I'm odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

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Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

I do this, and I feel like I'm being stalked by the owners of the BSS when I do this, because they look at you like you're up to something. /images/graemlins/sekret.gif
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

Aint it a shame when it gets to a point where, if you go somewhere with someone, they know that they can always find you in the 'hair aisle' in the event you guys get separated?
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

MJ, that is so true. Whoever I am with will usually call me on my cell and be like "STAY IN THE HAIR AISLE, I'M ON MY WAY" and hang up. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

Of course you're not the only one! I read the labels, sniff, rub some on my hands...then I try to get my friends to do the same. Good BSS fun! /images/graemlins/look.gif
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

One of the BSS owners knows me by name too. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I can't go to any type of store without checking to see if there's a hair care section, and I recently drove 100 miles roundtrip to get my highly sought after Carol's Daughter products /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. Gotta love this hair obsession!
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

I did this again in an Asian BSS that I dont usually go to. I realized today why I dont go there, I was going to buy a bottle of Porosity Control, but the bottle was white. Now I remember someone on the LHCF saying that they had changed the packaging from white to blue. So I knew it had to be kinda old. So I asked the lady.. she acted like she couldnt understand me so her son (maybe.. 7) "translated" for her, and she said she didnt know. I said okay and put it back. Needless to say, I drove them CRAZY because I would pick something up, read the back, go to another section, read something else, then compare the two. Then I'd end up putting both products back. Okay I'll admit.. I wasnt on a mission.. I did that on purpose because they kept following me!
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

Me too! Whenever I'm out with my friends or my brother, they are like, "Well, we know where you will be. Just make sure you come back." My brother won't even let me go into a Sally's when I am with him --"You're in there all day. It just don't make no sense. What's in there that makes you stay in there an hour?" /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Silly boy...
Re: I\'m odd, I know,but I know I am not the only odd one

I'm a hair product aisle junkie, also. I cannot go in and out of a store without checking out the hair products. And I have a ritual. I browse the aisle as soon as I get to the store, do my shopping, and then go back to the hair care aisle before I checkout. This gives me time in between to think about which products I really want to buy. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif