I'm not APL anymore! (scissor happy stylists)


Well-Known Member

Well, I'm no longer APL thanks to my former (I refuse to go back) scissor happy stylist!!!! "Oh you need trim," which I agreed with. My ends needed to be trimmed, emphasis on the TRIM. What I did not need was a CUT, which is what she gave me.



Wow the pics make me what to cry... What a set back... :(

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im assuming the first pic is the after . To be honest she didn't cut that much .. and it looks thicker and fuller than the below pic
:hugs: Sorry this happened to you, I know exactly how you feel, this happened to me and I was @ BSL lease read my blog on SHS and how to get the trim you want and forget those salons go to those cheap $10-15/cut shops, they listen. it will grow back fast cause your ends are split free.hth
Hey Friend -

Yeah it looks like she didn't "need" to cut off so much and if its any consolation your hair looks great...give it a few months and you will get that length back in no time
It does... I have to agree... but what I'm most upset about is the fact discussed how much would be trimmed... and didn't follow through on her part. It took me by surprise.
How many inches is considered a trim to stylist? I am so sorry. I will continue to walk around with a lop-sided trim.
So sorry that happened to you. It will grow back in no time! Glad your not going back to her, i won't neither.:nono:
She did cut a bit too much but she didn't cut a lot, if that makes any sense. It looks great though. This time when you make it back to APL, it will be fuller so that's a huge plus!
Wait until the curls from the "sweep" fall like in your after and you may see that she didn't cut as much as you think.

I'm sorry in any event, your hair is still gorgeous and lush!!
I agree with the other ladies...it's really not so much. About half an inch or so, which to me is exactly a trim. I think anything less would have been a dust. When the ends straighten out, take another picture and see. You'll still be APL, I think. And if you do decide to do another comparison picture, try to keep the picture sizes even. I think the newer one looks like so much more because it's bigger. But if you take the mouse and draw a line from your armpits across, it's really not much.

Also, your hair looks really beautiful! So thick and healthy. :yep:
She cut off your U or V. I would be mad if I were you too but on the upside if you wanted a blunt hemline you have one now :look: I don't think you even needed a trim based on the before pic.
^^exactly. What do these stylists see that the rest of the world doesn't?

I'm starting to think they have very vivid imaginations because there was nothing wrong with your hair.
You still look APL to me. In the 'after' pic, your ends are curled over a bit but if they were flowing straight down like in the other pic, it looks like you'd still be APL.
I’m so sorry this happened to you, your hair looks so beautiful! :clapping: you're doing a great job and it will grow back in no time.
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She did cut a bit too much but she didn't cut a lot, if that makes any sense. It looks great though. This time when you make it back to APL, it will be fuller so that's a huge plus!

It does make sense :) my boyfriend told me to calm down and be happy she didn't cut more off. Fullness is def a plus!... my only silver lining haha
She cut off your U or V. I would be mad if I were you too but on the upside if you wanted a blunt hemline you have one now :look: I don't think you even needed a trim based on the before pic.

Sad thing is I preferred the V over the blunt cut ends.

^^exactly. What do these stylists see that the rest of the world doesn't?

I'm starting to think they have very vivid imaginations because there was nothing wrong with your hair.

My stylist was very adamant that I needed a trim. She's been mentioning a trim for the past 5 weeks, persistent much?
I agree with the other ladies...it's really not so much. About half an inch or so, which to me is exactly a trim. I think anything less would have been a dust. When the ends straighten out, take another picture and see. You'll still be APL, I think. And if you do decide to do another comparison picture, try to keep the picture sizes even. I think the newer one looks like so much more because it's bigger. But if you take the mouse and draw a line from your armpits across, it's really not much.

Also, your hair looks really beautiful! So thick and healthy. :yep:

Yeah, I've calmed down... it's not the end of the world :) & Thank you!
It didn't look like you needed a trim, your hair looked healthy and full. I know how you feel, that happened to me too many times with the stylist, so glad I'm a DIY'er now. Don't worry you'll get it back in no time, and this time she won't be able to cut your length off.
it will grow back... the cut wasnt crazy drastic, but i know exactly how you feel when you go in expecting one thing and walk out with another. but now you can be apart of the "cut your hair at home" crew :D lol
It doesn't look like she cut a lot off. I love how thick and full your hair is. She is (was?) doing a great job as far as your hair is concerned. Good stylists are hard to find. :ohwell:
I am so mad with you. :wallbash: I hate it when stylists do that! I need to get my ends trimmed too because I am coming off the crown and glory challenge for 2009. I am afraid to let anybody trim my hair except for Belisi. You just never know who you can trust these days with your hair.
This is why I now go to a male stylist. A lot of female stylists are haters who will cut your hair off. It's like you have to show them exactly how much to cut and then some of them get annoyed because they think you're trying to tell them how to do their jobs. Dammit, it's your hair!! :wallbash: