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I'm exactly 1 year into my transition and this is my celebration post(I apologise if this doesn’t seem like a big deal to anyone but I’m mega excited :yahoo: :yahoo: )!
I hope this helps current/future transitioners out...
LHCF has been a huge help for me :yep: I’ve learned so much from soooo many ladies here :bighug:
Fotkis and Youtube – great help too!

This time last year, I got my last relaxer and suffered a setback... I was unhappy but confident my hair would grow back to its previous length and longer (if I could do it once ofcourse I’d do it again :grin: )! I wasn't thinking about transitioning anytime soon (definitely “in the future” but not now)... After I cut/trimmed my hair, everything was back on track, it felt and looked healthy and I continued taking very good care of my hair.

7 weeks after my last relaxer, after looking through multiple naturals' fotkis and some threads on, I made the decision to transition and I haven't looked back :grin:

I will try my best not to bore you with my pictures :lachen:

7 weeks post relaxer:

10 weeks post (this is when I fell in love with my hair):

21 weeks post:

28 weeks post:

34 weeks post:

34 weeks v 49 weeks comparison:

Wet v Blowdried hair @ 50 weeks (I didn’t get my new growth completely straight but this was straight enough for me):

I won't start with my hairstyles cos once I do... I won't stop :lachen: My hairstyle folder can be found here: http://public.fotki.com/MummysGirl/transition-to-natural/hairdos-while-trans/
My avi is a braidout puff... I am newly in love with curly (braidout, twistout, bantu knot out) puffs (and styles ofcourse as shown in my siggy)!

I have worn my hair “out” for the last few weeks and this is because I want to enjoy my hair (which I LOVE :look: ) before I get back to my pixie braids in 2010.

I tried a ponytail rollerset on my 49 weeks post hair:

Not so straight new growth but I still liked it:

Braidout on Blowdried hair (I blow dry using the tension method, on the lowest heat setting and with a heat protectant. I wanted BIG hair and I got just that):

Pictures of my hair this last week

This is how I airdry when I workout in the morning and cowash. I go to work like this (Thanks Shay72, I got this hairstyle idea from her and decided to try it out as an airdrying style):

I’m able to get my hair this straight just from airdrying (and laying edges down with a scarf):

I cowash 3-4 times a week, DC 1-2ce a week, moisturise and seal 2ce a day.

My hair will be in pixie braids (middle siggy style) for 2-3 weeks at a time, I'm able to cowash, DC and moisturise easily in them. I'll wear my hair loose for a week before putting them back in.

When I'm wearing my hair loose,
I now airdry my hair in 3-4 ponytails when I’m home:

Or in 2 ponytails as shown earlier in this LONG post :lachen:
I airdry in at least 2 ponytails to stretch out my new growth. My hair is much easier to handle when I do this... There’s also less of a difference between my relaxed hair and stretched new growth.

I recently tried out washing in sections and I :love: (thanks to KiSseS03: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=9593756&postcount=2)

I plan to transition for no less than 18 months, I intend to hold out for most of next year... so 2010 is going to be another fun year of discovering new things about my hair :grin:

My plans for 2010 also include starting a blog and uploading youtube videos...

:bighug: to all my LHCF friends. You've all been a huge help to me, recently all my fellow transitioners in the 2010 Transitioners Support Thread.

This has been my LONGEST ever post... I wonder how long my BC (or Small Chop) post will be :look:
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Congratulations MummysGirl you are an inspiration! I enjoyed your "long" post very much and look forward to reading more of them. I should be 14 months post tomorrow and intend to keep going for the whole of 2010 without a BC :)
Congrats!! I understand your excitement! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!! I plan on going until the 18 month mark also..(I wonder how my hair would look?)
Way To Go!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the good work. I'm so happy for you, you and I love your coils. I've enjoyed following you through out this year and look forward to following you on the rest of your journey.
Whoohhh, congrats!!:bouncy:

Thanks for the long post, you just know we need all those pics. :grin:

You're doing so great with your hair, always experimenting and trying (and sharing) new styles. Your ng looks wonderful, can't wait for those 18 months post to finally be here!

Keep it up, we need the inspiration. :yep:
Congrats on making it to a year post!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till you start uploading videos, I will be a subscriber! Keep it up!!
I can see why you feel in love with your natural hair..those waves are beautiful. You've done a great job thus far and I LOVE your hairstyles!
Very nice! What an inspirational post for all us transistioners! Hey I'd forgotten about pony tail rollersets! My last rollerset was a fuzzy mess, but my hair IS long enough for pony tails now. I need to try it again!
Thank you!!!!
Congratulations MummysGirl you are an inspiration! I enjoyed your "long" post very much and look forward to reading more of them. I should be 14 months post tomorrow and intend to keep going for the whole of 2010 without a BC :)

:yay: I'm so glad to be of help!
Lovely!! Your posts have been helping me stay focused! Thanks!

Thanks Buddy!!! :hug:
Way To Go!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the good work. I'm so happy for you, you and I love your coils. I've enjoyed following you through out this year and look forward to following you on the rest of your journey.

:yay: Thank you :grin:
Whoohhh, congrats!!:bouncy:

Thanks for the long post, you just know we need all those pics. :grin:

You're doing so great with your hair, always experimenting and trying (and sharing) new styles. Your ng looks wonderful, can't wait for those 18 months post to finally be here!

Keep it up, we need the inspiration. :yep:

Thank you! I'll definitely let you know when I start :yep:
Congrats on making it to a year post!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till you start uploading videos, I will be a subscriber! Keep it up!!
Thank you sooo much :grin:
I can see why you feel in love with your natural hair..those waves are beautiful. You've done a great job thus far and I LOVE your hairstyles!

:yay: Thank you!!
I'd like to know how your ponytail rollerset turns out!
Very nice! What an inspirational post for all us transistioners! Hey I'd forgotten about pony tail rollersets! My last rollerset was a fuzzy mess, but my hair IS long enough for pony tails now. I need to try it again!

:spinning: Thank you!
And thanks for the twistout tutorial you shared a few months back!
And :wow: your hair has grown sooooo much!!! KUTGW!
You are doing a great job transitioning. If I ever decide to transition, I will look to you for inspiration.

That's alot of growth.:yep:
Thank you! Yes, my hair's wet in the left picture (both pics are @ 50 weeks post).
I too think I'll enjoy my natural hair :grin:
Wow look at how much thicker and healthier you hair looks in the comparison photos (though one seems wet the other dry). I think you will enjoy your natural hair.
I'm jealous! I'm only 8 weeks post. :lachen: I wish I was where you are! Can't wait for the youtube videos! That's alot of growth girl! I'm a slow grower. :sad: