i'm not sure if i'm retaining new growth


Well-Known Member
i straighten my hair like every other month to length check and i think its the same length as it was in november. i cant eyeball and see any significant distance in the length, and i think in more than six months it should be noticeable.

since the rest of the time im mostly just wearing a bun how am i supposed to know whether im helping or harming my hair? if i was practicing unhealthy care i think it would be noticeably shorter at this point, which it's not, but i dont know that it's retaining new length either.

as a natural how do you monitor?
Whoa! You're length checking every other month?! Maybe you are retaining but can't tell since you're checking so often... maybe. I like to length check every 4 to 6 months. You will def notice growth by then. :)
Have you actually measured it in lieu of eyeballing? Also, once a business quarter is frequent enough to identify problems, if you need to make corrections etc. Or, notice success/retention.
Now that my natural hair is longer it's harder to notice length. Think about it... When your hair is only 3" it's easy to notice a 1" growth spurt because that is 1/3 of your total length. When your hair is 12" that same 1" is not as noticeable. Add in texture and shrinkage and yeah. Idk.
You may not be retaining then. You should def see growth from November, even if youre a slow grower. Checking monthly is a bit too much. Also, many women have had trouble retaining with certain types of buns. What kind do you do?
Are you taking pictures? You may not be able to eyeball the difference, but a picture will capture the difference.

I often can't tell a year's growth, until I look at old pics. Take a pic 2-3 times a year.
I agree with taking pictures. Sometimes I don't notice a significant length difference, but I can tell that my ends are fuller or the sides have caught up with the back.
Sorry i have no help for you. I am befuddled by my hair. I'm noticing that my hair is getting BIGGER.

I've never straightened my hair to measure. Pulling a section of hair every 2-4 months is sufficient for me.

I also notice progress when I try to put my hair in a puff (if the puff is bigger and how far back I can push back my hair tie without having flyaways and when my hair is in twists if I can get everything in without a million pins lol )

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