I'm Really Really Scared Now...


Well-Known Member
I am scheduled to get my first sew in (no hair left out) this morning at 10:30 am. I am at work right now and I just read the thread about how sew in weave has really messed up someone's hair. I'm now wondering if this is a good decision or not due to the fact that I have fine/thin hair. I was so excited when I awakened this morning because I knew that I was getting a sew in today. I also was looking forward to having a break from all the daily stress of my hair journey. That was until I read that thread. My stomach is in knots right now. :wallbash: Does weave really cause more damage than growth? The stylist that's doing the sew in is going to use a net over my braided hair before sewing in the weave.

I'm still going to go through with the appointment, but I'm really scared now.

Please someone help calm my nerves.

ETA: But, then I think about people like Reneice and RabiaElaine who grew their how it by wearing sew ins.
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Divine, I would not do it. My hair is medium fine and I just think weaves and braves would be my enemy. But of course, lots of women wear them. Your hair is doing so good. May I ask what's your reason for wanting it weaved up?
My hair needs a break (I also wanted a change) and I want to stretch a little while longer. I didn't want to get braids so I decided on the weave.

I'm just going to focus on keeping the hair underneath moisturized and taken care of.
I agree too divine your hair is looking so good... Love your last aveda visit...I have had them in the past and I had thinning... However different strokes for different folks.. I am here to support you and I just know your hair will turn out great.. :drunk:
I understand wanting a change, so do your thing. Good luck and stay in touch with the LHCF weave specialist.
Divine, I'm also a fine/thin hair girl and weaves were not kind to me. My first weave gave me massive matting and dreading. It was also a sew-in with a net. I kept it in for 11 weeks and had so much new growth underneath, that my hair dreaded, especially on the part that had the netting. I had to cut off 12 inches of hair because it was so tangled. That's when I found this forum in an attempt to have healthy hair. You think I would have learned my lesson, I didn't. I decided to try one more time and leave it in only 6 weeks. When I removed it I had major thinning. The thread had cut my hair to shreds. I've never had another weave since then.

If you decide to go ahead with it make sure your hair is in optimal shape before you do. Also make sure that the stylist doesn't pull the thread to tight. You may have to go back more often for tightening but at least your hair won't be shredded underneath. Most of all don't leave it in to long. When you remove it comb each braid thoroughly to remove all the shed hair. If not you may get massive tangles when you wash and have to cut your length.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
I also have fine hair and have had weaves. The weaves did damage to my hair. My hair was simply not strong enough to withstand the tension and weight of the weave, it had nothing to do with how well I took care of the hair underneath. Wigs were a lot less stressful on my hair (even though you still have to take care of the hair underneath). I could wear it at work and take it off at the end of the day. All the while, I had braids underneath. Good luck in your decision.
My hair needs a break (I also wanted a change) and I want to stretch a little while longer. I didn't want to get braids so I decided on the weave.

I'm just going to focus on keeping the hair underneath moisturized and taken care of.
How well will you be able to keep the hair underneath moisturized? I think your hair looks nice now. Exactly what kind of change are you looking for? Different styles?
I'm not sure exactly. Just something different and something that will hide the hair. I have wigs, but I'm tired of them. I was so frustrated with my hair last week that I almost made an appointment to have it cut into bob.:grin:

I've already purchased the hair for my weave a couple of days. I don't think I'll be able to get my money back.
Have you had small cornrows before? If so, how did your hair handle the stress of those type of braids? Does your mom or sisters, etc. hair hair similar to yours, have they had weaves, how did they fare? No one here really can tell you what the outcome will be for your hair. I just think that with thin, fragile hair, the risks are higher than with any other hair type. But obviously, no one can know for sure and you might be just fine. As long as you know the possible risks and are ready, then you can always try the weave and at the first sign of trouble, take it out.

These are great questions!

I've never had cornrows before. However, back in the 90's I used to get braids a lot while in college and they actually thickened my hair up and then the growth came after that. The only problem I've had with braids before is about 6 years ago when I had an African put in some micor braids. While my hair was fine, my edges were jacked up. My mom has really fine hair like mine, but her hair is more 3C as oppose to my 4a. Her hair grew nicely, but she had breakage in the crown area, but I think that's because she left hers in for months on end.
Another fine/thin haired lady checking in. I really don't think weaves are the best option for us. I wore a weave for an extended period of time which was a big mistake but even the young lady that shared her recent experience last night experienced thinning had just 1 install. I have admired your hair since joining LHCF and I just wouldn't want to see your progress go down the drain. All that being said, your appt is today, you've already bought the hair and probably will go through with it. Make sure to take care of your hair underneath moisturize and seal with oil in a spray bottle. The most important thing wil be a gentle take down, make sure plenty of braid spray is used and a WIDE tooth comb. Good Luck, please keep us posted.
Divine -

Is the stylist trained to do weaves?

