
I am going to BC in 2 weeks. Is there anything I should or should not do to my hair? I thought about roller setting the remaining 2 weeks. I hope it won't ruin my texture. I am excited to be close to ending this transition!:spinning::yay:
Congrats on reaching the end of your transition! :)

If you're going to cut it yourself, make sure you have sharp hair cutting shears. Either buy some new ones, or get the ones you have sharpened. Dull cutting shears can lead to split ends. But I'm sure you already know this.
I am going to BC in 2 weeks. Is there anything I should or should not do to my hair? I thought about roller setting the remaining 2 weeks. I hope it won't ruin my texture. I am excited to be close to ending this transition!:spinning::yay:

How many months long was this transition? If it was the same as your last transition then you shouldn't chop now as you will end up with the same amount of hair that made you unhappy. Based on your history I think a full year transition is the best so you can at least be to shoulder length in the back and more comfortable with the hair length.
How many months long was this transition? If it was the same as your last transition then you shouldn't chop now as you will end up with the same amount of hair that made you unhappy. Based on your history I think a full year transition is the best so you can at least be to shoulder length in the back and more comfortable with the hair length.
I agree...you might want to wait until July/August when you are a full year post relaxer before BCing.
i think you should keep transitioning at least for another 7 months. that way if you change our mind, you can just relax but your hair will be long and you won't be cutting again. ♥
My suggestion- Make a commitment not to touch a relaxer for a year. If you come up against a problem with your natural hair work through it and don't go running back to a relaxer (we'll be happy to help you work through any problems). If after a year you still feel strongly about relaxing then you can go back
I agree with the other ladies dd, maybe you should wait a bit longer. This is the 2nd or 3rd time you have bc since i been here. If you wait and your not happy, you can always relax again. But its your hair and decision and we are here for you no matter what you decide.
When I BC'ed, I did so at 5 months because managing all of the different textures PLUS maintaining a balance for the line of demarcation became too much. If you can stretch it out a bit longer, I think you should. "I" couldn't... so "I" didn't. If I could go back, I would have buzz cut it the year before last. :lol:

I do have to be honest when I say that I don't want you to do something that you might regret later. If your resolve is set to BCing in two weeks, perhaps you could make plans to get braids,weave, etc. as a protective style so you won't be uber pressed to nail down a regimen for your natural hair? You will have to be patient because there are times your grass will revolt. Especially if it doesn't like a particular product.

I hope you have an awesome experience and natural hair journey! :yep: I absolutely love mine. She gives me the finger from time to time but as long as I gift her with moisture, she loves me back. :lachen:
I agree with the ladies, above! My hair is now 12 months post and I'm planning to continue transition for at least 2 years total!
I don't mean you should do the same but I think you should give it more time before "no-going back" step! ♥
dd i think you should:
wait 6-12 months before BC-ing
roller set, twist out, braidout, wigs, weaves, braids,and do bantu-knot outs to blend the 2 textures
stay on top of your protien/moisture and use ceramides like crazy
dc weekly and do a hardcore protein treatment every 4-5 weeks

i think that if you do all of these that when you finally bc that you will have lots of hair to work with and it will be nice and healthy too. don't cut your hair now.
My advice to you is DON'T BC yet. I concur with the other ladies to wait till you are one year post before you BC.
It seems like every year or so you BC and go right back to relaxing, what makes this go around different?
Hey DD. I agree with the others. I've seen you BC a few times since I've been a member as well. Have you considered protective styling like braids? I transitioned in braids and twists. This kept me from chopping too soon or getting frustrated and running back to a relaxer.:yep:
DD, I thought you were going to take at least a year to learn about your hair before you bc'd again. I thought things were going well with your hair this time around. I don't think bc'ing is going to make you happy if you're trying to grow it out. Take time to really think about it before you cut again.
I agree with the other ladies, plus summer is probably more optimum time for short hair anyway. I kept getting head colds from wash n go's last winter when my natural hair was too short to twist, etc.
Ok here are my thoughts:look:

Being positive: I think it says alot to be able to constantly Big Chop with only 6 moths or less of growth. I know I wouldn't bc that early but I give mad KUDOS to anyone that can.

Now on to Reality:

Reality is that you seem as if though you are never satisfied with your hair. So is bcing truly the best option? :nono: I would think not but maybe at this point in your life you are indeed ready this time. IDK only you would know that. Consider getting some braids for a while. Leaving your hair alone other than to oil, co wash, and dc. Just put it away. Maybe in this time you will really think long and hard about your hair and what you want to do. Point blank....Accept your hair for what it is. Embrace it. Love it. Relaxed, texlaxed or natural.

Just love it! Don't do anything that you will regret later on, we don't want to see you bc, relax, and transition again.:perplexed Stay encouraged, patient, and decide on a goal...and stay COMMITTED to it. :spinning:
I think you need to stick with one thing consistently long enough to figure out what works best for your hair. It's clear that you don't know yet, and thats fine. Just stay away from any drastic measures long enough to figure it out.

Happy Hair GROWING.
I agree with the other ladies..I think that you should wait a bit longer and gain some more length before you BC..that way you are 100% sure what you want to do with your hair and how to handle it. However, if you choose to BC now by all means do what you want but just be ready for the limited styling options with your hair for a while. You could probably get braids or wear wigs for a while until your hair grows out.
I bc'd at 5 months when the plan was to transition at least a year. I IMMEDIATELY went straight to kinky twists and have been in and out them during my first year of being relaxer free. If I would have thought to just wear kinky twists to finish my transition, I would have done that. So, my advice is to wear a protective style for a couple of months and see how you feel after that. It's always better to have the choice than to force yourself into a corner before you're ready.
I'm going to be a forest and echo what everyone else said. WAIT! This would probably be the 5th or 6th time that you've BC, and as a result you become discouraged with what you feel is a lack of progress. Don't be so impulsive and take your time in regards to learning your hair and what works for it as you transition. Give yourself time to gain a significant amount of growth so that you don't become frustrated with the length of your hair and relax again.
Sorry to keep you hanging, ladies. We had a family emergency with my husband's grandmother. I haven't been online much at all. She is in real bad shape, so right now, everything is on hold. I hope the delay in answer won't disappoint you much. We're taking today off work to go see her in the hospital. She is 93 years old. My husband is trying to hold up under the pressure, but it really is hard for him. 2 years ago, we lost grandpa at age 99 and he still cries about him. I probably won't be online much until after the crisis passes.
I am sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother, DD. I'll be praying for you guys.

As for the BC, I have to ask: what is it that you want to accomplish in regards to your hair? If you can figure out the answer to that question, then you can get on the right path and reach a happy medium with your hair.