I'm going natural!!!


New Member
I was just applying my potion to my scalp and had a lot of new growth. It's the first time I've actually seen what my natural texture looks like in a while and I like it!!
Also my cousin was telling me how nice my hair used to be when I was natural.
I think it's for the best.

I'm not going to big chop though.

Has any of you guys transitioned without BCing?
Does anyone know of YouTubers who have transitioned without BCing (other then nina pruitt)??
Go for it!! Whatever works for you mama!!

*BTW, I like your red hair:


Haha omg that red hair faded SO FAST!
I'm now dirty blonde/light brown
I'm dying it back to black with henna
I used l'oreal majicontrast with 30 vol developer

I reallyyy liked it red but if it's going to fade that fast I might as well not bother lol
congrats. i'm a LONG TIME transitioner. i actually have been transitioning from texlaxed hair since about the end of 2009, so about a year and a half. i found a young lady the other day on youtube that transitioned for two years and just did her big chop this month. check her out, her vids are really nice:


it's a frustrating journey at times, but also a great learning experience. i'm happy i'm still at it, but there are indeed times i want to just cut it all off! my hair is definitely happier natural than relaxed. best of luck to you on the long transition.
I used l'oreal majicontrast with 30 vol developer

I reallyyy liked it red but if it's going to fade that fast I might as well not bother lol

Reds are usually meant to fade. Back in the day I used to wash my hair with Red Shampoo so the Color would stay longer. It helped some but that got exhausting. How much new growth do you have right now?
Omg! That colour is truly gorgeous! Any advice for relaxed heads and colour, OP?

Congratulations on going natural though! :grin:
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Try HAIRCRUSH on YouTube. I believe she has waist-length hair, never did the big chop, and transitioned for at least two years I think.
Congratulations! :grin:

And I agree, that red is really pretty. I looove red hair.
Congrats on your decision! I transitioned for 3 years using the crown and glory method and began trimming in the last 6 months. Check out the transitioning without BC'ing thread.
Reds are usually meant to fade. Back in the day I used to wash my hair with Red Shampoo so the Color would stay longer. It helped some but that got exhausting. How much new growth do you have right now?

I have a little bit more than an inch of new growth.
Omg! That colour is truly gorgeous! Any advice for relaxed heads and colour, OP?

Congratulations on going natural though! :grin:


I think if you're going to colour your relaxed hair then remember that you always colour a relaxer and not relax a colour. Meaning you always should colour your hair first, wait two weeks and then relax. Never relax before you colour your hair.

DC a lot!!!

And basically just take care of it very very well. You can't be lazy with it
Congrats! on making the decison to go natural. I am a long-term transitioner! My last relaxer was Dec 2009. I started my journey Sept 09. I wish you great luck!

Congrats on your decision to go natural!! :) I was a long term transitioner. Instead of doing a true big chop, I cut my hair off in stages, until I finally cut the last of the relaxer off. I don't have a youtube channel, but I have documented my hair journey in pictures.

~2005: (When I was still transitioning. I had done maybe one major cut by this time to cut some off the relaxed ends)

2006: Here's a pic of my hair after I "big chopped" and cut off the last of the relaxer. I had enough to put my hair in a ponytail (which was my personal requirement before I'd let go of the last of the relaxed ends).

2007: (I'd had a 4-5 inch cut since the "big chop" photo, so you there's not a ton of difference)

Here's a pic of my hair straightened after the cut in 2007 (sorry it's so blurry):

2008 (hair shingled):

I pic of my hair straightened in 2008:

2009 (I know it looks like a big jump from 2008. I attribute some of that to shrinkage. But hey, maybe I did have a good year for growth, lol):

A pic of my hair half straightened in 2009:

2010 (had a major cut, 6-7 inches):

A pic of my hair straightened after the cut in 2010:

2011 (And here's a semi-recent pic from this past winter):

And here's the most recent pic of my hair straightened in 2011:

So that's a summary of my hair journey in pictures, from before my big chop up until now. I've had a few set backs on my journey (from scissor-happy-stylists that turned trims into major hair cuts). But I have no regrets about going natural and am happy with where my hair is now.

I feel like an expert on my natural hair. And now that I've committed to be a self-trimmer, I anticipate even more success. :look: Hopefully this way helpful for you or someone else. :) Going natural is definitely worth the effort in my opinion.
Congrats mikimix! I just BC'ed almost 2 months ago and love being natural!

SEMO- I :love: your hair! I can't wait until I get some length like yours :yep: May I ask how you inserted the pics into your post without making them attachments? TIA
Congrats @mikimix! I just BC'ed almost 2 months ago and love being natural!

@SEMO- I :love: your hair! I can't wait until I get some length like yours :yep: May I ask how you inserted the pics into your post without making them attachments? TIA

@LilMissSunshine5 Thanks for the compliment! :)

Also, I put the pictures in my post (instead of as attachments), because I got them from my fotki. So I copied the url of the pictures and then used the "insert image" button to paste the url.
Welcome!!!! I transitioned for 14 months, and I documented the time in my fotki. Basically, I bunned and did the Crown & Glory method. Good luck on yourj ourney!