I think I'd be inclined to give the weaving a try. I'd wash my hair first and let it airdry so that you have some texture - that way when she cornrows it she won't have to do them super-tight to get them to stay in. Super tight cornrows is a definite NO NO. Keep your own hair clean and moisterized underneath the weave and handle with weave with care. Since this is your first weave, I'd only keep it in for 6 weeks (or less). That way you can take it down, inspect for damage and then decide on whether weaving is for you.

Let us know how it goes.

ETA: Add some protein to your spray bottle
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I have fine hair too....I had a few tracks put in years ago before just in the back but I only left them in for like a week or so I dont think it caused too much damage..however, I will never do it again. I think cornrows require too much manipulation which causes shedding and breakage. If you were natural, I would think it would be better but since you have a relaxer and have fine hair on top of that, I would not do it personally. If you have not opened the hair maybe you can take it back or at least exchange it for some other products.
I'm going to go ahead and give it a try. Yes,the stylist is trained.

I am 12 weeks post relaxer today and have a bit of texture. I washed and deep conditioned my hair yesterday in preparation of getting the weave today.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Divine -

Is the stylist trained to do weaves?

I think I'd be inclined to give the weaving a try. I'd wash my hair first and let it airdry so that you have some texture - that way when she cornrows it she won't have to do them super-tight to get them to stay in. Super tight cornrows is a definite NO NO. Keep your own hair clean and moisterized underneath the weave and handle with weave with care. Since this is your first weave, I'd only keep it in for 6 weeks (or less). That way you can take it down, inspect for damage and then decide on whether weaving is for you.

Let us know how it goes.
I have fine hair too....I had a few tracks put in years ago before just in the back but I only left them in for like a week or so I dont think it caused too much damage..however, I will never do it again. I think cornrows require too much manipulation which causes shedding and breakage. If you were natural, I would think it would be better but since you have a relaxer and have fine hair on top of that, I would not do it personally. If you have not opened the hair maybe you can take it back or at least exchange it for some other products.

I opened the hair yesterday...I don't know why I did that. It's not a BSS that I frequent, but I went there because that's where the stylist said I can find that particular hair.
I think you'll be fine. Just don't leave it in too long. One of my good friend gets a weave, and her hair is thriving, and her hair is very thin, and she's relaxed. She gets it redone about once every 4-6 weeks, and has not described any excessive matting or shedding. Good luck and take pics when you put it in.
I'll post the pics once I get home today. I'm going to only leave the weave in for about 4-5 weeks and assess my hair and see if it's something that I would ever want to do again. I'm a risk taker by nature (I know I shouldn't be with my hair though) so I'm going to keep my appointment today. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

If it doesn't fair well y'all know I'll be back posting another thread after taking the weave out crying for your help!!!:yep:
Hey, DF. I know I already talked to you, but I just wanted to post my experience here. I had my hair weaved up by the same girl that she is going to today. I also have thin hair and my stylist told me beforehand that it would definitely not be a good idea to leave my weave in for more than 4 weeks because it would start to dread. I am so glad I listened to her. I kept the weave in a little less than 4 weeks and everything turned out fine. Of course there was a lot of shedding (I guess about 4 weeks worth), but in the end I can tell by my thick and nappy roots that I have gained some growth. Now it's up to me to retain it! I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as you keep your real hair moisturized and don't keep it in too long. Anywhere beyond 6 weeks, in my opinion, is too long and just asking for trouble. If at the end of the 4 weeks you find that you really like it, you should just ask your stylist to redo it then. :grin:
I have fine hair but I've never had a problem. I read the thread you're talking about and I think that she's making a big deal out of nothing for right now. She can't really tell yet. She won't know if she's really suffered any real damage until after she relaxes. But it's your hair and it's up to you. If you really don't feel comfortable getting the weave then don't. It will just bug you the whole time you have it in there and you'll want to take it out anyway.

