I'm not wearing my own hair out until Christmas! Anyone want to join me?


New Member
Hi ladies :wave:

Some of you may have seen that from other threads that I'm changing up my stretch regimen. I've decided on another change.

For the last year my regimen has looked pretty much like this:

-Stretch relaxer for 12-15 weeks

-Wear my own hair out for the first 2 weeks after my relaxer

-Then wear my phonypony or some wierd updo as a regular style until about week 8 or 9

-After that I braid it up for 4-6 weeks

-Then back to phony pony or quickweave for for 2 weeks

-Then relax

Throughout this time occassionally I will flat iron and wear my hair out on the weekends for church or to see my boyfriend...so those around me while my hair is protected 80% of the time, know and can see how long my hair is.

I'm thinking about surprising them and myself by not wearing my own hair out at all in public. When I'm not in a weave (switching to weaving instead of braids, because my hair is taking too long to braid) I'm going to wear my quick weave or phonypony 100% of the time. No one that knows me is going to see my own hair other than my sister or my parents, until Christmas. This way I get to surprise them (especially my boyfriend) with significant growth, and have the benefit of hair that isn't exposed to combing, fingering, wind, clothes, flat irons etc, for the next 6 months. With this summer humidity my hair is going to get some mega growth.

Anyway this fits in with all the other challenges that i'm a part of at this point. Anyone is welcome to join me.
I would love to join:D

I never wear my shoulder length hair down anyways. It's always in a bun. A lot of people get tired of the buns quick but I love it.

I am/will be alternating between buns and braids.
I would like to join this challenge. I never wear my hair down so I think I can wing it. I wear my hair up in some sort of bun anyway :)
Girl I'm in because I would have done it anyway. I use quick weaves as my protective style with my hair in 2 or 4 plaits underneath. I'm trying to make them be like whoooa when I finally wear my hair out :lol:
I'm in, as some of you know I'm keeping my braids in until Nov.
So this will help me and I'm in the no heat challenge until Dec.
Great minds think alike! I was telling one of my co-workers that they weren't going to see me with my hair down until Christmas. ;)
I am in ladies, i'm getting serious about the hair care thing, i'll be in sew in's for at least a year

I'm trying to think of a good name for the challenge to start the official thread...I'll be back when I think of it.:D :D
Ok I can't come up with anything better: so I'm going to start a new thread titled:

"Hide Your Hair Until Christmas Challenge"

I will put post a list in that thread of all those that accepted the challenge from this thread.