I'm going to do it!!!


Well-Known Member
So I want WL like right now and I am currently MBL(I think). I have decided I am going to do a long relaxer strech. I relaxed at the end of August and I won't relaxed again until January 1.

I won't do any length checks and use any heat. I will try to only bun and rollerset. When I feel the urge to flat iron I will be in here telling ya'll to help me. As a matter of fact I am taking my flat iron to my mother's house:look:.
When do you plan on relaxing again?

I'm gonna go for another 3 month stretch and using JBCO again while doing it. My last relaxer was August 20.
Good luck on your quest, when you need us we will be here. Hmmm I can't wait until I get in the area of MBL.
leona, you can do it girl :grin:!!!! i have a similar goal to yours for the end of the year: next relaxer will be mid December, rollersets and protective styles only, I can only use heat once in this time frame, and no length checks until next relaxer.

by the way....always nice to see another Houston chic on the LHCF :drunk:
You can do it! Just take one day at a time and it makes the goal more attainable.
The first time I tried to stretch, I kept focusing on the goal date and I ended up relaxing 3 days ahead of time but I felt disappointed in myself. The next time, I just decided to take it one day at a time and learn what my hair needed as it changed over the different months.
I am now 10.5 months post relaxer.
You can do it!! You will be so pleased with your results; be careful though. Long stretches can become addictive!!
Hey ladies thanks for the support. I never really have any problems with my ng and stretching. I will be going along just fine and at about 3 months bam the urge to relax hits and I just do it. My struggle will be the flat iron. I love it like a child, lol.