Also I would be careful with that net if you do decide to get it. I mean how do you wash your hair under the net? Won't the hair matt up from being wet and then airdrying smooshed under the net? I've seen it done with the net but I've never had it my hair.
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OKAY, you know how us LHCF'rs do- always investigating. I just found out who is doing your weave. You are more than all set,Amadita can hook a weave up, you are in good hands. Like others have suggested leave it in for 4-5 weeks and see what your working with. Best Wishes!!
I think you'll be fine as long as you maintain your regimen. Were you planning to wash and deep condition?

I used to wear sew-in weaves back in the day and they actually helped my hair grow and thicken up. I also maintained my washing and deep conditioning which helped keep my hair strong underneath the weave. I read that other woman's thread and the reason why she had damage because the weave wasn't taken out properly. I can't fathom why someone would use a fine tooth comb to undo braids. The rough handling is what caused the hair to break and consequent thinning. Fine hair and rough handling is just a recipe for disaster. I use to uninstall my own weaves and I just took my time to unbraid with my fingers. I never experienced thinning or excessive hairloss. It's all about how the hair underneath is taken care of. I also agree with another poster in that you make sure the braids aren't too tight.
I have fine hair but I've never had a problem. I read the thread you're talking about and I think that she's making a big deal out of nothing for right now. She can't really tell yet. She won't know if she's really suffered any real damage until after she relaxes. But it's your hair and it's up to you. If you really don't feel comfortable getting the weave then don't. It will just bug you the whole time you have it in there and you'll want to take it out anyway.

Also I would be careful with that net if you do decide to get it. I mean how do you wash your hair under the net? Won't the hair matt up from being wet and then airdrying smooshed under the net? I've seen it done with the net but I've never had it my hair.

I totally agree. My hair looks pretty thin now, too, but now I know my hair always looks like that when my roots are super thick. I freaked out like she did the few weeks before my last relaxer and then when I got my hair relaxed it didn't look as thin as it did in the prior weeks. I guess it's shrinkage or something.
OKAY, you know how us LHCF'rs do- always investigating. I just found out who is doing your weave. You are more than all set,Amadita can hook a weave up, you are in good hands. Like others have suggested leave it in for 4-5 weeks and see what your working with. Best Wishes!!
I totally agree. My hair looks pretty thin now, too, but now I know my hair always looks like that when my roots are super thick. I freaked out like she did the few weeks before my last relaxer and then when I got my hair relaxed it didn't look as thin as it did in the prior weeks. I guess it's shrinkage or something.

Exactly. The shrinkage makes it do that. It doesn't shrink evenly and then your ends look thin and uneven. It used to happen to me all the time and I'd think I needed a trim but after relaxing it was fine. I still would get a trim but not as much as I thought I would have needed.
Also I would be careful with that net if you do decide to get it. I mean how do you wash your hair under the net? Won't the hair matt up from being wet and then airdrying smooshed under the net? I've seen it done with the net but I've never had it my hair.

This is a good point.

Divine, I've never used a net with a weave. My advice was based on a sew-in weave without the net.
I think you'll be fine as long as you maintain your regimen. Were you planning to wash and deep condition?

I used to wear sew-in weaves back in the day and they actually helped my hair grow and thicken up. I also maintained my washing and deep conditioning which helped keep my hair strong underneath the weave. I read that other woman's thread and the reason why she had damage because the weave wasn't taken out properly. I can't fathom why someone would use a fine tooth comb to undo braids. The rough handling is what caused the hair to break and consequent thinning. Fine hair and rough handling is just a recipe for disaster. I use to uninstall my own weaves and I just took my time to unbraid with my fingers. I never experienced thinning or excessive hairloss. It's all about how the hair underneath is taken care of. I also agree with another poster in that you make sure the braids aren't too tight.

You are so right. That makes a big difference too. Also, when taking down your cornrows you can add a little conditioner to your hair when you get to the actual combing out. It'll make it easier. But of course that's after you have unraveled the braid already. Nobody should be actually combing the braid out.
It would seem to me that if the post re: the weave concerns you, then that is a signal that perhaps you should give it some further consideration. Any time one applies such procedures to the hair, it exposing the natural hair to stress.

Whatever you decide, all the best.
OKAY, you know how us LHCF'rs do- always investigating. I just found out who is doing your weave. You are more than all set,Amadita can hook a weave up, you are in good hands. Like others have suggested leave it in for 4-5 weeks and see what your working with. Best Wishes!!

Is she the woman from over at BHM? If she knows what she's doing and you take good care of your hair while it's in, you'll be fine. Since this is your first time I would only leave it in about 4-5 weeks like some of the other ladies suggested so you can see how your hair does first.