I'm going Natural Y'all


Well-Known Member
My hair journey has been long and arduous and I've come to the decision that my relaxed hair will never reach its full potential, therefore, I've cut off all the relaxed hair from the back of my head, and will cut off the front when it grows a bit longer.

Moreover, I know now that I want to know what my real hair texture is. Is it wavy, extra curly, coarse, fine, who knows because I've never gave it a chance. I'm very confident that I'll be more successful growing healthy natural hair. The products are out there so its now or never. Wish me luck everyone

I am officially 1 year post today and couldn't be more proud. My texlaxed hair was awesome, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking foward to experiencing my natural hair again.
CONGRATS!:happydance: I am officially 1 year post today and couldn't be more proud. My texlaxed hair was awesome, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking foward to experiencing my natural hair again.
Congrats, Girl! Your hair is so beautiful. I want to be just like you when I grow up! I'm right behind you...well maybe not right behind you, I'm only 9 and 1/2 months. Getting my summertime twist outs on.
Congrats transitioning can be challenging and chopping can make you feel awkward but once you ride it out it will be well worth it! Remember there's a learning curve with learning your hair and it will take time cause we have spent a huge chunk of our lives relaxed.
Congrats on your decision! My hair is the longest and healthiest it's ever been and I don't think it would've been possible for me if I was still getting relaxers.
Please using this thread to keep us updated on your natural journeys.
Will do.

Once it starts to grow in I'll post pictures. Right now, I'm embarrassed because for someone who my mother says "worship their hair" it's not saying much.

I want to thank a young lady I saw on youtube, Shlinda1, she inspired me to go natural. One minute I saw her with long, healthy looking relaxed hair, pissed offf at one point because it got tangled bad, then another minute she chopped the whole thing off. I was like "wat happened". Then it dawn on me, if she is willing to chop off her long hair then she might be onto something.