I'm so disappointed in myself....but I just can't take it anymore!


Well-Known Member
I have to relax. With this summer heat and humidity my hair is curly like crazy, and I have new growth that flows all the way into my ponytail holder. I look like i'm natural and I'm only gonna be 12 weeks post on June 29th. This is rediculous. I am not due for a relaxer until August 24 (the earliest), was shooting for September 22nd. I can't take this anymore though, in 3 more months I might as well just say I'm transitioning. I try to relax on a schedule of September 22 and June 21 each year but I messed it up this year by relaxing April 6th. I think I may have confused my hair. I am really disappointed because I wanted to wait until at least August 24th but its not happening, now I will have to relax AGAIN on September 22 to get my hair back into its regular cycle and so I can look fresh for my b-day. I am planning on going to the dominican salon to get a wash and set this weekend to see if they can help me stretch until atleast August 1st, if not then I will be relaxing next Thursday. This really sux, I'm so mad:mad:

Girl DON"T beat yourself up over it. You stretched for a long hard 12 weeks, which is better than what I am doing. Shoot, I'll be relaxing at 8 lol.

All of your post lately seems to me like you are stressing yourself out. I know I am the wrong person to say this lol. Girl, it's okay. Instead of thinking of the cup being half empty think of it as being half full. ATLEAST you did stretch. Shoooot, 12 weeks is a stretch for me. Girl, be proud of yourself!
I agree with MizaniMami, don't beat yourself up over that. 12 weeks is a great achievement. I've never understood the sadness over having to relax sooner than the projected time frame. This hair care biz is all about doing what's best for YOUR hair, and perhaps your hair because of the circumstances you mentioned has to be relaxed earlier than you wanted.

Relax when you have to, don't stress over it. If you're really concerned about stretching for longer periods of time, relax(your hair and your mind,:lol: ) and try again. Research some more, rediscover some products and methods that may help you stretch longer.

Whatever you do, don't feel bad about this. It's hardly a setback. At least you know when you do relax your hair will be back on track.
ITA with everyone else. :yep: 12 weeks is GOOD! I could see if you were 3 weeks in being upset-- but you've done a great job already. Just think, there are people that have relaxed 2-3 times already during your stretch. Please don't beat yourself up. :lol:
OMG-I thought it was just me! I normally stretch to 20 weeks and I am at 13 weeks now and it feels like I'm already at 20. This humidity is insane!:eek:

I have it cornrowed now so I'm good for a couple more weeks but I just don't know if I'll be able to make it to 20. I'm gonna try very hard though.
I will see what happens after I go to the salon this weekend. I think I will ask her to just roll it tight and not blow it out and then go get a curly/wavy phony pony that is more kinky so it will look better with my hair. I figure if I go to the salon every 10 days (* 4) that will put me in the beginning of August and I wouldn't have to relax again after August until June. Do you think relaxing June 29th and then again on September 22 is too much? How long are you supposed to wait? I was told 6 months in between relaxers but I see ppl do it every 8 weeks here.
It's different for everyone. I go 12-17 weeks, depending on what events I am relaxing my hair around. Many people do 8. It also depends on how you wear your hair. If you wear alot of braids you'll be able to stretch more. I usually start wearing cornrows around the 10 week mark to make it easier.
June 29th to Sept 22nd doesn't sound at all bad to me. That's at least 11 weeks, maybe closer to 12.
Girl don't even worry about it...
I just relaxed today and it has only been 10 weeks I was aiming for 12 - 14 weeks. The 2 inches of new growth in most places was not being friendly!!! Do what is good for you!!! That is all that really matters....:D
MissFallon said:
I am planning on going to the dominican salon to get a wash and set this weekend to see if they can help me stretch

i also think its great you stretched that long. Quick question, do you normally go to the Dominican salon this long after a relaxer? When I’m in need of a relaxer, my hair requires careful detangling after a wash and it freaks me out when they start using the fine tooth comb on my wet hair to pick out each section for a roller. Maybe this hasn’t been an issue for you, but if you haven’t gone with this much ng before, I would suggest that you be prepared to have to deal with that…
Miss Fallon, you have the most gorgeous hair! :D I could never stretch that long when I was fully relaxed. I am going to do my best to do long stretches in my texlaxed journey.:)
Don't feel bad. I haven't had a relaxer in 5 years, but I think I'm about to relax again. I'm disappointed in myself too, but I don't have the energy to deal with my hair in it's natural state anymore. And I'm so tired of wearing braids.

If I do relax again, I hope I can stretch it for 12 weeks. I was getting them every 6 weeks before.
Fallon, I say go for the Full Blowout, I know you don't like heat, but invest in some anti frizz serums and take it with you.
I know how you feel. Today I had to stop myself several times from calling my stylist to schedule for a retouch and it's only been nine weeks. I usually stretch 11 or 12 weeks. My hair is so crunchy at the roots.
HighlyFavored1 said:
i also think its great you stretched that long. Quick question, do you normally go to the Dominican salon this long after a relaxer? When I’m in need of a relaxer, my hair requires careful detangling after a wash and it freaks me out when they start using the fine tooth comb on my wet hair to pick out each section for a roller. Maybe this hasn’t been an issue for you, but if you haven’t gone with this much ng before, I would suggest that you be prepared to have to deal with that…

I don't go to the salon every. I have been three times since June 2002. I usually rollerset and wrap (no blowdryer) once a week. I used to go every two weeks when I was younger 8-17 and I never had a problem. I always use a fine tooth comb to comb my hair and never really get breakage or shedding. I used to go the dominican salon up until 6 months after a relaxer then my mom would tell me to tell them to relax and I would do the same thing for the next 6 months. I generally don't tell them to blow it out until 10 weeks post relaxer when just the rollers aren't getting it straight enough.
Ok, so I went to the salon and got the blowout. First of all the salon experience was terrible and I almost killed the lady who started doing my hair first and the lady who was trying to fight her to do my hair (long story) but ended up cursing them out in english and spanish instead. The lady who ended up doing my hair (a third person) did a good job. I left the salon and was feeling good about my hair like I could use this to stretch. That was at 12pm...I've had my hair wrapped mostly all day but its reverting already. So the salon idea is out...I am relaxing June 29th (at exactly 12 weeks). I'm kinda excited and it will def. make me happier about my hair. I'll post pics in my fotki when I do it..prolly gonna self-relax because my experience today made me never want to go back to the salon again!