I'm NEW!!! To cut or not to cut..That is the question.


New Member
I went 7months w/o relaxing. I wanted to go natural, however I relaxed on July 15th. I always thought that I had very fine hair, however, my hair is thicker than I thought. But here is the problem...The ends of my hair are kinda thin. No one seems to notice but me. I'm almost at BSL and I wanted to know should I cut my hair and start over, or just leave it? What would you do?
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If the ends are not damaged and you dont wear your hair down a lot I would just leave it.

If your ends are damaged I would lightly dust it every 4 weeks until all of the major damage is gone.

If you do wear your hair down a lot and you are bothered by the way it looks, I would trim.
If you want to keep your length I would advise you to start trimming more often, so whatever you trim can be replaced by your new thicker growth. That way you'll stay about the same length.
I do trim...My hair is VERY healthy. However, the ends look kinda thin in relation to the rest of my hair. I'm 12 weeks post and I'm about to get a touch-up on my relaxer. I think I'm gonna take 1/2 inch off my ends. thanks for the replies!!!
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If your basing the look of your hair off of being 12 weeks post I DEFINITELY recommend waiting to cut it. If your hair is anything like mine it starts looking really thin when it's time for a relaxer.
I agree with gabulldawg,Wait til you relax your hair them make your determination.
If you want to keep your length I would advise you to start trimming more often, so whatever you trim can be replaced by your new thicker growth. That way you'll stay about the same length.
That's what I am doing. I am surprised that the little trims helped. I thought I would have to cut at least 4 inches off. You should do a mini trim every 2-3 months or sooner if you like. You won't notice the length change-just the thickness.
dlewis 26 hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! we got 2 dlewis' now! lol Do a light trim. HTH Oh and welcome to lhcf!!!! :welcome:
Yeah I would trim it untill it's all thick, but bit by bit so you don't lose too much length at once.
Was your last relaxer in July? I wouldn't cut just yet if so. If you have a lot of new growth the shrinkage may be causing your ends to look uneven. I would wait until after you relax again to see.