I'm in a dilema (Long)


New Member
Hi ladies,

As i stated in another thread, i'm pretty new, lurked for long time then finally joined about a month ago. My hair is in complete disaster! :perplexed I don't know what happened, but a little over 3 years ago my hair broke right off in the crown (i started going to this hairdresser and when i told her she just patted my head and was like don't worry about it :mad:) Well i believed her being as how i don't have a cosmetology license and figured she knew what she was talking about. Well the problem go worse so i was like OK! i know what to do, i'll go natural! :cool: I did go natural and was natural for about 1.5 years. My little balding place was growing back in and everything!! Yeah then something hit me in January of 05 to relax my hair :eek:

Well to make a long story short, my hair broke in that same place AGAIN and this time spread, i mean it broke down to a stubble almost. I was so hurt, distraught, frustrated, angry and just all other emotions that could go along with it. Well i mean literally i stopped relaxing my hair in August 05, i was just at the point where i was like what's really gwans on and somethings got to give!!!

Well the first time i BC'ed and i am really not a BC girl, but what i did do was cut off like 75% of my permed here and then just have been braiding it. So i have a few questions:

I just wanna know what are some really good treatments that can get me back to good hair health (Conditioners, Moisturizers, proteins, leave-ins, etc).

And a question specifically to naturals who press their hair, do you find a lot of damage or how often do you press? (I do like to wear my hair straight and would like this as an option).

Thanks so much for reading my extra long post and thank you for any comments of advice!! :)
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I am not a natural, but why does this sound like my problem!!

We need to work this all out together girlie!!
HoneyDew said:
I am not a natural, but why does this sound like my problem!!

We need to work this all out together girlie!!

You've got a friend in me! :) And what made me believe it was relaxing was that once i stopped my hair started growing back there, i've got about 1/1.5 inches there now and i really don't wanna lose it again :( I started with the M.N. and hopefully this will help me out!
alir0x said:
Hi ladies,

As i stated in another thread, i'm pretty new, lurked for long time then finally joined about a month ago. My hair is in complete disaster! :perplexed I don't know what happened, but a little over 3 years ago my hair broke right off in the crown (i started going to this hairdresser and when i told her she just patted my head and was like don't worry about it :mad:) Well i believed her being as how i don't have a cosmetology license and figured she knew what she was talking about. Well the problem go worse so i was like OK! i know what to do, i'll go natural! :cool: I did go natural and was natural for about 1.5 years. My little balding place was growing back in and everything!! Yeah then something hit me in January of 05 to relax my hair :eek:

Well to make a long story short, my hair broke in that same place AGAIN and this time spread, i mean it broke down to a stubble almost. I was so hurt, distraught, frustrated, angry and just all other emotions that could go along with it. Well i mean literally i stopped relaxing my hair in August 05, i was just at the point where i was like what's really gwans on and somethings got to give!!!

Well the first time i BC'ed and i am really not a BC girl, but what i did do was cut off like 75% of my permed here and then just have been braiding it. So i have a few questions:

I just wanna know what are some really good treatments that can get me back to good hair health (Conditioners, Moisturizers, proteins, leave-ins, etc).

And a question specifically to naturals who press their hair, do you find a lot of damage or how often do you press? (I do like to wear my hair straight and would like this as an option).

Thanks so much for reading my extra long post and thank you for any comments of advice!! :)

Well I'm sorry that you are going through this, but w/ the wealth of knowledge on this site you'll only get great advice on how to take your of your mane. I don't know where to start, it seems like you have the kind of hair that just won't 'take' any sort of chemicals, being relaxers or color; from your description it sounds like you have VERY FRAGILE HAIR. You must handle your hair with kid gloves. While the right products can make a world of difference in how your hair feels, the most important thing is how and when you use these specific products. Lets start with conditioners;

HardCore Proteins

Aphogee- is a hardcore protein to be used every 6 weeks or whenever you experience breakage. If you decide to use this product please follow the instructions on the bottle exactly. Follow up with a light moisturizing protein treatment.

Nexxus Emergencee- SImilar to Aphogee but it is plant based and is considered a Polymeric Reconstructor, it will help with breakage. It smells much more pleasant than Aphogee, you may need to Follow up with a light moisturizing protein treatment as well.

Moisturizing Protein Treatments

Elasta's DRC 11- is a really good moisturizing deep treatment, smells great and is cheap!

ORS Moisture Replenishing Pak- is really great! It's a moisturizing and protein treatment, leaves hair SOft, detangled and moisturized! Love it!

Leave-in Treatments

I personally like Giovanni's Direct Leave-in
Thank you so much for your reply. I really do think that my hair is very sensitive to chemicals, i learned once never to color my hair. It all broke off :( Even when i used relaxers i used mild, never regular and not only did they straighten my hair, but it usually changed the color too :o

I'm just really trying to learn my hair and anyone else w/these type of characteristics i would love to hear from you :)
alir0x said:
Thank you so much for your reply. I really do think that my hair is very sensitive to chemicals, i learned once never to color my hair. It all broke off :( Even when i used relaxers i used mild, never regular and not only did they straighten my hair, but it usually changed the color too :o

I'm just really trying to learn my hair and anyone else w/these type of characteristics i would love to hear from you :)

Just want you to know, the same thing happened to me. Back/kitchen area kept breaking off, bc'd and hair grew back pretty and thick, relaxed 6 months later and well you know what happened, right?!:( Bc'd again about a month ago and it's already growing in pretty and thick again. I am never relaxing my hair again, lol NEVER! Some of us can't handle the chemicals.
I know the new craze is Miconazole Nitrate, but I havent been using this long enough to see any results. MTG made my nape area fill in nice and thick. I had a nice shiny bald spot in the back, and now you would never know it was there.