Im Going Natural.....


Well-Known Member
Ive actually made the decision on going natural and transitioning....

heres a short story..and its probably alot like alot of peoples story but i started getting chemicals when i was 12 years old...from then i havent had hair on my head that was past my shoulders...the curl over processed my hair and i had to cut it all off...then at 15 i went and got a relaxer..the longest that ive had my hair is to my shoulders...i just started learning how to care for a relaxer and here i am 28...and still dont have hair where i want it to be...its been a constant battle with coloring, cutting, breakage, chemicals, weaves, braids etc...i think im determined enough to stick it out...because i was determined enough to get a healthy head full of good hair compared to what i had last year to this year i think i did a wonderful im making my next step...ive thought about this in the past but never stuck with it....

im not going to BC but i will along the way will be trimming the relaxer part off as i gain growth....

during my transition im planning to continue on with my normal routine of wearing protective styles of wigs...and maybe getting micros well small braids with human hair...i dont want to really go into getting sewin weaves because i worry about the thread breaking my hair and getting braids because im limited with styles but i may go back into getting braids not sure yet because then i could do the C&G method...

does anyone have any good book recommendations that i could read to help me go thru my process? i hate the fact that most of the magazines that i go thru dont have any natural hair sections or just a few pages and some of the hairstyles i would never in this world thinking about....

In the future i may investigate into going with a texturizer or seeking out a natural salon that can perform and give me the same effect of Silkener...but for right now im set on this....

my last relaxer was back in mid-November....
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Congratz on your decision!! You know you can always come here for support in your transition. Good luck!!
You know we got your back through the good and the bad. Congrats on your decision feel free to pm me with any questions.
thank you ladies...i know i am always looking at the Hair forums(LHCF and BHM, and for inspiration and to keep me going...
bluediamond0829 said:
Ive actually made the decision on going natural and transitioning....

heres a short story..and its probably alot like alot of peoples story but i started getting chemicals when i was 12 years old...from then i havent had hair on my head that was past my shoulders...the curl over processed my hair and i had to cut it all off...then at 15 i went and got a relaxer..the longest that ive had my hair is to my shoulders...i just started learning how to care for a relaxer and here i am 28...and still dont have hair where i want it to be...its been a constant battle with coloring, cutting, breakage, chemicals, weaves, braids etc...i think im determined enough to stick it out...because i was determined enough to get a healthy head full of good hair compared to what i had last year to this year i think i did a wonderful im making my next step...ive thought about this in the past but never stuck with it....

im not going to BC but i will along the way will be trimming the relaxer part off as i gain growth....

during my transition im planning to continue on with my normal routine of wearing protective styles of wigs...and maybe getting micros well small braids with human hair...i dont want to really go into getting sewin weaves because i worry about the thread breaking my hair and getting braids because im limited with styles but i may go back into getting braids not sure yet because then i could do the C&G method...

does anyone have any good book recommendations that i could read to help me go thru my process? i hate the fact that most of the magazines that i go thru dont have any natural hair sections or just a few pages and some of the hairstyles i would never in this world thinking about....

In the future i may investigate into going with a texturizer or seeking out a natural salon that can perform and give me the same effect of Silkener...but for right now im set on this....

my last relaxer was back in mid-November....

Henna would help you through the process. It will smooth down the natural hairs until it is grown out AND it is natural. It also gives a slight looser curl because of the smoothing....and you get conditioning to boot. So your whole naturla head will be stronger and shinier.
Congrats on your decision!!! :weird: Like you, my hair has been relaxed since I was 12 and I am excited about transitioning!
thank you ladies so much for the support...

thanks ThursdayGirl i will look into getting that book....i was trying to find some books this weekend to read about Natural hair and transitioning...and found them very unfulfilling(especially Shamboosies ugh sometimes he urks me with his thoughts)... know i ordered some Henna and have yet to order it...i was just about to throw it out because i was trying to get rid of products and figured i would never use it...but now that you said that i will give it a try and keep that in mind...
Hey There Everyone!!

I am transitioning also and am wondering what kind of henna I should purchase?

What in the henna makes hair "behave" so well?

Thanks for all advice!
I understand your reasons. You can do it.

It is a component called the "tannins" in the henna that makes the diff. and the protein.
Congrats on your decision :clap:

We can do it together if you want, since we both started our transitioning around the same time. Feel free to contact me for support, and I'll definitely reach out to you as well :)

Good luck!!

SouthernGirl said:
Congrats on your decision :clap:

We can do it together if you want, since we both started our transitioning around the same time. Feel free to contact me for support, and I'll definitely reach out to you as well :)

Good luck!!


Thank you SG...i did see ur earlier thread also about going natural and that was very inspriational and yes we can do it together and be each others support...becuz girl im not even going to pretend that there arent going to be times when i'll be thinking about going back to relaxing....especially if my hair lengthens out...or is hard to come lol :) or im going to come with the poor behind excuse about my hair thickening and lengthening and wanting to see how long it is lol...i know all my excuses before they come...but i know we can do it...i think it'll probably take at least a year for the complete transition...

