I'm ready to give up.....


Well-Known Member
My hair is trash. It was plagued with knots, I finally realized what was causing them. thats gotten better. Now I look at my hair strands and I have holes in a lot of them. Most of them are all at least half way up my strands. my hair strands look like cheese cloth. I don't know what to do. I can't figure out whats causing it. They just keep getting worse and worse. My regimen is really simple. Co/Wash, dc, seal, braid. I usually wear my hair in two french braids, and I redo them every other day. If needed I'll cowash throughout the week. i was thinking of just cutting off all my hair, but I really don't want to. Thats the only way I can get rid of the holes though...I'm thinking of just putting some color I want in and just going back to flat ironing my hair all the time because I just can't keep putting in all this time and effort and reaping no benefits. It's depressing.

Maybe some of you can give me advice on the holes, what to do, or just anything....

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Aww...I'm sorry I don't have advice because I'm not natural, but I'm sure some ladies will chime in. Your hair is not trash, though. You just have to find what methods work for you. You are on the right track with co-washing and protective styling. Keep your head up!
Cut it all off and start over fresh. Are you taking any medicitaion to make your hair shead like it's sheading? Are you stresed out?
It's not shedding. Theres holes in the strands. If I cut a piece off and hold it up to the light u can see holes up the shaft.
Do u think the holes are heat damage. Jc natural haven had a post about how heat can cause bubbles in ur hair.

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If it's not heat damage, I don't know what it could be. When I have had them, it was definitely due to flat-ironing.

From Curly Nikki archive


"Avoid direct heat styling (blow drying, curling/flat ironing, hot rollers, and crimpers). This fact cannot be stressed enough. In my personal experience, I have found that an increased use of heat styling leads to the faster and easier development of split ends. Direct heat styling also results in the development of air bubbles within the hair shaft which causes it to weaken. Blow drying, in particular, reduces the moisture content in hair far below its normal level. If an appliance is too hot, it may cause the natural water within the hair to boil which causes bubbles of steam to form. These bubbles cause a weakening of the hair shaft which can then lead to easier breakage at the level of the bubble or somewhere near it."
Are you braiding your hair while it's wet? Our hair is the weakest when its wet, maybe the tension is causing holes. That's my best guess, but you may have to cut it off because I dont know of any product that can restore hair shaft holes.
i'm sorry to hear this. I was going to suggest using products geared towards porosity, but with actual "see thru" holes... it may be beyond that so maybe someone better informed will chime in and help.

otherwise, maybe doing a mini chop will help? and to get over the hump of having shorter hair, maybe you could get some braids, sew in or a half wig until your length comes back (and it will!!)

Also, i was just thinking... were you flat ironing your hair when this happened? if so, was it on too wet hair? I remember an article on here (i want to say it was a sista slick article from way back but i may be wrong) that talks about flat ironing on wet or damp hair and how it can cause "bubbles" to form throughout the shaft. The damage was obvious under a microscope but can also be noticed through touch and by simply looking at the hairs. essentially, you're cooking your hair, and the result can be mid shaft splits, tears and bubbles (which imo could certainly lead to actual holes along the shaft).

Other than reviewing technique and products that could be the culprit, also look into diet, suppliments and medication. maybe these things are to blame. hopefully someone will be able to help. Dont give up, it will get better!!!
Those are usually caused from heat damage or excessive hair dryness. You don't have to cut off all of your hair. Just figure out how to prevent this, and continue to trim it until it grows off.
I've never heard of someone having actual holes in their strands. IDK if you can repair that, but since you're not ready to chop it all off, just start really babying your hair and I agree with LoveLongLocks you should just gradually trim your hair until all the damaged hair is gone.
What products are you using? The quality of your conditioner, especially if there's no moisture and protein balance, can be causing excessive dryness.

How long have you been wearing two braids? What was causing the SSKs/ Fairy knots?
You don't mention heat in your original post but it sounds like heat damage and moisture bubbling up in the strands from super hot heat applied to hair that has a lot of moisture. I think it'll need t be cut off. Sorry to hear it, I know how disappointing that can be. But fresh starts can be good too!
The holes you are talking about are a type of split end.

Here is a link to a picture: http://splitends.bebto.com/illustrations.htm ( look in far right corner at the bottom).

If you haven't already done this, you need to really experiment with regular protein treatments along with lots of moisture. While it may not help you repair the current damage, it will help to improve this situation over time.

Also, step back and take a more holistic approach. How is your diet? Are you having health issues? Taking meds? Are you over manipulating your hair by your styling choices or tools?

Chances are you can improve the situation while slowly trimming around the damaged areas. Esp if you don't want to do a BC. Just keep in mind, with the slow trim method, you will need to baby your hair which takes commitment.

Hope this helps!
So sorry to hear this. :sad:

I'm thinking, since you have holes in your hair and protein FILLS holes, maybe using a reconstructor weekly will help. :yep:

A few members in the Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge use one weekly (specifically SheScentIt's Okra Reconstructor) and they say it's changed their hair for the better.

The protein will probably make your hair look and feel better while it grows out and you can gradually trim it along the way while keeping your sanity.

Good luck! :hug3:
Thanks for all your responses. It may be old heat damage since it is not on the upper portion of the hair strand. I've only used heat 4 times in the past year of my hhj. the culprit of the ssks was me wearing wash and gos, washing my hair loose, and sleeping with it loose. I'm thinking it may be my lack of protein and up until recently I was using the tangle teezer...

