second time I needed a touch-up she decided she'd cover the whole length of my hair with the relaxer again. I told her "You did the corrective last time." She gave me the whole, she knows what she's doing bit. Well needless to say this weakened my hair and I was pissed off, but I came to the board and got some great advice to use this avocado mixture as a pre-poo/DC, I used a cap. (for the life of me I can't remember what was in the mixture, I think orange zest was used too) and I used Nexxus Botanoil shampoo (specifically for chemically treated hair) and Nexxus Emergencee. Right away this built the strength back up in my hair and stopped the shedding in it's tracks. Definately stay away from that stylist, this may also be a good time to opt for braids for a few months.
This is exactly why I am looking to learn how to self relax, the hair dresser overprocessed my hair last time she relaxed, almost burned off my nape and hairline. Just DC and DC and moisturize, and either look into getting a new hairdresser or look into self relaxing, I know I am
This is exactly why I am looking to learn how to self relax, the hair dresser overprocessed my hair last time she relaxed, almost burned off my nape and hairline. Just DC and DC and moisturize, and either look into getting a new hairdresser or look into self relaxing, I know I am

My rule #1 to avoid this situation is that I base myself before I leave my house. I have been burned since I started doing this!