im sad and confused


New Member
My life hasnt been the worst and I am very thankful for that but i really feel sad like things arent coming togehter.. if its not oen thing its another... i have a decent job but im not too thrilled about it cause the people there including the clients dont take me seriously.. cause im young.. the people there always making insulting remarks about how i look and think they can take advangtage of me. I am still unsure of this whole career thing and not sure if this is what i want to do but i have looked all over and dont see anything else that im interesting in so i feel stuick... i have a loan to pay off and im mad about that but im trying to just relax.. and i feel really bored and aloen sometimes.. i want to see things coming together.. the devil recently started some junk again with people that were out of my life tryign to slowly try to creep back in and start trouble and thats bothering me too.. i jsut want it to stop and i want to see everything clearly. i know life is not gonna be a breeze but i need a break from all the stress... i just had to vent... i just wonder why its taking so long.. im not perfect... i make mistakes but i try to do my best and when i do make mistakes i try to correct them.. The devil really wont stop till he seee me fall and im trying my hardest to stand through all this mess.. just please pray for me.

Hmm I just wanted to add. The devil is so patient. He really is sneaky.. You have to be on guard 24/7 or he will definitely catch you off guard.. thats what happen to me.. im not gonna get mad though.. hes not gonna win. i fell but im getting my self up again..
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Dear one,

All I have for you at the moment is (((HUG))). We all go through moments of uncertainity and feelings of failure. Take it one day at a time. Continue to pray and focus on what you know, God will never leave you or forsake you.

A big hug from me take it easy God is in control of your life,there will be :sunshine::sunshine:after the dark cloud.
Please know that you are not alone in feeling that the enemy's attack is in its most abundant state right now.

After almost 18 months of my husband not working, he got a hold to some money and left last month. He said, to make a better life for our daughter but yet since Dec 2006, he has not contributed financially to her at all.

Then 6 days later, I found out I was unemployed. So not only had I been carrying the 3 of us since Jan 07, but now that was over. Talk about in a state of shock and confusion.

I was so scared to feel how I felt. Angry, bitter, mad, etc because I knew that you cannot feel that way toward God. I just couldn't believe that the only means my daughter had of survival was snatched away.

I still am not working. I pray that ends soon. I am surely seeking that the anger be taken away and that God can get the glory out of this situation.

It's been a month and I still haven't gotten over it yet. My bills yet keep coming.

The one thing that I have to come to terms with is that God is sovereign. Therefore, He cannot make mistakes. I will either trust Him fully or do things my way, which right now is to sulk and cry.

Stay encouraged. May God be glorified in all of these situations.
Sorry you're going thru this time. I just went through a 6 month rough patch myself.

God will bring you out of it but you must continue praying even when you don't feel like you have anything in you to keep going. THis scripture from 1 Peter 5:6-7 always helps me when I'm going thru a bad time:

6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
It's been said that we all are either....

- entering a storm
- going through a storm
- coming out of a storm

Rest assured knowing that it will pass. Be faithful and endure. Stand firm and steady during the will reap your reward at the end.

Keep doesn't have to be elaborate. just talk to God from your heart. :yep: He hears you and knows your thoughts before you utter them.

As always, "Be Encouraged"!

I understand how you feel. I just wanted to let you know to stay encourage. I have been listening to worship music, meditating and declaring some scriptures in the book of Psalm to overcome spiritual attacks. Continue to put your trust in the Lord and He will lead and guide you through the storm:heart2:.

Psalm 23
Psalm 91
Psalm 27
Psalm 24
I am so sorry you are going through this. I am going through similar (without job loss). I will pray for your situation. I've also realized that sometimes God gets our attention during these stressful times and is waiting for us to simply rely on Him even though it looks really bad in the natural. I know how hard it can be to stay on your knees but you can do it. Even with the tears and frustration. He will bring you out of this! God bless and keep you and your family.
For Inches411 and Pam Pam

Hello, was really touched when I read this,

A friend of mine has been going through a rough patch, and we've been
praying about it all week. So thought I'd share with you, what God has shared with us all week.

God lets us go through certain situations to make us DEPEND on him
what that does is bring us closer to Him, and allows us to see his faithfulness
and see Him work in our lives.
So we need to surrender our selves and our situation to him and keep trusting and remembering that
He is in control and when His work is done, we'll be better off than we started.

We need to keep trusting Him and have faith. Our faith comes AND is strengthened by hearing
and hearing the word of God. So keep yourself surrounded by the gospel. Create
an environment where God can speak to you.
1.What you read: Are you reading alot of your bible and christian literature?
2.What you listen too: Love your gospel music
3.What you watch on TV: more messages and preachers
4.Where you go: DOes God approve?

