I'm really loving dry shampoo's.


FKA Pokahontas
When I do roller sets I only wash every two weeks. My hair holds up well but can get a little oily and weighted down towards the end. Recently I tried Tresseme dry shampoo and my hair felt so good after. It was light and bouncy. It put the life back in my oily roller set and my hair felt thicker....weird. I hope there's nothing too bad in these shampoo's because I'd like to keep using them occasionally. I just bought Suave Keratin and it smells so good, much better than the Tresseme.

I'm noticing a lot of the companies are making these now.....Suave, Tresseme, Dove.
They also make a mousse for curly hair.
I really almost started a thread on this Saturday, I bought the Dove Invigorating dry shampoo, and it is the best thing ever....My hair had the same reaction you spoke of Poka, AND my man could not stop smelling my hair!...I am not sure about the Tresseme, but the Dove smells delicious!!!!....we were in the movies n he stuck his nose in my hair and said ''Did u just wash ur hair?"!!!!!.....(hair hasn't been washed in about 8 days) I am sold....it has a lot of alcohol and butane in it, so I don't know how healthy it is for the hair, but I figure once in a while it can't be too terrible! *Shrugs shoulders*
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I really almost started a thread on this Saturday, I bought the Dove Invigorating dry shampoo, and it is the best thing ever....My hair had the same reaction you spoke of Poka, AND my man could not stop smelling my hair!...I am not sure about the Tresseme, but the Dove smells delicious!!!!....we were in the movies n he stuck his nose in my hair and said ''Did u just wash ur hair?"!!!!!.....I am sold....it has a lot of alcohol and butane in it, so I don't know how healthy it is for the hair, but I figure once in a while it can't be too terrible! *Shrugs shoulders*
Yea it really feels almost like you just washed it! The Suave one smells great....the tresseme not so much (it's not horrible) but it works well.

Yea I guess it's ok to use once in a while....I plan to use it after the first week to freshen up for the following week. I see Alcohol Denat in the suave keratin one and it seems like I can remember reading that isn't a bad alcohol but I could be mistaken.
So mayb I should try the Suave, b/c the dove has SDalcohol AND denat.alcohol. Pluse butane and iso butane!!! I have no idea what the effects of these are on the hair, but I know my hair felt thicker and it soaked up most of the rancid coconut oil and smell my hair had! So I'm still going to use it when my hair is straight, just to stretch the style n keep from having to wash every week! Hopefully we won't b doing too much damage
^^I see the butane and I also see propane:blush:.....aww geez. I'm still using it lol.

Man I hate rancid coconut oil smell!....I've been battling that smell for a while now because i really wanted to continue using it but I was told it smelled like baby puke in my hair:lachen::blush:. I had to give in and get fractionated CO (no smell).
I've been curious about those. Hope this isn't a dumb question, but is it a powder? Does it disappear in the hair or do you have to comb or brush it out?:brainfog:

When I do roller sets I only wash every two weeks. My hair holds up well but can get a little oily and weighted down towards the end. Recently I tried Tresseme dry shampoo and my hair felt so good after. It was light and bouncy. It put the life back in my oily roller set and my hair felt thicker....weird. I hope there's nothing too bad in these shampoo's because I'd like to keep using them occasionally. I just bought Suave Keratin and it smells so good, much better than the Tresseme.

I'm noticing a lot of the companies are making these now.....Suave, Tresseme, Dove.
They also make a mousse for curly hair.
Thanks for the info @Pokahontas your hair is sooo beautiful you are my first and only hairl idol. the reason i ever found out about lhcf:yep:

Aww, thanks girl!

So they're really that great huh?

Lol, I'm not doing back flips but I think they are a nice thing to have for me because I don't shampoo often.

I've been curious about those. Hope this isn't a dumb question, but is it a powder? Does it disappear in the hair or do you have to comb or brush it out?:brainfog:
I guess it's kinda like a powder and you can see it on dark hair but once you comb it through you can't see it.
I love dry shampoo too. I use the Oscar Blandi dry shampoo from Sephora. My hair picks up odors whenever I straighten...but use this and I can hold out on my wash. This one goes on clear and it gives me body. I think it smells good and my kids love the smell too.
I'll have to look at the ingredients....
^^I see the butane and I also see propane:blush:.....aww geez. I'm still using it lol.

