I'm hatin hard on my niece right now..


Well-Known Member
I just had a moment..

My niece has had her braided in extensions for about 5 and half weeks with no growth potions, vits, extra protein in her diet etc. I'm 11 weeks post relaxer, BT'in my scalp, taking vits, drinking water, upping my protein intake and she has MORE ng than me.

At 11 weeks I have almost an inch of ng and at 5 and a half weeks she has an inch and more in some places. I pointed this out to her and she just goes "I love my hair" :afro: I thought to myself "You little twit sitting there doing nothing and gettin all that growth, it's not fair!" :wallbash:

I was thinking to myself during this relaxer stretch that I must be going through a slow growth period, this just confirmed it for me..*sigh*

Just wanted to share, and not just because of my jealousy, but because I've just witnessed a person grow 1" of hair in a months time. It can be done, it does happen, and in this case she achieved it doing absolutely nothing.
How old is your niece and does she exercise often and does she eat healthy?

She's 11. The only exercise she gets is going up and down the stairs going from class to class in school and I don't know the extent of physical exertion in her phys ed class but that's once a week. Other than that when she's home she's loungin in front of the t.v. or napping. Her diet? I wouldn't say it's a consciously healthy diet but it isn't bad either.
She's 11. The only exercise she gets is going up and down the stairs going from class to class in school and I don't know the extent of physical exertion in her phys ed class but that's once a week. Other than that when she's home she's loungin in front of the t.v. or napping. Her diet? I wouldn't say it's a consciously healthy diet but it isn't bad either.

Aww she's a kid. Her whole body is working overtime on growing, that's to be expected.
yeah, i'd like to know how old she is too.. I know that when i was a tad younger my hair grew even faster than it does now and i cant hit almost an inch a month... maybe..if i try...:ohwell:

i just didnt know what to do with my hair then :ohwell:
Aww she's a kid. Her whole body is working overtime on growing, that's to be expected.

You're right. I'm still hatin though, just from the comparison of time and effort when I think about it. I have experienced growth spurts like that in my 20's though, I hope it hasn't slowed down indefinately :sad:
My stepdaughter's hair was cut to her shoulders. She blinked and is MBL again! She's 13. I cut about 3 inches of my DD's hair (she's 11) and I coughed and her 3 inches came back. What the heck?

Maybe its all them Twilight books or the tater tots at school LOL :lachen:
My stepdaughter's hair was cut to her shoulders. She blinked and is MBL again! She's 13. I cut about 3 inches of my DD's hair (she's 11) and I coughed and her 3 inches came back. What the heck?

Maybe its all them Twilight books or the tater tots at school LOL :lachen:

I'm thinking it's those tator tots! :lachen:Lol.