
New Member
Ok my scalp is flaking like crazy, I wash my hair it looks like it hasn't been washed..what am I doing...I oil it but nothing still flakes..I don't know what I should do. I'm tired of looking at theses flakes every time i scratch my head. What am I doing wrong.Please help me. Gracias
have you had any chemical services (color or relaxer) lately? You may want to try washing your hair with Nizarol and folllowing up with a deep conditioner? Just a thought...
My dermatologist swears by Nizoral shampoo but she says to work up a lather and let it stay on your had 15 mins then rinse. It allegedly takes a minimum of 15 mins for it to penetrate your scalp. I always follow with a tea tree oil massage to my scalp and poof--goodbye dandruff! Good luck!
You may want to hold off on the oil. A good natural remedy is ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) Put 3tbls in a cup and use a cotton ball to apply to your scalp. Wrap your head or cover with a plastic cap and let it sit for 30 minutes or 1-2 hours. Then shampoo as normal. You can do this every day or before every wash. This should help your flaking. You may want to dilute the ACV as it may burn a little. Not too much but especially if you have been scratching your scalp, it will burn.
I have the same problem... I usually notice that it gets a little better after a deep conditioning. I also use scalpacin because my scalp is really itchy.

I may have to try the ACV thing, though.
I don't quite have an answer for you but I would like to share my experience. My 8 year old daughter started having dandruff several months ago. It progressively got worse where her dandruff looked white/silvery and didn't really flake. It made her scalp look really ashy. Her hair even started breaking off (not balding) at the part. This was not in one spot. It was all over her scalp. When I washed her hair it would be fine for the first day then the "ashy" looking dandruff would return the next day. It got to the point where the "ashiness" didn't go away at all even with washing. I took her to the doctor. She diagnosed it as eczema and prescribed Ketoconozole shampoo. Didn't work. Took her back to the doctor. She prescribed LCD which is a tar ointment (nasty, stinky, messy). Didn't work. Since I thought it was eczema, I started using natural products on her hair recommended by another member--Aubrey organics poo & conditioner and jojoba oil. It seemed to really work. But just to make sure it wasn't what I didn't want it to be, I took her to a dermatologist who diagnosed her problem (with special glasses) as a scalp fungus aka ringworm aka tinea capitis. The dermatologist said a scalp fungus is often misdiagnosed and as a result can go on for years. The parts will get wider which hers did. He said young children do not have dandruff. He said adults are usually (not always) more immune to the fungus and their bodies can fight it off better than a child. He said it very prominent in the African American community and is extremely easy to pick up.
Just something to consider. Hopefully this will help someone. Good luck finding your solution.
I friend of mine reading your post wanted me to suggest this to you:

So leave the oil out and try the ACV rinse as suggested. But when you have a bit more dough, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the ACV rinse. What I do is put this in a basin and hold head in the water and massage my scalp for a good while. Think of how you'll be improving circulation with a good scalp massage head hanging down. What this will also do is as your hair gets a good soak, you hair cuticles will close so you should get a nice shine and hair should feel smooth and tangle less. Flakes and itches can also be caused by residue left behind by conditioner residue so a final ACV rinse with a good scalp massage should make a huge difference. Definitely the rosemary will heal your flakes. I put 20 drops of rosemary essential oil in my ACV rinse.
Ohh and you may want to go to a health food store and in addition to your rosemary oil get Braggs Organic ACV with the "mother" in it. It's better than your regular store bought brand. It will probably set you back about 4-5 bucks. You can find these items at Whole Foods or any health food store.
I've been having scalp issues myself:( I found Kenra clarifying shampoo and tried it, which seems to clean really well. Since its not even been 24 hours yet since I've used it, I can only say that so far, it seems to have worked for me, but can't give a complete report yet.

I really didn't think i had dandruff but, the flakes were really super big, kinda like snowflakes and not waxy but rather hard. In my case though I had also started a new product and a new routine which seems that my scalp isn't very happy with.

Only advice I can give you is if you've been trying new products , you may need to stop using them and see if those products are affecting your scalp. It could be buildup or, it could be something else.

I'd try clarifying with a shampoo or acv and see if that works for you. Its possible you may not see instant results, as we know lots of things when it comes to hair aren't instant at all! But if after a week you're not seeing any clearing then you should probably schedule an appointment with a dermatologist.


I too suffer from a tempermental scalp. When I get a bad flare up I rub conditioner on my ends before I wash so they don't try out. Then I use a deep cleansing shampoo for the first lather then I use something that has zinc in like keracare dry/itchy scalp although head and shoulders dry/itchy scalp works great too and leave it on for a full 5 mintues. Then I deep condition. Afterwards it feels so much better. Leave the oil off of your scalp for a while. IF it feels dry try something designed for itchy scalps like ors no more flakes which doesn't contain mineral oil and other clogging oils. I usually have to do this 2 or 3 times over 2 weeks to get my scalp back in order.
I agree with the other ladies, get Nizoral shampoo. When I use Nizoral, I part my hair to put it directly on the scalp, since it drys out my hair. Also, Nizoral at a lower strength is sold over-the-counter.
My dermatologist prescribed Derma-Smooth Scalp Oil (Fluocinolone Acetonide) along with Nizoral (Ketaconzole 2%) shampoo for my severely itchy, flaky scalp. I used the Derma-Smooth nightly for 2 weeks, and shampooed once a week with the Nizoral 2% shampoo, which I left on for 5 minutes before rinsing and deep conditioning. I haven't had any flakes or itchiness since. Prior to seeing my dermatologist I had tried all kinds of over-the-counter remedies but found that nothing worked to control the itching and flaking for more than a few days. I never thought of seeing a doctor for my scalp problems until a friend suggested it. Now I'm passing that suggestion on to others. Good luck!