Man I hate rancid coconut oil smell!....I've been battling that smell for a while now because i really wanted to continue using it but I was told it smelled like baby puke in my hair:lachen::blush:. I had to give in and get fractionated CO (no smell).

I hate that smell too, and baby puke is very good description of what it smells like, do you get the same benefits with fractionated coconut oil?...and dayum...my Dove has propane in it too....sheesh....
I hate that smell too, and baby puke is very good description of what it smells like, do you get the same benefits with fractionated coconut oil?...and dayum...my Dove has propane in it too....sheesh....
Ok now I don't feel so bad cuz I thought it was just me. I hear so many people who use and love coconut oil and I'm always wondering how they get it to not smell. It was my mom who told me and she seemed to think it smelled awful so I know it was really bad lol!

I just got the fractionated and I've used it twice. It's very nice and light with no smell. I had to do a lot of research on the benefits but I didn't find as much info as I would've liked but it seems like they both have the same benefits even though the fractionated has had some off the medium chain fatty acids taken out.
I picked up a free bottle (extreme couponer) and was going to give it to an elderly acquaintance, but I think I'll keep it for extending presses.

Thanks for the review! Pokahontas
sipp100 said:
Pokahontas is, and I think just about everyone who responded is natural :yep:
I do have 5 inches of relaxed hair left in front, but the rest of my hair is natural.

Thanks. I saw some and was thinking of picking a bottle up but I didn't know If it would work.
keepithealthy said:
(This might be a stupid question but) I'm just wondering can this be used on natural hair that has been straightened?

Yes it can and I've had no problem with reversion.

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Do u think dry shampoos should be used before or after a work out to prevent reversion ?

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How do you use dry shampoo??

ETA: when you get around to shampooing with water, does the hair start to suds up due to the dry shampoo?
Brittster said:
Do u think dry shampoos should be used before or after a work out to prevent reversion ?

Sent from my iPhone 4s using LHCF
After I would guess, but it won't prevent reversion. It doesn't cause it but it won't prevent it if your hair gets wet.

A856 said:
How do you use dry shampoo??

ETA: when you get around to shampooing with water, does the hair start to suds up due to the dry shampoo?
Just spray it in. It has clays and powders in to soak up excess oil. It won't ever suds up.

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I've tried the suave (in the silver & yellow can) but wasn't that impressed. It seems that my hair was still kind of oily, and I'm not fond of the smell. I do want to try a different brand. For those that have tried a few different kinds, which brands work the best?
Poka don't do this to me:nono:

First the Noodle Head and now this??:grin: I'll pick up a bottle for the next time I straighten my hair later this year.

Dag nabbit:fistshake:
golden_goddess said:
I've tried the suave (in the silver & yellow can) but wasn't that impressed. It seems that my hair was still kind of oily, and I'm not fond of the smell. I do want to try a different brand. For those that have tried a few different kinds, which brands work the best?

I tried suave and didnt like it. I took it back. Tresseme works good, I just don't care for the smell. Next time I wear my hair straight I'm gonna try baby powder. It's supposed to work just as well and it doesnt have all the chemicals that I'm not too fond of putting in my hair.

SmilingElephant said:
Poka don't do this to me:nono:

First the Noodle Head and now this??:grin: I'll pick up a bottle for the next time I straighten my hair later this year.

Dag nabbit:fistshake:

Lol. I need to revisit my noodlehead soon!

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I use the Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo to "refresh" my hair sometimes, and I like it. The one-ounce bottle that I have is lasting me quite a while.
To just get rid of extra oil in the hair (without refreshing) you can use cornstarch... and a lot of brushing. :P
You guys are spot on with the baby puke smell! I just got my hair straightened on Saturday and noticed the smell last night and that's exactly what it smells like. :barf: I wonder if she used something with CO because my hair has never smelled like this and I don't use CO. Anywho, I bought the Tresemme one this morning (the only one I saw) and so far so good! Baby puke smell is gone and my hair seems to be fuller but not dry.