I'm ready to do the BC!!!!.......I think.....(pic inside)


New Member
So I'm fed up with this hair. I'm 5 months post....The relaxed hair is an overprocessed, static tangled mess most of the time. As some of you know I've been doing strawsets (pic in siggy), but I loose a handful of hair when I detangle the curls from that. So I've decided that this relaxed hair has got to go!! It's ruining the healthy natural hair beneath it, and I can't have that. However:look: I have this fear of cutting it as short as it will be. I'm uncomfortable thinking about the fact that I won't be able to wear a ponytail:ohwell:...I need to get over it.

question, by looking at the pic will I most likely have a teeny weeny afro or a teeny weeny tiny, did your hair fall out afro?

question two, how should I go about finding a salon that will BC me right? I dont want any horror experiences, I'm too unstable these days:spinning:.

Thanks in advance for your comments ladies...I'm scared...


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It looks like you will have a decent length. To make sure, I would cut a little piece of relaxed hair off and see how it shrinks up. Hope that helps.
I agree with march... I was forever cutting little pieces of hair to see how long my hair would be shrunken!

As for who to do it, I did my own with my sister cutting the back. I let my hair go for a few more months though, so I had about 4.5 inches. Since your hair will be so short I would go to a pro to have them shape it up.. get a consultation first!
Thanks KiSse I'm gonna call around tomorrow to schedule an appt:yep:

So I went ahead cut a small section myself (I was tempted to cut all of it off) and it's confirmed...I will have a teeny weeny tiny afro:sad: But it's okay. I'm still going to go through with it.

In the pic below you can see the little puff of hair that was cut.

Wish me luck!!


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Good luck! You sound like you are ready to be completely natural. You're going to look so pretty for the holidays:).
:grin:Thanks Htrb and Hope!!!! I'm exited about it and I'm sure it will turn out nice. "First times" always make me nervous though LOL I did some reasearch and found a nearby salon in Oakland called Oh! My Nappy Hair :yep: Needless to say they should know what they're doing. Hopefully they're open on Sunday because I work today and Sat.... I might not get it done until after Christmas:ohwell: and I was looking foward to shocking my whole family:lachen:
Yay Colliecole :woot:didnt know you ment THIS soon but im happy for you don't forget to post pics.

Don't worry, I'm gonna take a bunch of pics of my BC. It's looking like I will cut it after New Years. I'm tempted to let it grow out a few more months but I think I'm just gonna go for it:yep:...I showed SO how long my NG is after I cut off that section of relaxed and he said, "Your fro's gonna be shorter than mine..." :ohwell::lachen:
You have a beautiful face- it'll only be enhanced by your haircut. Enjoy! Ive heard of Oh my nappy hair and my friends in Ca. Like it for their tresses. Enjoy.
You have a beautiful face- it'll only be enhanced by your haircut. Enjoy! Ive heard of Oh my nappy hair and my friends in Ca. Like it for their tresses. Enjoy.

Awww, your too sweet. Do your frinds have hair as thick and pretty as yours??? I'll have my butt in the salon chair tomorrow if they do! That color is very nice too:yep:
So I'm fed up with this hair. I'm 5 months post....The relaxed hair is an overprocessed, static tangled mess most of the time. As some of you know I've been doing strawsets (pic in siggy), but I loose a handful of hair when I detangle the curls from that. So I've decided that this relaxed hair has got to go!! It's ruining the healthy natural hair beneath it, and I can't have that. However:look: I have this fear of cutting it as short as it will be. I'm uncomfortable thinking about the fact that I won't be able to wear a ponytail:ohwell:...I need to get over it.

question, by looking at the pic will I most likely have a teeny weeny afro or a teeny weeny tiny, did your hair fall out afro?

question two, how should I go about finding a salon that will BC me right? I dont want any horror experiences, I'm too unstable these days:spinning:.

Thanks in advance for your comments ladies...I'm scared...

First, you're GORGEOUS! That siggy photo doesn't do you justice!

Second, go ahead and BC. Consider it another step as you enter a new year. 2008=new beginnings!

I went to a salon for my BC. But the issue was what to do with my natural hair. If you've got a decent routine with how to TLC your natural hair, you're on the right track.