The products I use are: shea moisture shampoo, sm curl and style milk (leave in), aogpb, shea butter, for cowashing I use everyday shea vanilla mint, apricot oil, and thats it! I try to keep it simple. I felt like everything was going well until I looked recent and I still have holes!
To add to what the other ladies have posted, "Ceramides" can help to fill these holes, to an extent. It's good a mimicking protein and what it does for the hair! I mean, it may not cure the situation altogether, but it's worth a shot!

Wishing you the best! :rolleyes:
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I was about to say "ceramides" as well, try to seal your entire length with wheat germ oil: I feel like the cuticle layer of my hair is smoother and protected with it and I can feel more elasticity when I use it... I don't know if it is because of the ceramides in this oil or because it has lecithin, or both.

also, do you seal your ends only or the entire length? It looks like many people seal the ends only, but I feel like my hair needs to be 100% sealed.

last but not least: do you use brushes and combs? I finger detangle only because they seem to damage my hair shaft, no matter how gentle I am. Especially brushes.

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Thanks for all your responses. It may be old heat damage since it is not on the upper portion of the hair strand. I've only used heat 4 times in the past year of my hhj. the culprit of the ssks was me wearing wash and gos, washing my hair loose, and sleeping with it loose. I'm thinking it may be my lack of protein and up until recently I was using the tangle teezer...

The products I use are: shea moisture shampoo, sm curl and style milk (leave in), aogpb, shea butter, for cowashing I use everyday shea vanilla mint, apricot oil, and thats it! I try to keep it simple. I felt like everything was going well until I looked recent and I still have holes!
Just my 2 cents, The tangle teaser like everything else does not work for everyone:nono:. Case in point I brush my hair from time to time w/ a boar bristle/ nylon mixed brush. For many that is a huge no-no. A lot of us here had to put our TTs down. I was one. It gave me mid-shaft splits in spite of my PSing, CWing, protein treatments and the like. I'd never had them before in my life. Not even when I was a scraggly, ignorant, relaxed head:spinning:. I thought I was imagining things. When I trimmed and put the TT down my mid-shaft splits went away. So, the TT may not be completely to blame but it may not be helping anything either.
I've never heard of someone having actual holes in their strands. IDK if you can repair that, but since you're not ready to chop it all off, just start really babying your hair and I agree with @LoveLongLocks you should just gradually trim your hair until all the damaged hair is gone.

mEmYSELFaNDj They are called mid-shaft splits--or that's what some of us on the forum call them. Look up Trichorrhexis Nodosa

Thanks for all your responses. It may be old heat damage since it is not on the upper portion of the hair strand. I've only used heat 4 times in the past year of my hhj. the culprit of the ssks was me wearing wash and gos, washing my hair loose, and sleeping with it loose. I'm thinking it may be my lack of protein and up until recently I was using the tangle teezer...

The products I use are: shea moisture shampoo, sm curl and style milk (leave in), aogpb, shea butter, for cowashing I use everyday shea vanilla mint, apricot oil, and thats it! I try to keep it simple. I felt like everything was going well until I looked recent and I still have holes!

afrofaithful You're right about the cause of SSK. Curly hair, especially if the curls are tiny cannot be left to its own devices or it'll knot up.

Personally I believe the main causes for mid-shaft strand are (1) trauma from brushes (all of them) and (2) heat causing bubble hair syndrome. I'm one daredevil who uses heat on wet hair, but as has been shared, bubble hair syndrome is real. And yes, there really isn't any way to repair mid-shaft/strand splits.

I know when people think of bubble hair, they think only of using direct heat (like a flat iron or hot comb) on wet hair, but I do believe even blow-drying can cause liquid inside the hair to boil. Remember different products have different boiling points so whatever product you used on your hair could penetrate your strands, heat up to gas at a low temperature and cause bubbles in hair that make it split.

And why I prefer combs over brushes and never use brushes on the length of my hair is, to me, the bristles just scrape along the length of the hair ripping cuticles out. :nono: A comb goes in between strands creating a path that separates strands. But since brushes have staggered rows, the teeth of one row does what a comb does, while the teeth of the next one just screeches against friction of the cuticles :crazy:. Repeated enough times, it weakens the cuticle or rips it off causing the insides to open up and reveal holes.
Now that I remember, since I never use heat or brushes, I must say that I experienced (very few of) those holes only twice: I used a clay 2 times this year and I got few splits and holes during the following month both times, I haven't seen those holes any other time in 3 years, or even in my life on my head. It is a mistery to me, but maybe it was a non fine enough clay or it was too alkaline and it had to be mixed with something other than water. Anyway, I'm adding this info as well just in case.
I've never heard of someone having actual holes in their strands. IDK if you can repair that, but since you're not ready to chop it all off, just start really babying your hair and I agree with @LoveLongLocks you should just gradually trim your hair until all the damaged hair is gone.

i agree....baby your hair and trim each week or two weeks.

start deep conditioning EVERY WEEK. use a protein, then follow with a moisture condish.

any time i have had extreme breakage and damage i start with an aphogee two step treatment. then weekly i use a lighter protein for 20 mins, followed by a moisture condish for 20 mins. (sit under dryer)

stop stressfull styling. do not use heat...and gradually trim, trim, trim until your hair is healthier.

IT TAKES WORK, BUT YOU CAN FIX THIS! give yourself 6 months. :yep:
Since I started oil rinsing, I have no more issues with single strand knots. I no longer need the tangle teezer and detangling my hair is the easiest it has ever been since going natural. :yep: I'm really enjoying my natural hair. Once I found the right products and methods, things are just getting better for me. I use vatika frosting from Hairveda to do this and when I run out I'll use Dabur vatika coconut oil mix. :yep: I hope all goes well with you.