All these things strengthen you without you realising. You're constantly, daily feeding
your mind with the Gospel and when it's needed you will be surprised
how much God has put in you and the strength you draw from it. This is also how God speaks to you.
You'll be surprised when you listen to something or read something and it's like
the words jumped off the pages of the bible at you.

Secondly, when you're delighting in God so much He speaks.
Thing is, we have to obey. A preacher said, "if God tells you to run into a
brick wall head first, do it and trust that He'll make a whole in it when you get there."
Also, in John 14, Jesus said, If you love me, when you call I will answer. In verse 21 of that
chapter He also says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Third, It may seem hard to do all this, and focus on God when your mind is stressing
and keep His commandments and read the bible all the time etc. This is where prayer comes in.
You've gotta pray. God gives us grace to obey his commandments (cas we've gotta do that for
Him to do His part). Funny thing is, He puts us in these situations, to bring us closer to him
but the closer we get, the more inadequate we seem, the more harder things seem,
and then He gives us grace, and draws us closer still etc etc.
So you gotta pray. I added you to my prayer list today and by God's grace I'll keep praying for you too

Fourth, Observe God work in your life as you keep praying and reading and obeying, and praying
and reading and obeying etc.

God has all these promises in the bible for us, but they all come with conditions
and people often forget those conditions. You keep doing your part, and God will do His and
because He is faithful, He gives us the strength and grace to do our part too.

These are some of the scriptures that have been a blessing to my friend and I this week:
2 Conrinthians 12: 9, Colossians 1 : 9 - 14 Matthew 7: 7, chp. 6 : 33,
John 14: 13-17, Jer 29: 11 - 14,
Isaiah chapter 58

God bless ya. :-)
There was a time when I felt like this. Even though I was surrounded by a lot of people, I still felt ALONE. But you know what I am daddy's little girl and of course he came to the rescue. No, I am not talking about my earthly father. I am refering to my Father In Heaven!! In the midst of all my troubles, he was there to pull me through!! So I say to you, if you love HIM and you trust HIM, he will pull you out too!! GOD LOVES YOU AND I DO TOO!! ((HUG))
For Inches411 and Pam Pam

Hello, was really touched when I read this,

A friend of mine has been going through a rough patch, and we've been
praying about it all week. So thought I'd share with you, what God has shared with us all week.

God lets us go through certain situations to make us DEPEND on him
what that does is bring us closer to Him, and allows us to see his faithfulness
and see Him work in our lives.
So we need to surrender our selves and our situation to him and keep trusting and remembering that
He is in control and when His work is done, we'll be better off than we started.

We need to keep trusting Him and have faith. Our faith comes AND is strengthened by hearing
and hearing the word of God. So keep yourself surrounded by the gospel. Create
an environment where God can speak to you.
1.What you read: Are you reading alot of your bible and christian literature?
2.What you listen too: Love your gospel music
3.What you watch on TV: more messages and preachers
4.Where you go: DOes God approve?

All these things strengthen you without you realising. You're constantly, daily feeding
your mind with the Gospel and when it's needed you will be surprised
how much God has put in you and the strength you draw from it. This is also how God speaks to you.
You'll be surprised when you listen to something or read something and it's like
the words jumped off the pages of the bible at you.

Secondly, when you're delighting in God so much He speaks.
Thing is, we have to obey. A preacher said, "if God tells you to run into a
brick wall head first, do it and trust that He'll make a whole in it when you get there."
Also, in John 14, Jesus said, If you love me, when you call I will answer. In verse 21 of that
chapter He also says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Third, It may seem hard to do all this, and focus on God when your mind is stressing
and keep His commandments and read the bible all the time etc. This is where prayer comes in.
You've gotta pray. God gives us grace to obey his commandments (cas we've gotta do that for
Him to do His part). Funny thing is, He puts us in these situations, to bring us closer to him
but the closer we get, the more inadequate we seem, the more harder things seem,
and then He gives us grace, and draws us closer still etc etc.
So you gotta pray. I added you to my prayer list today and by God's grace I'll keep praying for you too

Fourth, Observe God work in your life as you keep praying and reading and obeying, and praying
and reading and obeying etc.

God has all these promises in the bible for us, but they all come with conditions
and people often forget those conditions. You keep doing your part, and God will do His and
because He is faithful, He gives us the strength and grace to do our part too.

These are some of the scriptures that have been a blessing to my friend and I this week:
2 Conrinthians 12: 9, Colossians 1 : 9 - 14 Matthew 7: 7, chp. 6 : 33,
John 14: 13-17, Jer 29: 11 - 14,
Isaiah chapter 58

God bless ya. :-)

Awesome post. Great information and inspiration.

I needed that!!
