I'm Giving Away My Henna FREE


Well-Known Member
(Hope its okay to post this here, mods)

As you guys know, i loooved to Henna my hair. As a fine-haired gal it did wonders to thicken the strands, and also gave it a nice, silky shine. But alas, i no longer have time for the whole process, with the new babe and all. :spinning: So..... Im having a little "contest" on my blog to give away all these remaining boxes. Wanted to tell my hair girls about it first.

Very simple.... just leave a comment on my post with your funniest hair story (super short, just a few sentences). Then im gonna pick 3 random ladies to give some Jamilla Henna too. :drunk: Here's the link:


My baby blog is still relatively new, so I'd love for you to come by and visit sometime, regardless of your interest in Henna. :grin:
I hope folks participate in my lil contest! I dont wanna waste all this dern henna, so figured id start with the ladies who i knew would appreciate it most! :lol:
I left a story and your baby is just adorable! I have a Chase too. His name is Chancellor and we call him Chase.
I'm participating Kinikakes. Thanks for the contest, even if I don't win.

So, here it goes:
I've been on this forum since 2006 and my hair has fallen off and broken out from the different bandwagons that I've tried. I won't mention any of them as I don't want to discourage anyone.

Here I am recovering from the last bandwagon (please Lord) and my alreay thin hair had the nerve to thin out from the shedding/breakage. I need something to thicken up my strands and I'd like to try henna again. This time I want it to be more moisturizing.

Thing is, I just don't know alot about henna. My hair is dyed black, but I know there has to be a henna that won't turn my hair red, but will instead just strengthen it.

It's all a learning process.

Squeeze baby for us!!
your hair is gorgeous! i checked out your blog very informative about henna, i will be visiting again.
Thanks girls!!!!! :grin:

Yodie, i just posted your story for you. Omg, i loooove the stories that are coming in! You guys have me cracking up over here. :lol: Thanks so much for participating!!!! :yep: