Mines is locked but the password is lhcfhair or lhcf I can't remember. Haven't updated since last summer, lol.
I mean... we are all here to see hair.
Or, 99% of us are here to see hair. I'm sure there are some men here, some nosy boyfriends/husbans/friends here, some soon-to-be-legally-women here, some product manufacturers, etc on here too.
But I just never understood people who have extra complicated PWs that you have to enter and reenter, etc.
I feel like, if you have an album and share the link, its because you want people to see your hair. Now, if you only want 20 people to see your hair, keep your ish on the lo-lo and give them 20 people your URL and PW.
I hate it when people post update threads or new regime threads or new style threads and then to see their fotki you have to ask for the main PW, then the 2008 PW and then the product/expiriments PW and then the size-of-my-rollers2007 PW
ETA: Basically... put your profile link out if you want to, but lock your album and either have the uniform HAIR/LHCF PW or put your PW in ur profile so only your friends can see it anyways.
Cuz there are some pervs out there. Why do hairporn for free
j/k about that... but you can cut out a lot of the mess OTHER people try to bring with a privacy settings adjustment.