Good luck!!!
congrats on your decison. being natural has made my life so much easier - i don't really worry about breakage or shedding anymore and styling/washing is sooo much fun. i love conditioning my hair every day.

after i bc'd though i had a rough time. it took a while to get used to the length but now i love it. i don't have to depend on stylists anymore which saves soooooo much money. my hair had never grown past my shoulders either in my whole life. i have been natural for about 2 years (counting my transition) and i am approaching arm pit in that short amount of time.
Thanks both are such a big inspiration....

InFinePrint thats what i mean about ive always had hair but it wasnt any longer than shoulder length you are truly an inspiration because u have proven that natural hair can be still long and healthy....

im checking into gettin a book today about the upkeep and taking care of healthy hair...i like to have something at my side or something i can reach for when im not able to get to LHCF....
Congradulations on your decision. I'm sure that you will not regret it. I have been natural for 3.5 years now. It is challenging at times but we are for support. Take care.
hey girl. Congrads on your decision!!!

I too am going natural. I'm 3 months post relaxer. Let's do this together.

I'm currently wearing "box" braids and will keep these in until late Jan 07. I plan to wait a month in between my braids. I'm getting them a little bit larger next time. But I'd like to wear braids or a wig during the first 12 months of my transition.

Oh by the way: I wouldn't get micro braids if I were you. You should get some larger ones to protect your hair

I never knew that Henna did all that :confused: I just thought it was hair dye. Will someone please let me know if it "is" hair dye. I'm preggie and don't plan to use any color or chemicals during this time.

I think the Dominican salon's cater to naturals. I'm going to try one for a blow out when I get about 6 months of new growth.

PM me if you want.
MrsHouston said:
hey girl. Congrads on your decision!!!

I too am going natural. I'm 3 months post relaxer. Let's do this together.

I'm currently wearing "box" braids and will keep these in until late Jan 07. I plan to wait a month in between my braids. I'm getting them a little bit larger next time. But I'd like to wear braids or a wig during the first 12 months of my transition.

Oh by the way: I wouldn't get micro braids if I were you. You should get some larger ones to protect your hair

I never knew that Henna did all that :confused: I just thought it was hair dye. Will someone please let me know if it "is" hair dye. I'm preggie and don't plan to use any color or chemicals during this time.

I think the Dominican salon's cater to naturals. I'm going to try one for a blow out when I get about 6 months of new growth.

PM me if you want.

yes lets all do it together SG, u and I anyone else that is in on it...we need as much support as possible....

no i dont get my micros that small...they are usually larger then what are considered to be micros...
Congratulations on your decision to go natural!!!

I don't know of any books or magazines with advice on transitioning but there is a WEALTH OF INFORMATION HERE ON LHCF!!! :yep:

If you want to try transitioning long-term without big-chopping, do some post searches on Peachtree and hairlove...check out their albums too. I know there's more who had long transitions, I just can't think of them right now.

Hang in there! and Happy Hair Growing! ;)
congrats on your choice. I would say that it's not so much of a book that will help you, but what you are already doing. YOU are learning to take care of your hair and that's what you will need. I have done braiding for over 12 yrs. As long as the area round your crown isn't too tight and you let your hair breath every 4-6 weeks (deep conditioning, doing your protein tx, taking your vitamins, and drinking your water) you will be fine. The most important thing to do is learing how to work w/ your hair while it's out. doing twistouts/braidouts, finding out what products your new growth and permed hair like, you will be just fine. I know that mkstarr,afashionslave, and many others have some wonderful albums that were of help and encouragement to me. there's also where they have a transitioner's section, and on-line albums for additional support and inspiration. I wish you many blessings on your new choice and you know that we all are here for you in anything that you may need as well! Good luck!
Congrats on your decision! :bdance: When I started transitioning I couldn't wait for my hair to grow out. I used to check my new growth almost every day. But trust me, your hair will grow out in no time. Just make sure you don't do what I did. Your natural hair may be able to take more abuse, but it still needs to be taken care of!
Congrats on your decision. Someone might have already mentioned this but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get micros. I've never personally gotten them but I've been around a few braid shops in my day and the hair does NOT look good when those things come out.

I met a hairstylist one day who was getting micros at the nape of her neck and she was planning to put tracks in the rest of her hair. It actually seemed like a pretty good idea for a style. She told me that she wasn't going to get the micros around her hairline because the last time she did, they took her hair out.

I'd recommend box braids if you're going to get them. Skillful braiders can make them small enough to mimic micros without all the glue and stuff. I never had breakage with box braids. Also, if you get braids, when they do your hairline, press against the base of the braid with your finger so there's less tension.

Happy hair growing ;-)