I'm SCARED of MTG!!!!!


Active Member

I'm scurd of the SMELL of my MTG...

My MTG was delivered weeks ago, and is still sitting there, unused, unopened.

WHY?? Because I am afraid of the smell that many people have talked about on this board. Will it still stink if I use peppermint oil with it? What proportion of oil to MTG should I use? Will my husband move to the guest room if I start using it? Will I have to move to the guest room for the sake of fast hair growth?
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lol @ moving to the guest room. I think almond oil or pepermint oil might do the trick, play with some combinations and see which ones are best. As for being scared of it, on the label it says not poisnous, and if swallowed do not induce vomiting, so I guess it cannot be that bad for us. Enjoy and HHG:)
I'm sorry, but I think the smell cannot be masked. EOs can change the smell a bit, but it still stinks to me. But I think it is just a preference. I prefer smelling like my shampoo and conditioners or my shower gel or body spray. And I think it is more than the sulfur that makes it smell. I think the oil or something also adds to the smell because you can mix Flowers of Sulfur in with things and it does not smell like MTG - I dunno.

Anyway, I wore it ONE TIME and I did not like the way it smelled nor did my boyfriend. Plus is is oily and makes hair too oily - again in my opinion - others have no problem with it.

Maybe you can use it before shampooing like Glover's directions say.
HoneyDew said:
I'm sorry, but I think the smell cannot be masked. EOs can change the smell a bit, but it still stinks to me. But I think it is just a preference. I prefer smelling like my shampoo and conditioners or my shower gel or body spray. And I think it is more than the sulfur that makes it smell. I think the oil or something also adds to the smell because you can mix Flowers of Sulfur in with things and it does not smell like MTG - I dunno.

Anyway, I wore it ONE TIME and I did not like the way it smelled nor did my boyfriend. Plus is is oily and makes hair too oily - again in my opinion - others have no problem with it.

Maybe you can use it before shampooing like Glover's directions say.

WOW....that's what I was afraid of; and my husband is the type that has a very good sense of smell.....but maybe I'll try adding the peppermint oil to it to see if that keeps me out of the dog house (eh, guest room)....Did someone say they used 10 drops of peppermint per 6 oz of mtg?
Use a minimum ammount with the peppermint oil in the night and by morning the smell is gone or almost gone. You can then spray a mixture of peppermint oil and water to hair to "freshen up".

I actually went overboard with my MTG yesterday after taking out my weave and doing a deep condition. Honestly, I put soooooooo much in and then made myself sick with the smell. That's why i'm recommending using as little as possible in your hair. It will still do the trick.
determine3 said:
Use a minimum ammount with the peppermint oil in the night and by morning the smell is gone or almost gone. You can then spray a mixture of peppermint oil and water to hair to "freshen up".

I actually went overboard with my MTG yesterday after taking out my weave and doing a deep condition. Honestly, I put soooooooo much in and then made myself sick with the smell. That's why i'm recommending using as little as possible in your hair. It will still do the trick.

I agree. It's not about using a lot.
You know I mixed mines with Aloe Vera Gel and almond oil few drops and orange extract and orange essential oil it smells good. You will still smell the MTG but its so not noticiable, I was using it straight becasue I am use to the smell it doesn't bother me but it was just to oily so I mixed it with the aloe Vera to thicken it up make it easier to put on my head and then I mixed it with the orange extract that I happend to have in my house and then the orange eo it doesn't bother me at all and no one else can smell it. I put a little almond oil in there to protec my scalp from the EO. I only use it after I wash my hair or conditioner wash. The smells is gone by morning and I usuallly spray it with Moisturizer. When I don't have time to wash my hair I spray it a lot with the moisturzier and then put the MTG on same process. I put MTG on every other day and everyday in the back of my hair I swear I can't see no change at all. Its very frustrating. Its been a month. I got one inch of growth--- nothing in the back. I guess because I haven't been taking my vits or Biotin I hate taking pills its murder to do it. I did take my Vit today though. I won't stop taking MTG because it works, it works fast for some slow for others but it works. My daughter is walking proof for me. I have had no side affects. Only when I mixed it the first time it made my scalp itch something terrible. Now I have no problems whatsoever, Good luck. Try it first and see how you like it. The BSS have these small jars you can use to make up your "potion" and see what works best for you. My husband has yet to say anything about the smell and he has a sensitive nose is is always saying something about this smell or that so if it was a problem he would have said something.
you really have to put a lot of stuff in it to mask the smell or at least make it bearable. i would also suggest putting it on at night so that the smell has time to lessen in intensity. Yes, the smell is THAT bad...you may smell like bacon or some other form of meat unless you really put some good smelling stuff in there. Essential oils and other oils and potions would be good to put in there....shake or stir it up real good. I had to really play around with the proportions before I got it to be bearable....because at first, the stuff had me TEARING UP cuz it stunk so bad......i just had to keep adding more and more untill I didn't tear up.
I commend you brave girls who endure for the health of your hair. If you are in a more formal work place, I would avoid anything that might give you a reputation for stinking. Others may think that you have a hygiene problem, when the opposite is true.:p
It can be oily if it is used in excess. What has helped me was to use a small tipped color applicator which will control the flow alot better. What also helps is using it at night as prescribed (with the applicator) The smell is gone my the morning. The most important thing though is the applicator. If it is not used you can not minimize the oiliness which could cause for you to mess up jewelry, clothing, and/or pillowcases. With MTG a little is a lot. HTH :)
HoneyDew said:
I'm sorry, but I think the smell cannot be masked. EOs can change the smell a bit, but it still stinks to me. But I think it is just a preference. I prefer smelling like my shampoo and conditioners or my shower gel or body spray. And I think it is more than the sulfur that makes it smell. I think the oil or something also adds to the smell because you can mix Flowers of Sulfur in with things and it does not smell like MTG - I dunno.

