I'm going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?


Well-Known Member
I\'m going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?

Hello everyone:

I'm pretty new to the board. I've read a lot, but haven't posted much.

Anyway, I've read a lot of good things about the Kemi oyl, and I was wondering if anyone has also tried the Kemi press or Kemi African Shea Butter Pomade.

I have natural hair (coarse/wavy), and I usually wear it in twist-outs or up-dos. But once every four weeks or so, I will press it.

Anyway, my question, basically, is: is the Kemi Oyl good for pressing, or would the specific "Kemi Press" product be better? I don't want to buy both products if one can be used for both uses.

And as far as the Shea Butter pomade, have any of you naturals tried that one?
Re: I\'m going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?

I've used the pomade. I"m relaxed though, but it was okay. The smell was too strong for me, smelled like grape bubble yum or something.
Re: I\'m going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?

Im natural and i love the pomade. Like crystal said it has a grape bubble gum smell which if u can get past the smell you will find it is a real good product. I primarily use it when i twist and braid and to smooth back ponytails in place of gel. Its real thick but it leaves the hair super soft, shiny and moisturized. It gives me the best well defined shiny twistouts and braidouts. you only need a little and it leave the hair feeling moisturized for days without reapplying. this is definitely one of my staples.
Re: I\'m going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?

Here is some info I found on nappynic's page re: KOSPB
(I hope it' okay that I copied and paste?)

@ narcissa and nappypickny and EVERYONE WHO CARES TO KNOW - Ok y'all. The key is to go EASY on the pomade. This is not something I just SLATHER ALL OVER MY HEAD cuz it's very thick and gooey. A little bit goes a LONG way. The thing you should be most concerned with as far as the pomade goes is absorption. Some folks find that it sits on top of their hair and forms a grey film. That's usually cuz 1) they've used too much, 2) they've applied it to SOAKING wet hair and 3) they didn't apply heat or give it enough time to absorb. I prefer to use the pomade on my DRY hair (or hair that is SLIGHTY damp from a spritz of the Kemi Conditioning Spray). I find that the more wet your hair is, the longer it takes to absorb so I use it when I dry twist. I like to use something a little lighter when I wet twist. I take a TEEEEENY bit and smoothe it over each section before I twist it. After I am done twisting (usually hours later), it has had a chance to absorb, but I still like to sit under the dryer for about 5 mins to make sure it's all soaked in. I also find that it absorbs better if I emulsify it between my hands really good first before applying it to my dry hair (for a mid week spruce up or on my hair when it's out). It should be slippery and shiny when you put it on your hair, not thick and pasty like it is in the jar.

Monicurl has even recommended using this as a DEEP conditioner. Check it out at www.ourhair.net I think it's in the "snips" archives. For this she actually DOES slather it ALL over, but she covers her head with a cap and sits under the dryer. I've never tried this, but I'm sure it's a great way to deep condition. You can also put it on and sleep with in over night with your hair tied up. It should be nice and soft by morning. I've tried this on my puffs that I make at night before bed and my hair has been GREAT in the morning.

Bottom line, this product requires time and patience, but will give you GREAT results if used properly. It's not an instant miracle, but if allowed to absorb, IT CAN WORK MIRACLES!

One disclaimer though...the pomade may not be for everyone (yes, believe it or not, I said that). I say this because folks with REALLY fine hair may find that it is just TOO thick and pasty and that it never fully absorbs. If it just sits on your hair after hours or leaves your hair REALLY greasy and heavy after heat, then it probably isn't for you. My hair LOVES it (especially when I use it in conjunction with the Kemi Oyl Conditioning Spray). It keep is REALLY soft and shiny.

If you find the KOSBP is too heavy for you, but you really like shea stuff, try the Kemi Pro-Gro. It is a lotion, so it absorbs MUCH faster (instantly) and still has the softening benefits of shea. CD Hair Milk is similar (but not as good as the KEMI,IMO). CD HHB is STILL a bit lighter than the KOSBP, so is CD's Some of Marguerite's Magic...all of those products contain shea. You can also try to make your own concoction with pure shea and some aloe gel. That way you can control the amount of shea used since it is such a heavy product.

Ok. I think that's it. Let me know if y'all have any questions. I'll PM you on the board and direct you over here...less typing:-)


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Re: I\'m going to buy some Kemi products and had a ?

Thanks everyone for replying. Sounds like I'm going to be buying me some Kemi Shea Butter Pomade!

Hey, could someone answer my other question. Will the "Kemi Oyl" work well for those times I want to press my hair, or should I get the "Kemi Press"?