Also, if you're open, you can experiment with other things.
GO FOR IT!!!!!! at least yours won't be as short as mine:grin: You will look wonderful!!! don't forget to post a pic. I was nervous to when I did my first BC, but I have done it 7 times since then because of the "Awkward" stage, but I am letting grow now!! hopefully!
You sound like you are ready for your BC. You are very pretty and you features will be more visible once you BC. Enjoy the TWA while it lasts too, because you hair will grow faster than you think. Sometimes I miss my short afro days.

My only suggestion is to do a consultation. I had my BC done with scissors. Some people like to use clippers, but the scissors gave a more feminine look for me. She then washed and conditioned it, massaged the scalp and put some moisturizer in it and I was cute and good to go. So ask during your consultation what she will use to moisturize it once she is finished. If they don't have what you like, bring your own product. I am sure you will look great:yep:
:shocked:WOW!!! I left for a second (figured I should do some work while at my job) and all these responses:grin:

First off......RR, that means A LOT coming from you- especially being that you’re so wonderfully and brutally honest about everything :look:. You really spoke to my heart about the new year-new beginnings; this is exactly what I was thinking about all day yesterday.

NappyParadice you BC’d 7 times??? I couldn’t imagine…Um, what is this awkward stage you speak of??

Ncarter and tracy, your hair pics are soooo pretty! I can’t wait until my hair gets that full….but I will try to enjoy my TWA like NappyP said.

And, thanks so much to all you ladies!!!! I’m feeling all confident about my BC. thanks to yall I'm gonna be prancing around with my TWA thinking I'm the s*** now..:lachen:with the regular folx looking at me all funny (and by that I mean folx who aint up on the au natural ;))

Be on the lookout for another thread with the BC results pics:yep:
:shocked:WOW!!! I left for a second (figured I should do some work while at my job) and all these responses:grin:

First off......RR, that means A LOT coming from you- especially being that you’re so wonderfully and brutally honest about everything :look:. You really spoke to my heart about the new year-new beginnings; this is exactly what I was thinking about all day yesterday.

NappyParadice you BC’d 7 times??? I couldn’t imagine…Um, what is this awkward stage you speak of??

Ncarter and tracy, your hair pics are soooo pretty! I can’t wait until my hair gets that full….but I will try to enjoy my TWA like NappyP said.

And, thanks so much to all you ladies!!!! I’m feeling all confident about my BC. thanks to yall I'm gonna be prancing around with my TWA thinking I'm the s*** now..:lachen:with the regular folx looking at me all funny (and by that I mean folx who aint up on the au natural ;))

Be on the lookout for another thread with the BC results pics:yep:

Well the awkward stage is where it is too long to do one style but still to short to look right and then the wash n go's aren't as pretty as the start, well for me anyway, and I would get so mad and just apply a relaxer and then 6 weeks later I chop to my newgrowth so I spent like 3-4 years doing this and my Husband is very tired of seeing me with short hair, so I am trying to just let it do what it wants and try to keep up with it , so far so good, My S-curl mix with Infusium is doing great at keeping my Twa soft. But you will look good so go ahead and rock that Twa, I see so many woem with short hair and they look so good, but you gotta dress it up too.

I can't wait to see your Pics!!!!:grin:
Well the awkward stage is where it is too long to do one style but still to short to look right and then the wash n go's aren't as pretty as the start, well for me anyway, and I would get so mad and just apply a relaxer and then 6 weeks later I chop to my newgrowth so I spent like 3-4 years doing this and my Husband is very tired of seeing me with short hair, so I am trying to just let it do what it wants and try to keep up with it , so far so good, My S-curl mix with Infusium is doing great at keeping my Twa soft. But you will look good so go ahead and rock that Twa, I see so many woem with short hair and they look so good, but you gotta dress it up too.

I can't wait to see your Pics!!!!:grin:

Ya think after the first time you BC'd then relaxed then BC'd again you woulda got the hint "maybe I should just let it grow out" :lachen:I'm just teasing. Well after I BC, we can work on growing out our TWA's together:yep: You can PM me if you're feeling clipper or relaxer withdrawals.