I'm New!


New Member
Hey Ladies,
My name is Ciara and this is my first time being on here in about a year. It feels good to be back! I have been a lurker for a couple of months now and I'm glad I got a chance to join because I been urging to. Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and before I go, I have a question...

Has anyone grow bra-strap length hair without using the baggie method? I love the results but I like to have my hair in styles rather than a bun and I can't do them with soaking wet ends. Also, is it ok to do roller sets every 2 days?

Thanks, Ciara
Welcome Ciara!

I haven't used the baggie method to grow my hair to brastrap. I also airdry in rollersets every 3 days (when I wash) in order to straighten and smooth my hair.

Is that what you mean or do you mean rollersetting your hair dry every 2 days?
Hey there! I'm sure you can get to bra strap without baggie- ing but it might take longer since you'll probably have to trim more, I think... Are you air drying your roller sets? If so I think it'd be okay but it might get tedious, if you're using heat it'd probably be too much heat, imo.
Welcome! You can grow your hair without baggie method. How about just doing a whole head baggie (leave baggie on entire hair overnight) and wash the next day? I do baggies about once a week or so and my hair feels super moist. I put some conditioner or castor/olive oil on my hair, slap on a conditioning baggie and wash the next day.
WElcome, Ciara! I'm pretty sure you can grow to BSL w/o the baggie...heck..I did, but the key is intake as well as external applications of ...well what ever ...pick your poison....good hair habits + nutrition = happy hair!
Good luck!