I'm never buying hair off ebay again!!!!1


New Member
GRRR!!! I ordered some weave hair off of ebay on 1/22, and I paid by paypal right away, and sent the seller a message saying which color I wanted. So by today, 1/28 I sent a message asking her for a tracking number.

She writes back and says Oh, I didn't have 2 of the length & color you wanted. The next shipment comes tomorrow. If you want I can either send you out 2 packs (one 16" and one 14") today and refund you the price difference, or I can wait till tomorrow and have her send me out exactly what I ordered. She also asked did I want needle and thread or glue.

I replied that I wished she'd contacted me before a week had passed to let me know the situation. I told her I'd wait the extra day to get exactly what I ordered, but if the shipment does not arrive or something else goes awry, send me the 2 different lengths. I told her if she had dark brown thread I'd prefer that, if not send the glue (I can use it for quickweave wigs).

Do you know this :witch: has the nerve to write back getting an attitude with me?? :burnup: like I was the one who was messing up. :wallbash:

She writes back in all caps OKAY what do you want to do? :spinning: Bits, what did I JUST SAY I wanted to do? And why are YOU hollering at ME like I was the one messing up the situation? When YOUR ebay store said you had 20 something of these in stock, but you can't mail me my 2 within a reasonable time frame or even have the courtesy to drop me an email???????

:burnup: :burnup: I can't wait till I have my ish in my hands so I can leave negative feedback.

And I will NEVER buy hair from ebay again!!!!!
Sorry to hear that happened to you.

Not all sellers on eBay are like that though.

Be sure to leave her negative feedback.
Even though you were clear about your instructions, it's seems that she was confused to about what you wanted. As honeydew stated, not all eBay sellers are like that. Ask around the forum for reliable ebay hair seller. I'm sure someone here can recommend a good one

I'm sorry to hear how that sorry seller treated you and you should be angry. That seller was very unprofessional and rude. But don't write eBay off because of that 1 seller. There are bad one but there are good ones on there too. There are some sellers that goes far beyond what is required of them to help. I have 1 seller that all I have to do is let him know what im looking for and he'll get it at a great price for me. I can go on and on. I love eBay. But once in a while I'll get one that wants to steal my money and not send anything, or one that would get my money and then all of a sudden I'll get a notice saying that that seller is no longer a eBay member. But that's why I always use Paypal. They give my money back and they go after that seller. I never have to worry about it.

eBay is a great site but sometimes "1 bad apple can really spoil the whole bunch". That 1 seller can spoil it for the whole site.
Thanks ladies... I'm PMSing a bit so that might explain my higher than normal level of anger at the situation... :look:

But seriously, though. If I hadn't emailed her she was just gonna wait a week before even mailing it. I've been preparing my head today for my sew-in, doing my deep conditioning and braiding my hair up, thinking the hair should be here tomorrow-ish. And come to find out this :witch: ain't even got the hair yet, let alone mailed it! :wallbash:

I checked her feedback before purchasing and it was overwhelmingly positive! That's what kills me! She won't be getting positive feedback from me, that's for sure.
For future reference you can also contact ebay and let them know that a seller hasn't shipped you your package in a timely manner. I had to do that last year. Ebay will contact the seller and then the seller contacts you. I believe it's called a dispute.
I'm LOLing at your usage of smilies, not your situation.
I have never had a bad hair experience with ebay. I would consider using someone with a high positive feedback rating, and just really researching the seller before you do business with themm.
Leave negative feedbackkk!
1st let me say that I'm sorry to hear about your experience..and t/g your lesson was learned

If I didn't die laughing at your anitmated story and "smilie" usage-the witch was cute. But aside from that I hope you receive your hair in a timely manner and it's what you ordered.

And I also agree, homegirl had no rhyme or reason to even jump out there with the 'tude...I guess customer service died with chivalry!!!
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