Anyway, I wore it ONE TIME and I did not like the way it smelled nor did my boyfriend. Plus is is oily and makes hair too oily - again in my opinion - others have no problem with it.

Maybe you can use it before shampooing like Glover's directions say.
I must have used it incorrectly I guess. I used it one night and could still smell it all day while I was sitting at my desk the next day. I washed my hair that night and never used it again.
czyfaith77 said:
It can be oily if it is used in excess. What has helped me was to use a small tipped color applicator which will control the flow alot better. What also helps is using it at night as prescribed (with the applicator) The smell is gone my the morning. The most important thing though is the applicator. If it is not used you can not minimize the oiliness which could cause for you to mess up jewelry, clothing, and/or pillowcases. With MTG a little is a lot. HTH :)

I think that is the problem...people are using toooo much at one time. I gave mine to my cousin cuz i couldn't stand the smell. she uses it like water. My aunt saw that it was working on my cousin's hair and she started sneaking and using it cuz she has a thin spot in the middle of her head...you can see it. But I noticed this morning that the spot wasn't showing. I asked her had she been using MTG and she started laughing and admitted she stole some from my cousin. She says she only puts a few drops on her middle finger and massage it in her thin spot. But it is definitely working on her. I would think that there is no need to use more than a few drops cuz it is so oily and it is going to spread anyway. The few times I used it, I only used a few drops and my whole head was oily. I agree...a little is a lot! That's all you need!
Doesnt bother me at all. I put in peppermint oil because I didnt want my co-workers all up in my face. Smells like some sorta smoked meat to me. It doesnt smell like do-do or anything :lol:
I only smell it when applying and that's not even that much. Honestly, it smells A LOT worse from the bottle. After a day, I don't smell it unless I stick my fingers in my hair and sniff my fingers and the smell is still faint--- yes, I said faint. And as the week goes on, the fainter it gets.

NO ONE has ever complained or even mentioned the smell and I am definitely around ppl who would be quick to say something. :lol: Instead, I am complimented on the smell of my perfume or body lotion. MTG has not affected my social life at all. No one even knows I use it. :lol: Mind you, I use it un-diluted-- only b/c I'm paranoid I won't reap the full benefits-- but that's just me.

I really don't know why this happens. It may be b/c I use it 1x-2x per week since I wash once a week. This week I also tried applying it while my hair was damp to avoid too much breakage while parting my hair so maybe that's another reason. HTH.
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i created a solution that knocked the smell right out, while adding special essentials of their own.

Using a 8 oz applicator bottle (can be found at hair stores):

.50 oz rosemary essential oil
.50 oz lavendar essential oil (this overpowered the smell the most)
.20 oz ylang ylang oil
.20 oz peppermint oil
(shake it up) then add:
.50 oz Jojoba Oil (u can add ur own carrier ie. grapeseed, olive,etc)
filled the rest of the bottle wit MTG...... (the bacon smell is GONE... all i smell is the essential oils.)

from the responses ppl give about the odor.... i think ill take an essential oil smelling head any day!

hope this helps anyone:D