I'm so disappointed right now...


Active Member
Okay, for the past month or so I've been trying to take care of my sisters hair. She was 9-weeks post relaxer and I was TRYING to get her to stretch to 12-weeks. Well, about an hour ago she tells me that my mother is about to relax her hair.:look: I'm like ok...ma, just make sure you base her scalp and put something on her ends. Howabout she did neither? Then she seriously overlapped...the perm is basically all the way to the ends of my sisters hair. Not only that, but they are just rinsing out 35+ minutes later. She went over and smoothed her new-growth like three times:nono:

They will learn..
thats sad.
i went to a dominican salon yesterday and saw a lady get a relaxer. the stylist based her hair and i dont think she overlapped but she went over each section like 4 or 5 times.
is that normal?
thats sad.
i went to a dominican salon yesterday and saw a lady get a relaxer. the stylist based her hair and i dont think she overlapped but she went over each section like 4 or 5 times.
is that normal?

I don't think so. From what I know, your only suppose to go over once. I remember when my old stylist would relax my hair...the relaxer would be all the way to my ends and then she would put it all together and pull it. Talk about all kind of scalp burns!