I'm New..Need Advice within the Hour!


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I've gone through several threads, and I must admit that you guys are better than most dermatologist and beauticians when it comes to recommended products! I have long hair, but I want it to be longer. I have fairly nice skin, but there are a few blemishes that I would like to get rid of fast!

I'm going to the vitamin shoppe during my lunch hour and would like suggestions on which vitamins to get. I'm already using Evening Primrose, Biotin, Hair/Skin/Nail, Grape Seed Extract, E; however, I've read that some of you guys are using MSM (Why is it useful..I'm reading varying reviews online.would like feedback from actual users), Echinacea (user feedback please) and oil leaf extract. Any other recommendations will help tremendously.

I've already implemented flaxseed into my diet..I even grind it myself and freezing it to lock in nutrients.

What fruits (for my morning smoothie) would you recommend for bright skin.

Any help/suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you VIP. I would go through more of the forums to find the answers (that I'm sure are there); but I'm at work.
I recommend carrots and tons of water for the skin. In terms of products, a good night cream with retinol may work. It helps brighten my dark spots. (Retinol ~ vitamin A, which helps to renew the skin cells.) Get a moisturizer containing sunscreen to prevent the dark spots from getting darker in the sun.

In terms of hair, it looks like you have a decent batch of vitamins. MSM supposedly prolongs the growth phase and shortens the shedding phase. I used it for 3 months and noticed nothing; but then again, 3 months was probably to short a time to notice anything.

Maybe you can snag some whey protein from Vitamin Shoppe. Put it little in your beverage (e.g., smoothie) daily. Protein is needed to construct new hair.

Oh, and mango, peach, and/or papaya are fruits you can put in your smoothie for your skin. Vitamin A all the way.

Thank you so much for your input. I just put the other fruits on my list of items to pick up during lunch. I ran out of fruit and didn't get to make my smoothie this morning. I'm making it for lunch though. Thanks again! :)

I second drinking lots of water and carrot juice.

I don't know your skin type or age range but bentonite clay is a good mask it pulls impurities from the skin .

Here's my internal regi:

Protein shake every day for breakfast:
- Spiruitein or fruitein protein shake - delicious! and lots of vitamins as well
- chlorella http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=329287
- 1 TBSP flaxseed oil
- mixed with a combo of milk (reg or soy), juice, water- whatever I have on hand

Water- drink lots! This has done wonders for my skin.

Psyllium Husks- daily (detoxing) in a glass of water. Brightens/energizes my skin & gives me energy overall.

Hair growth tea: I brew a tea with nettle & horsetail (both good for hair) and a little regular tea (I use ceylon w/ rosepetals). I add honey & molasses (good for hair as I understand) and some milk. The drink substitutes for coffee for me. I have discovered that one of the herbs is causing dryness/redness around my nose so I will be doing just one or the other of these from now on. But most people don't seem to have problems w/ these...

For my skin, castor oil has been great. This is great for blemishes and wrinkles. I put it on overnight, sometimes mixed w/ my moisturizer if I don't want to feel too greasy.

Supplements: I just take adult gummy multivitamins, and other gummy vitamins if I have them. I have never been able to stick to a regi that involves swallowing vitamins so this is working for me.

I don't take additional supplements, so I am sorry I can't be more helpful there!