I'm Single Again--but I couldn't be more happy!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so I broke up with my boyfriend after 7 1/2 months of dating. He was moving too too fast as far as wanting to get married--even went to the extent of takin me to a jewelry store for rings(LOL), wanting to be in serious relationship(which caused an argument because I felt we were in dating mode) and having kids, and he wasn't ambitious or goal oriented and I just wasn't happy. He wasn't stable as far as his plans for the future....and we both are in our 30's.

But why is this fool acting like he was the best good man around? And like he has so much to offer to a woman. (big sigh rolling eyes)

Truthfully it was partly my fault because I let it carry on for7 1/2 months that it did. I felt like i was in control of the relationship,and everything in the relationship. He was a hot head at work and had a smart *** mouth so getting a promotion was out the window.

He has been living with a roommate for about 9 to 10 years, been working at the same "part-time job" for now almost 8 years. Oh and thought eventually he would be moving in probably in about a year or so(HMPH) So Bum and lazy was coming in my mind.

I'm looking for someone to complement me and not feel like they are like a grown behind child thats just take take taking.

And have you ever talked to someone and explained this to a person the importance of having stability with a mate and things that you want in a person but this person is not listening and still wanting to be with you. Yes that is him. He tries to flip ish into some dumb way of his thinking and by the time he does this your just having a blank stare and just thru with talkin to someone that doesnt get it. Yes that is him. He would make countless of excuses of why he couldnt be a man.

I'm just really just letting this out and venting because I know I made the right move and I do not regret it at all. I learned alot because I havent been in a real relationship with any man since I was in college which was about 10 years ago. So sometimes just by saying I want this in a man or that in a man its really something to face it in reality and say something isn't right. Not telling any woman on here to do what I did by having a relationship with someone that isn't on your level and meeting your expectations. I just learned not to just make do. I'm not Chili with a laundry list of things I want a man to be, but I sure will put my list of qualities for a man up and take them into consideration even more.
Sorry he wasn't a better match for you. Well now you know someone will stick it out with you for months and want to marry you. That is progress. Ten years is a very long time to go without a real boyfriend. Now you just need someone who is marriageable. I hope you meet him soon.
Good for you for not letting him waste any more of your time!!!! THAT is the greatest commodity that any of us has regardless of whether we're talking about relationships, health, etc.
You got a stable Job and security you don't have a room mate your pretty and you seem to have it together from what you write. If I was a hot headed smart arsed lazy man still acting like he was in college living with a roomate and working only Part time.

Hell I'd be trying to marry you too. He was probably thinking WOW she got it like that and if I put a ring on it I can unarse the roomate and live like a man on her dime.

YOU were very smart cause the next chick that is stable and got it together like you he is going to say YES cause she is so happy to have a diamond on her finger. But hummmm working part time WHO gone pay for it and the wedding.

Whooooo dodged that bullet

Ain't G-d good and the universe is happy :lachen:Cause peace of mind is wonderful. And your credit is still intact.
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Are you sure he didn't break up with you? I'm just saying this because usually it's the person that has been broken up with, that rants like this.
No he didn't actually he wants me back. I'm just venting and letting people know not to settle because I did that for 7 1/2 months and it was only frustrating and made me not happy. I've never broken up with anyone before.

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Honestly I didn't think about these things in the beginning and just was happy that I thought I met that was cool and down to earth. He would take me to meet his friends and family and even though he would say its not about the type of job I had or the money I made, but it would be the next things that would come out of his mouth when he would introduce me to someone.

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That's okay. He was proud of you :yep:. He sounds like he cared a lot for you and you for him. He just didn't have enough going for him which is unfortunate.
Good for you for being strong enough to walk away from a relationship that wasn't what you needed it to be. Some women definitely would have hung in there much longer after being single for so long. There's someone more on your level out there.
Yep--some women would continue trying to "make it work," or try to instill ambition into a person that has none.

A piece in this case is not better than a whole.
I'm glad you decided to walk away from that relationship.

I also think you shouldn't have to explain to a mate that you need stability in them, as you explained in your post. That's great.

Cheers to you!
Thank you ladies.

Thats the thing I didn't want to try to make something work that wasnt working for me. He is a nice guy, but he is just not the guy for me. I remember a previous post that went like that---that even though a lady met a guy and he seemed great, but he wasnt the guy for them. This is how i feel about this situation.
Thank you for venting to us. I think more women need to be comfortable with leaving things that are not meant for them.
Thanks for walking away. This is definitely the inspiration I need to remind me that patience is a virtue. Everything has its season and I'm sure God will give let you know when your season of marriage is here.